Asking Hillsong song

Thread: Asking Hillsong song

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  1. Onank said:

    Red face Asking Hillsong song

    I would like to have Hillsong choirs text version.Specially ANGEL OF THE LORD song.Can any body help me???
  2. Luke of Metal said:



    The Lord’s my Shepherd, I have everything I need.
    Mercy and love follow me.
    Though I walk through the dark valley of death, I will
    Not be afraid for He’s here.

    The Lord’s my refuge, no evil can come near me,
    Dwelling in His secret place.
    I put my trust in Him, He is my shield, I will
    Let His peace rule in my heart.

    Surely, the Angel of the Lord is around me.
    I have no cause to fear, my God will not forsake me.
    I am my Father's child, no enemy can touch me.
    I will not die but live, to tell what He has done.

    He has ransomed me, He gave me all authority,
    Power, love and a sound mind.
    Strong in the Lord and the power of His might, I will
    Put on His armour and stand.

    I found them, amazingly enough, by putting 'angel of the lord lyrics' into google