
Thread: Bajaga

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  1. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    That's a very good question...

    Cmok is like the English "kiss(es)". It doesn't literally mean a kiss but more like making the kissing sound (if you know what I mean)
    Poljubim te sounds like a part of a sentence so, unlike the other two, can't be used separately. It means something like "I kiss you". E.g. "poljubim te i ti se rastopis" (I kiss you and you melt )
    (po)ljubiti = to kiss
    Ljubim te is used to end a conversation and although I suppose some people might use it casually, I'd say, even though its literal translation is "I'm kissing you", it has a bigger meaning than that, i.e. it means "I love you" (often used in poetry and probably derived from "ljubav"= love). Most likely, it's something like "Love ya" (easier to say than "Volim te"=I love you).
    Ljubim te doesn't have to mean romantic love, you can also say that to your mother, sister...
  2. chachalie said:


    Thank you so much
  3. chachalie said:


    which one do you recommend? :P which one is most used in Serbia?
  4. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Depends on what you want to say (express) and in which situation you want to use it.
    I am not a fan of the cmok thing and would always rather use 'x' instead (even when chatting in Serbian) or, to end a conversation or a letter, you can write "šaljem ti poljupce" (Im sending you kisses). If you however want to 'send' more than kisses, than I'd go with "ljubim te". Unless if you want to make a statement. Then say - Volim te
    If I confused you even more... you can PM me and we will find the right one
  5. chachalie said:


    You really helped me, thanx alot I liked: 'šaljem ti poljupce', it sounded so cute

    Hvala, šaljem ti poljupce
  6. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Nema na cemu!
  7. Mimi0920's Avatar

    Mimi0920 said:


    Pleeeeease translate this one too

    Gde si

    Stotine kilometara daleko od mene
    il' prostim jezikom, sa one strane reke
    gde nocu gore duse, planine i kuce
    i neke svetiljke sad toliko daleke

    Hiljadu krikova i iscrtkanih slika
    hiljadu uzasa i strahova u noci
    hiljadu stvari o kojim ne zelis da pricas
    hiljadu onih o kojim neces moci

    Ref. 2x
    Gde si, Boze, gde si
    crni se dani redjaju u nizu
    sta jos da se desi
    tako daleko, a tako, tako blizu

    Sada je neko drugacije doba
    i pevaju se neke druge pesme
    na kraju veka razlupala se slika
    i nista vise isto biti ne sme

    Sve one ulice sto poznavao sam dobro
    niz koje ove noci niko nece proci
    svi oni ljudi koje voleo sam mnogo
    a videti ih vise nikad necu moci


    Za jedan dan desilo se trista
    ova glava vise nikad nece biti ista

  8. Mimi0920's Avatar

    Mimi0920 said:


  9. Eudaimon said:


    (Nice to come across the entire Bajaga thread; I had a period of being a big addict of his )

    Hundreds kilometers away from me,
    Or, in simple phrase, on the opposite side of the river,
    Where souls, mountains and houses burn at night,
    And also some lights so far away (?).

    A thousand screams and thrown away(?) photos,
    A thousand horrors and fears in the night,
    A thousand things you don't want to speak about,
    A thousand things you can't stand to.

    Where are you, my God, where are you?
    Black days are aligning themselves down there.
    What is yet to happen
    So far away, but so, so close? (don't understand the last two strings tbh, probably I'm being wrong)

    It's some different times now,
    And some different songs are sung,
    The photo broke in the end of the century
    And nothing more dares to be real.

    (Not) all these streets I knew so well
    Along which nobody can go this night,
    (Not) all these people I used to love so much
    And whom I can't stand to see anymore.


    Three hundred days have passed in one.
    This head will nevermore be real.
    Last edited by Eudaimon; 02-24-2011 at 01:31 PM.
  10. Mimi0920's Avatar

    Mimi0920 said:


    Thanks a million!!! I guess I'm in the middle of this period of addiction right now
  11. Eudaimon said:


    Got difficulties with those "neke svetiljke sad toliko daleke", editing it hundred times a minute, but well, let it stay as it is now. Somebody could always correct it.
  12. Citycat's Avatar

    Citycat said:


    Quote Originally Posted by RwO View Post
    Can anyone translate this? And what does 442 stands for? Is it a road or someting?Thanks!
    442 stands for the number of kilometers which separate him from Belgrade.

    Since nobody has tried to translate the song, I'll give it a shot.

    Ja imam krvotok ko od benzina
    I've got blood circulation like petrol*
    pred mojim ocima ravan put
    a straight road (is) in front of my eyes
    ovo je zestoka masina
    this is an ardent machine
    nebo mastilo, mesec zut
    the sky ink, the moon yellow

    Nisam blesav da brojim zvezde
    I'm not silly to count the stars
    brojim znake i linije
    I'm counting signs and lines
    psi laju na karavane
    the dogs bark at caravans
    a karavani prolaze
    but the caravans move on

    Ref./ Chorus
    Kao tanak snar susti prasina
    Like a thin snar (type of drum) the dust is rustling
    442 do Beograda
    442 to Belgrade
    gume skripe bluz kilometara
    the tires are squealing
    442 do Beograda
    442 to Belgrade

    Mozak radi na kiseonik
    The brain works on oxygen
    ljubav okrece tockove
    Love is turning the wheels
    motor svetli ko svetionik
    The engine is beaming like a lighthouse
    brzina skida okove
    The speed is stripping off the strakes

    *This means he's been traveling for so long that he feels like he's got petrol/gas in his bloodstream instead of blood.
  13. Citycat's Avatar

    Citycat said:


    Got difficulties with those "neke svetiljke sad toliko daleke", editing it hundred times a minute, but well, let it stay as it is now. Somebody could always correct it.
    Your translation of those lines seems fine to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaimon View Post

    A thousand screams and thrown away(?) photos,
    I don't think "iscrtkan" is thrown away. I think he means "broken" or "dashed". He's singing about the wars during the 90s. These "pictures" are mental pictures of horrible things. They're broken/dashed cos there are too many of them in his head, too many bad things regarding wars, inflation, corruption and whatnot happened, and they keep on popping out to his conscience randomly. He sings "dashed" to emphasize he's not looking at the real pictures, but is overloaded with mental pictures instead.

    Quote Originally Posted by Eudaimon View Post
    So far away, but so, so close? (don't understand the last two strings tbh, probably I'm being wrong)
    You translated it well. The singer wonders what other horrific thing has to happen to Serbia in order for God to come and save it. He says "so far away" cos no civil war was actually fought on Serbian territory, "but so close" cos Serbia was in war with Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia". Stupid politics and wars

  14. djoxy said:


    LJubim te means lets say I kiss you or i am kissing you! For example : I am kissing you now! OK! So, it is a verb phrase. And poljubac is a noun : Give me a kiss > Daj mi POLJUBAC. POLJUBIM TE doesn't have the same meaning in context. It is used differently but it also means i kiss you
  15. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Well hello djoxy!
    2 years old story - click
  16. djoxy said:


    I just saw the question ...sorry about that...didn see the date ))