Selim Salihovic---Mogul Hanko!

Thread: Selim Salihovic---Mogul Hanko!

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  1. Zapata said:

    Default Selim Salihovic---Mogul Hanko!

    Mogu lī,Hanko nociti, mogu līduso nocit?
    Mores, bolan ,bog tīubio,ima dosta do noci
    Mores ici i kuci
    Mogul Hanko nociti, mogul duso nociti?
    Prostrite mu na cardak.
    Nemoj Hanko bogati ,cardak ce se skrhati,
    mene mladog ubiti,steta, Hanko bogami.
    Mogul Hanko nociti,mogul duso nociti?
    Prostrite mu kraj vatre.
    Nemoj, Hanko bogati, ziza ce se sluciti,
    pa ce mene spuriti,steta Hanko bogami.
    Mogul Hanko nociti,mogul duso nociti?
    Prostrite mu kraj mene.
    Tako Hanko bogati
    Ja sam momak umoran,ja cu odma zaspati,
    bjelo lice ljubiti,ruse kose mrsiti.

    i love that song hope somebody can translate it

    hvala unaprijed!
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    hm... on special request, I will try to do this but.. .omg it's hard because some of the words are no longer in use so.. Anyways, I hope someone will help

    Can I, Hanko, stay over, can I darling stay over?
    You can, for God's sake, there's a lot left till the night comes
    You can also go home
    Can I, Hanko, stay over, can I darling stay over?
    Lay his bed on the stabbur*
    Don't Hanko, for God's sake, the stabbur will wear down.
    kill me young, pity, Hanko I swear.
    Can I, Hanko, stay over, can I darling stay over?
    Lay his bed by the fire
    Don't Hanko, for God's sake, the flame will spread**
    and burn me, pity Hanko I swear
    Can I, Hanko, stay over, can I darling stay over?
    Lay his bed beside me.
    That's right Hanko for God's sake
    I'm a tired fella, I'll fall asleep right away,
    kiss white face, ruffle your golden hair

    *cardak - I really can not find an appropriate word.. a crib (belvedere, gazebo).. however the one that sounds the most appropriate might be:
    stabbur - a storage building for food (on poles to keep animals out)

    because cardak is actually a wooden structure usually built on top of sty, used for storage of corn or the stuff that is left when corn is peeled of
    ah just click here lol
    **ziza ce se sluciti - Oh My God! I don't even understand this
  3. Zapata said:


    ohhh hvala lepo Spring i love that song, i´ll upload it on speedy share so you can hear it, i love the song very much!

    thanks for taking your time to translate it
  4. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    It's really no problem! except that I'm not happy with how i did it

    If you need anything else, let me know