Swedish to English

Thread: Swedish to English

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  1. Sparwen said:


    Självdestruktivitetens Emissarie
    (Self destructions emissary)

    Weak, maladjusted children, let yourselves be led into the hibernation of despair
    Distance breeds perfection (perfection breeds distance...)
    Fellowship, love and family - that is what the wh*re has cheated you of
    A warm irresistable joy - no promises ever kept
    But here in my bosom you are safe
    Here...in the shiny reflection of the cutting edge
    Here...where i with open arms welcome you!

    I Och Med Insikt Skall Du Förgå

    It is cold here in these wastelands
    vacuumpackaged desperation, it will probably get colder
    You started out empty handed, consist with less that that
    Teel me my friend: Are you pleased?
    So now stare down into the pitch black emptiness you call future:
    Let yourself see, let it happen...

    Någonting Är Jävligt Fel
    (Something is really wrong)

    No course (medication) can heal the non existant disease I carry
    A cancer tumour of obsessive-compulsive disorders, violent but with great precision
    Constructed to worsen my pain at any cost
    Shining, pulsating torment, refined in mind, flesh and soul
    To welcome, cherish and to love

    Yttligare Ett Steg Närmare Total Jävla Utfrysning
    (Yet a step closer to total f***ing ostracism)

    Anew to the darkness
    Right behind the bitter sweet taste of loss

    Never, never again shall I deny my destiny
    Never, never again shall I strive for a calmness

    I lothe all life that surrounds me
    The poisoned f***ing air I am forced to breathe

    Through day and night I beg
    In a prair
    For lifes decay
    For lifes decay

    Låt Oss Ta Allt Från Varandra
    (Let us take everything from each other)

    Let us take everything from each other
    Let us take everything from ourselves
    Let the poles work and emit cold filth
    Steal from me the divine spark
    Kick the happy smile off my disgusting visage
    And let the steel be buried in the billowing flesh
    That on this earth wander in lousy nothingness
    With a sterile look on life and all within
    We wait devotionally for the sacred hangman (executioner)
    He who inexorably approaches to execute his signed mission
    My decree was sentenced early and without mercy
    And the decree shall also fall upon you who is without faith
    Even more merciless and wrathful
    In this my shadow finds consolation and sadistic joy
    That we all shall be fondled by the tender love of the flames
    For eternity, amen
    Let him take everything from you

    Besvikelsens Dystra Monotoni
    (The dreary monotony of dissapointment)

    Endless ???landscapes
    Before me, behind me, around me
    Anguish thousandfold

    Friends to foes
    Love to hate
    Admiration to loathing
    Joy to sorrow

    Translation of the song titles are in parenthesis below the swedish titles.
    They use very unusual language in their lyrics (kind of like in poems), and my english is not very good, so the translations probably contain some grammatical errors but you somewhat understand what the lyrics are.
  2. Cypher said:


    Thanks A Lot!!!
  3. TheFox said:


    good translation!
  4. Leviathan said:

