[Romanian To English] Voltaj - Noapte Buna

Thread: [Romanian To English] Voltaj - Noapte Buna

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  1. precious-angel said:

    Default [Romanian To English] Voltaj - Noapte Buna

    Hi, hi!

    I'm trying to learn Romanian (it's a beautiful language!)..
    And I really like Voltaj! I tried to translate this song, and as you can see...
    I'm not doing a very good job, since I only know a few words!
    I would really appreciate it if someone would give me the exact translation (so I could learn from it) and the translation in normal English.. And if not just regular English would be nice too!

    Thanks in advantage!

    Noapte Buna - Good Night

    Lasa lumea sa zica ce vrea
    N-o mai crede, asculta-ti inima
    believe.. your heart
    Stii prea bine, numai tie ti-as da
    I know very well, only you..
    Jumatate din perna mea.
    Half in.. me

    Poti sa taci, eu stiu bine ce zici
    I know that you know.. good
    Stiu ce simti chiar de nu esti aici
    You know.. not here
    Si adorm asa langa inima ta.
    Daca unii-ti spun ca te mint
    Tell a lie?
    Tu nu-i crezi fiindca stii tot ce simt
    Si adormi asa langa inima mea.
    In my heart

    Lasa lumea sa zica ce vrea
    N-o mai crede, asculta-ti inima
    Stii prea bine, numai tie ti-as da
    Jumatate din perna mea

    Daca o noapte as fi plecat
    Dimineata as stii ce-ai visat
    Si adorm asa langa inima ta
    Nu e munte sa nu-l poti urca
    Cand te tii strans de mana mea
    When.. me
    Si adormi asa langa inīma mea
    in my heart

    Lasa lumea sa zica ce vrea
    N-o mai crede, asculta-ti inima
    Stii prea bine, numai tie ti-as da
    Jumatate din perna mea.
  2. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    I'm very glad you like Romanian. I give you the translation in 5 minutes. I like Voltaj too
    Πάρε φιλιά, πάρε καρδιά και μη νοιαστείς για μένα.
    Πάρε ό,τι ζει κι άσε με εκεί
    μόνο στο τίποτα...
  3. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    Noapte buna
    Good night

    Lasa lumea sa zica ce vrea
    Let the world to say whatever it wants
    N-o mai crede, asculta-ti inima
    Don't believe it, listen your heart
    Stii prea bine, numai tie ti-as da
    You know the best, I'd give only you
    Jumatate din perna mea.
    Half of my pillow

    Poti sa taci, eu stiu bine ce zici
    You can hush, I know very well you say
    Stiu ce simti, chiar de nu esti aici
    I know what you feel, even if you're not here
    Si adorm asa, langa inima ta
    And I fall asleep, near to your heart
    Daca unii iti spun ca te mint
    If the others tell you that I lie to you
    Tu nu-i crezi fiindca stii tot ce simt
    You don't believe them because you know what I feel
    Si adormi asa, langa inima mea.
    And you fall asleep, near to my heart

    Lasa lumea sa zica ce vrea
    Let the world to say whatever it wants
    N-o mai crede, asculta-ti inima
    Don't believe it, listen your heart
    Stii prea bine, numai tie ti-as da
    You know the best, only you I'd give you
    Jumatate din perna mea.
    Half of my pillow

    Daca o noapte as fi plecat
    If I'd be gone for a night
    Dimineata as sti ce-ai visat
    In the morning I'd knew what you dreamed
    Si adorm asa, langa inima ta
    And I fall asleep, near to your heart
    Nu e munte sa nu il poti urca
    It's not mountain to cannot be reached
    Cand te tii strans de mana mea
    When you're holding tight on my hand
    Si adormi asa, langa inima mea.
    And you fall asleep , near to my heart

    Enjoy them.
    For any help post here in Romanian translations and I'll help you
    Ai grija de tine (take care of you)
    Πάρε φιλιά, πάρε καρδιά και μη νοιαστείς για μένα.
    Πάρε ό,τι ζει κι άσε με εκεί
    μόνο στο τίποτα...
  4. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    Well Precious Angel, since you're beginner in Romanian you've done a great job. It's hard to learn Romanian, not impossible; keep it like that and you'll be able to reach what you want. We have here even Romanian Lessons.
    Πάρε φιλιά, πάρε καρδιά και μη νοιαστείς για μένα.
    Πάρε ό,τι ζει κι άσε με εκεί
    μόνο στο τίποτα...
  5. precious-angel said:


    Thank you very much Sosollikos! I really appreciated it =)!
    I'll check out the lessons :-D!
  6. mister Xazos's Avatar

    mister Xazos said:


    you're welcome
    Πάρε φιλιά, πάρε καρδιά και μη νοιαστείς για μένα.
    Πάρε ό,τι ζει κι άσε με εκεί
    μόνο στο τίποτα...