your serbian\bosnian\ lovesongs

Thread: your serbian\bosnian\ lovesongs

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  1. Greshopa said:

    Default your serbian\bosnian\ lovesongs

    list up your top 5 lovesong=)
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:
  3. lucia9 said:


    please, could you translate this songs for me? at least some...they are nice!!
  4. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    I'm in a big hurry,this translation is not so good...I'll correct it when I come back.It's enough for you to understand this great song.

    Oprosti sto je ljubavna
    Forgive me cause it's a love song

    Sivo jutro opet sam sam
    Gray morning,I'm alone again
    dusa moja naceta
    my soul is commenced
    tamo gdje si zagrizla
    there where you bit it

    Sivo jutro dobro znam
    Gray morning,I know well
    kad nekog izgubis
    when you lose someone
    onda nema povratka
    there's no return

    Pjesma za tebe jedina
    (This is) Only song (written) for you
    oprosti sto je ljubavna
    forgive me cause it's a love song
    oprosti sto je ljubavna
    forgive me cause it's a love song

    Jer ja bi sve da dam
    Cause I would give everything
    cak i onda kada ne trebam
    even when I don't need to
    u rijeci sve da ubjedim te
    to convince you in all words
    oprosti sto jos uvijek volim te
    forgive me cause I still love you

    Sivo jutro opet sam sam
    Gray morning I'm alone again
    ne nalazim svoj mir
    I'm not finding my peace
    kao vuk sto trazi spas
    like the wolf who is looking for salvation

    Sivo jutro dobro znam
    Gray morning,I know well
    i kad prodje ovaj ludi pir
    when this crazy party passes
    nece biti ni nas
    there wont be us neither



    Jer ja bi sve da dam
    Cause I would give everything
    cak i onda kada ne trebam
    even when I don't need to
    u rijeci sve da ubjedim te
    to convince you in all words
    oprosti sto jos uvijek volim te
    forgive me cause I still love you
    Last edited by angeliki_sr; 11-13-2007 at 02:56 AM.
    ...το κορίτσι της ντίσκο...
  5. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Crvena Jabuka & Kemal Monteno - Nekako s proljeća is already translated/Here:
    post #11
    what a song.............................................. ..<3
    ...το κορίτσι της ντίσκο...
  6. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Ti si mi u krvi
    You're in my blood

    Pogledom me miluje
    She cuddles me with her look
    k'o da me dodiruje
    like she's touching me
    i svaki put
    and every time
    kao da je prvi
    like for the first time
    Ja stalno mislim prestat ce
    I always think she'll stop
    iz cista mira nestat ce
    she'll disappear for no reason
    al' pozuda ne prestaje
    but the lust is not stopping
    ti si mi u krvi
    you're in my blood

    Toliko dugih godina
    So many long years
    uzimanja, davanja
    ostajem posljednji i prvi
    I'm staying the first and the last one
    Zbog tebe sanjam Cigane
    I'm dreaming gypsies because of you
    i smisljam slatke prevare
    and I plan sweet trickeries
    al' djavo se ne predaje
    but the devil is not surrendering
    ti si mi u krvi
    you're in my blood

    I ako te odvedu
    And if take you away
    Cigani cergari
    gypsies "cergars" *
    ili te ukradu strasni haremski cuvari
    or almighty guards of harem steal you
    Ako te odvedu
    If they take you away
    ja cu da poludim
    I will go crazy
    bez tebe ne umijem vise jutrom da se budim
    I can't wake up in the morning without you

    Ako te odvedu
    If they take you away
    sve ce da se srusi
    all will brake down
    Pamti me k'o prijatelja, cuvaj me u dusi
    Remember me as a friend,keep me in your soul
    i onda
    even then
    kad mislis da je prekasno za snove
    when you think it's late for dreams
    za sve
    for everything

    Toliko dugih godina...
    So many long years...

    I ako te odvedu...
    And if they take you away...

    *I'm laughing to my own translation.Hahaha But really,how can I translate "cigani cergari"??

    Awwwwwwwwwwww,what a song...again...
    ...το κορίτσι της ντίσκο...
  7. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    hm.. čerga means gypsy tent so, čergari would literally mean gypsies living in tents
    But I think we can translate cigani čergari as:
    Gypsy wanderers

    good link angeliki ! cause, there's already a lot of beautiful songs there
  8. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default Đorđe Balašević ~ English Lyrics

    D - MOLL

    Odlutas ponekad i sanjam sam;
    priznajem ne ide, ali pokusavam
    i uvek dodje, d-mol.

    Spusti se k’o lopov po zicama,
    ruke mi napuni tvojim sitnicama;
    i tesko prodje, sve to.

    Jedan d-mol me dobije,
    kako odes ti - u sobi je;
    glupi d-mol, uvek sazna kad je to.

    Uhvati me cvrsto i ne popusta;
    lud je za tisinom, to ne propusta.
    Vodi me u svoj plavicasti dom.

    Jedan d-mol, me razvali;
    neki bi to prosto- tugom nazvali.
    Nije to. Sta je tuga za d-mol?

    Ponekad te nema i sasvim sam,
    izmisljam nacin da malo smuvam dan;
    ali je lukav d-mol!

    Pusti da se svetla svud priguse;
    saceka poslednje zvezde namiguse;
    vuce mi rukav, idemo.

    Plasi me on; gde si ti?
    Hiljadu se stvari moglo desiti;
    glupi d-mol, za kim tugujem svu noc.

    Uzme me u svoju tamnu kociju,
    nebo primi boju tvojih ociju;
    znam taj put, to je precica za bol.

    Jedan d-mol, me razvali;
    neki bi to prosto tugom nazvali.
    Nije to, sta je tuga za d-mol?

    Ostala je knjiga sa par neprocitanih strana;
    i neke stvarcice od Herendi porcelana;
    i jedan pulover u kom si bila...

    I ostala je ploca Best of Ry Cooder;
    i fina mala plava kutijica za puder;
    i ja sam te ostao zeljan, dok me bude,
    moja mila…..

    ENG ~ D-mol

    You wander away sometimes and I dream alone
    I admit it's not working, but I'm trying
    and it always comes, d-mol

    Gets down like a thief on wires,
    fills my hands with your thingies
    and hardly passes, all that.

    A d-mol gets to me,
    when you leave - he's in the room
    stupid d-mol, always finds out when is that

    It grabs me firmly and doesn't let go
    he is crazy about silence, doesn't miss it
    Takes me to its blueish home.

    A d-mol, hits me
    some would simply call it sorrow
    That's not it. What is sorrow for d-mol?

    Sometimes you're not around and all alone
    I'm finding ways how to trick the day a bit
    but d-mol is cunning

    Lets all lights go dim
    waits for the last jilt stars
    pulls my sleeve, lets go.

    He scares me; where are you?
    thousands of things might have happened
    stupid d-mol, who am I grieving for all night

    Takes me into its dark carriage
    the sky gets the color of your eyes
    I know the road, it's a shortcut to pain

    A d-mol, hits me
    some would simply call it sorrow
    That's not it. What is sorrow for d-mol?

    There remained a book with couple unread pages
    and some things made of Herendi porcelain
    and one pullover that you wore...

    And there remained a record Best of Ry Cooder;
    and a fine small powder box
    and I remained yearning for you, until I live,
    my dear...

    Lepa protina kći

    Jos sam bio sasvim mlad
    neke barske ptice sam lovio tad,
    kad je dosla da se kupa
    lepa protina kci.

    Nije znala gde sam ja
    da je gledam krisom kroz trsku i sas.
    Preko reke noc je pala
    kao plast.

    I mesec bdije nad vrbakom,
    srebri nebom zvezda roj,
    a kapi vode kao biseri
    koji blistaju svud po njoj.

    O srce ludo, ludi sni,
    vec se moji drugovi momcili svi,
    a ja sam hteo samo jednu
    lepu protinu kci.

    Cudnom pesmom, zvoni drum,
    te su zime svatovi dosli po nju,
    izdaleka, neki svet
    za mene tudj.

    I bas sam prosao sokakom,
    padao je prvi sneg.
    I jos ponekad zazvone praporci
    sto me odnose ko zna gde.

    Da se zenim imam kad,
    ja sam eto, ostao momak do sad
    i nikad vise nisam sreo
    lepu protinu kci.

    Jedan zivot miran, tih,
    nekad bacim kartu il' napisem stih,
    stvari teku
    ja se drzim izvan njih.

    I ljubim dobre, ljubim lake
    neke prave, a neke ne,
    i sve su vile, ma sve su kraljice,
    i sve su nevazne naspram nje.

    ENG ~ The Beautiful Priest's Daughter

    I was still very young
    hunted some bog birds at the time,
    when she came to bathe
    the beautiful priest's daughter

    She didn't know where I was
    that I watched her stealthily through reed and sedge
    Night fell over the river
    like a cloak

    And the moon watches over willow field
    swarm of stars silvers in the sky
    and water droplets like pearls
    that shine all over her

    Oh crazy heart, crazy dreams,
    all my friends had already had girlfriends
    but I wanted only one
    the beatuful priest's daughter

    Odd song rings on the road
    that winder, wedding crowd came for her
    from far away, some people
    strange to me

    And I just walked down the street,
    the first snow was falling
    And still sometimes bells jingle
    that take me who knows where

    To get married I have time
    So I stayed bachelor till now
    and I never saw again
    the beautiful priest's daughter

    One life peaceful, quiet
    I sometimes throw cards or write a verse
    life goes on
    I stay out of it

    And I kiss good ones, easy ones,
    some right ones, some not
    and they are all fairies, well they are all queens
    and they are all irrelevant compared to her
  9. lucia9 said:


    Thank You Very Much Angeliki Sr And Spring!:d
  10. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    My pleasure! If there is any other song you would like translated, just shout!
  11. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    Haha krades fore
    zjb se...........
    Lucia,I enjoyed translating these songs...Anytime you need it
    ...το κορίτσι της ντίσκο...
  12. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    koje fore ?

    btw, I forgot to mention (maybe not needed but still.. lol) - unlike Catholic priests, Orthodox priests have wives and children so.. a song about a priest's daughter is not that fictional
  13. angeliki_sr's Avatar

    angeliki_sr said:


    nah,bre zjb se ja malo.Svuda pisem-If you need something just scream, pa rekoh ti me sledis...
    ...το κορίτσι της ντίσκο...
  14. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Just something to add...

    chergar = nomad
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!
  15. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    well i didnt search for cergar.. but meaning for čerga in vujaklija is = ciganski sator
  16. Adrienne's Avatar

    Adrienne said:


    Hehe yes my dear, I know...
    But in this case you could translate it like nomad gypsies, or as you said gypsy wanderers
    Estava escrito assim
    Eu em vocę, vocę em mim
    Eu te encontrei
    Meu grande amor..

    Da li cu ikad moci da sklopim oci a da tebe nema..?

    Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam!
    בועז, תתחתן איתי!