I need help!!! Eng_Serb

Thread: I need help!!! Eng_Serb

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  1. Lalisia said:

    Default I need help!!! Eng_Serb

    Since I didn't found any page to help me with this, I'm asking anyone who has will to help me with this translation...it's for my work and has to be very correct translation. Thanks in advance! So here it is:

    It was one of the noble clans, the Witiza family, that, at the beginning of the 8th century, caused the decline of the Visigoth kingdom, by appealing for aid to Muslim and Berbers warriors from across the Strait of Gibraltar to fight the royal usurper. In fact, the Visigothic state apparatus' disintegration allowed the Muslims to make isolated pacts with an aristocracy that was semi-independent and opposed to the Crown.

    By the middle of the 8th century, the Muslims had completed their occupation and the Umayyad prince Abd al-Rahman, who had fled from the Abbasid slaughter of 750 A.D., took refuge among the Berbers. Finally, supported by one of the Peninsular Muslims tribes, the Yemenies, he managed to defeat, in 755, the Abbasid governor of Al-Andalus and have himself proclaimed in Cordoba Emir, independent of Damascus. In the first thrid of the 10th century, one of the Spanish Umayyads, Abd al- Rahman III, restored and extended the Al-Andalus emirate and became the first Spanish Caliph.

    The proclamation of the Caliphate had a double purpose. In the interior, the Umayyads wanted to strenghten the Peninsular kingdom. Outside the country, they wanted to consolidate the commercial routes of the Mediterranean, guarantee an economic relationship with the east-Byzantium, and assure the supply of gold. Melilla was occupied in 927 and, by the middle of the same century, the Umayyad controlled the triangle formed by Algeria, Siyimasa and the Atlantic. The power of the Andalucian Caliphate also extended to western Europe, and by 950, the Germano-Roman empire was exchanging ambassadors with the Cordoban Caliphate. A few years prior, Hugo of Arles appealed to the powerful Spanish Caliphate for safe conduct f r his merchant ships in the Mediteranean. The small Christian strongholds in the north of the Peninsula became modest feudal holdings of the Caliphate, recognizing its superiority and arbitrage.

    The foundations of Andalucian hegemony rested on a considerable economic capacity based on important trade, a developed craft industry and an agriculture know-how which was much more efficient than anything else in the rest of Europe. The Cordoban caliphate had a currency-based economy, and the injection of coinage played a central role in its financial splendour. The gold Cordobes coin became the principal currency of the period and was probably imitated by the Carolingian empire.

    Therefore, the Cordoban caliphate was the first urban and commercial economy that had flourished in Europe since the disappearance of the Roman Wmpire. The capital and most important city of the Caliphate, Cordoba, had some 100,000 inhabitants, making it Europe's principal urban concentration during that epoch.

    Muslim Spain produced a flourishing culture, aboce all after the Caliph Al-Hakam II (961-976) came to power. He is credited with founding a library of hundreds of thousands of volumes, which was practically inconceivable in Europe at that time. The most distinctive feature of this calture was the early readoption of classical philosophy by Ibn Masarra, Abentofain, Averroes and the Jew Maimonide. But the Spanish-Muslim thinkers stood out, abouve all in medicine, mathematics andastronomy.

    The fragmentation of the Cordoban Caliphate took place at the end of the first decade of the 11th century; this came about as a result of the enormous war effort deployed by the last Cordoban leaders and the suffocating fiscal pressures. The thirty-nine successors of the united Caliphate became known as the first (1009-1090) Ta'ifas (petty kingdoms), a name which has passed into the Spanish language as a synonym for the ruin generated by the fragmentation and disunity of the Peninsula. This division occurred twice again, thereby creating second and third Ta'ifas and producing a series of new invasions from the north of Africa. The first time the Almoravides (1090), invaded the Peninsula, the second time it was the Almohads (1146) and the third, the Banu Marins (1224). This progressive weakening meant that by the middle of the 13th century, Islamic Spain was reduced to the Nasrid Kingdom in Granada. Located between the Srait of Gibraltar and Cape Gata, this historical relic did not capitulate until 2 January 1492, at the end of the Reconquest.
  2. lollipop's Avatar

    lollipop said:


    I have moved this here from General Discussion, because I think, here you might get more response
    Good luck
  3. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default I always hated history.. so... sorry for mistakes

    Muslimanska Spanija

    Jedan plemcki klan, porodica Vitiza, je na pocetku 8-og veka prouzrokovala pad Vizigotskog carstva, trazeci pomoc od muslimanskih i varvarskih ratnika sa druge strane gibraltarskog moreuza za borbu sa kraljevskim uzurpatorom. U stvari, raspad vizigotskog drzavnog aparata je omogucio muslimanima da sklapaju izolovane paktove sa aristokratijom koja je bila delimicno nezavisna i protivila se kruni.

    Do sredine 8-og veka, muslimani su zavrsili okupaciju i Umajadski princ Abd al-Rahman, koji je pobegao od abasidskog pokolja 750. godine nove ere, nasao je utociste medju varvarima. Konacno, uz podrsku jednog od poluostrvskih muslimanskih plemena, Jemena, on je, 755. godine n.e. uspeo da porazi abasidskog vladara Al-Andalusa i proglasio se za kordobskog emira, nezavisnog od Damaska. U prvoj trecini 10-og veka, jedan od spanskih Umajada, Abd al- Rahman III, obnovio je i prosirio Al-Andalus emirate i postao prvi spanski kalif.

    Proklamacija kalifata imala je dvostruku svrhu. U njegovoj unutrasnjosti, Umajadi su zeleli da ojacaju poluostrvsko carstvo. Izvan zemlje, zeleli su da konsoliduju trgovacke rute Mediterana, obezbede ekonomski odnos sa istocnom Vizantijom, i osiguraju snabdevanje zlatom. Melila je okupirana 927. i, do sredine istog veka, Umajadi su kontrolisali trougao kojeg su formirali Alzir, Siyimasa* i Atlantik. Moc andalucijskog kalifata takodje se prosirila na zapadnu Evropu i, do 950., germano-romanska* imperija je razmenjivala ambasadore sa Kordobskim kalifatom. Nekoliko godina pre toga, Hugo od Arlesa je apelovao kod spanskog kalifata za bezbedan prolazak njegovih trgovackih brodova preko Mediterana. Mala hriscanska uporista na jugu poluostrva postala su skromni feudalni posedi kalifata, spoznajuci svoju superiornost i arbitrazu.

    Temelji andalucijske hegemonije (vladavine) pocivali su na znacajnoj ekonomskoj snazi koja se bazirala na vaznoj trgovini, razvijenoj zanatskoj industriji i poljoprivrednom know-how koji je bio daleko efikasniji od bilo cega drugog u ostatku Evrope. Kordobski kalifat bazirao se na valutnoj privredi i uvodjenje metalne valute igralo je centralnu ulogu u njegovom finanskijskom blagostanju. Kordobski zlatnik postao je glavna valuta tog doba i Karolinska dinastija ga je verovatno kopirala.

    Shodno tome, kordobski kalifat je bio prva urbana i komercijalna privreda koja je procvala u Evropi od nestanka rimskog carstva. Glavni i najvazniji grad kalifata, Kordoba, imao je negde oko 100,000 stanovnika sto je bila najveca evropska urbana koncentracija u toj epohi.

    Muslimanska Spanija je, pre svega, proizvela naprednu kulturu nakon sto je kalif Al-Hakam II (961-976) dosao na vlast. On je zasluzan za osnivanje biblioteke sa hiljadama izdanja, sto je u to vreme bilo prakticno nezamislivo u Evropi. Najspecificnije odrediste te kulture bilo je rano ponovno usvajanje klasicne filozofije Ibn Masara, Abentofaina, Averosa i jevreja Maimonide. Ali spansko- muslimanski mislioci su odudarali, pre svega u medicini, matematici i astronomiji.

    U prvoj deceniji 11og veka dolazi do raspadanja Kordobskog kalifata; to je bila posledica velikih ratova koje su vodili poslednji kordobski vladari kao i ogromnih fiskalnih pritisaka. Trideset devet naslednika ujedinjenog Kalifata postali su poznati kao prvi (1009-1090) Taifi (beznacajna carstva), cije ime je ostalo u spanskom jeziku kao sinonim za propast nastalu raspadom podelom i nejedinstvom poluostrva. Do razdvajanja je doslo jos dva puta, cime su nastali drugi i treci Taifi i prouzrokovali seriju novih invazija u severnoj Africi. Prvo su Almoravidi (1090), okupirali poluostrvu, drugi put su to bili Almohadi (1146) a treci, Banu Marini (1224). Ovo progresivno slabljenje je dovelo do toga da je do sredine 13-og veka, od islamske Spanije ostalo samo Nasridsko kraljevstvo u Granadi. Locirana izmedju gibraltarskog moreuza i rta Gata, ova istorijska relikvija nije kapitulirala do 2. januara 1492, na kraju hriscanskih ratova.
  4. Lalisia said:


    Quote Originally Posted by lollipop View Post
    I have moved this here from General Discussion, because I think, here you might get more response
    Good luck
  5. Lalisia said:


    Thank you Spring sooooooooo much, I'm your ower!!! thank u!!!!
  6. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    does it sound ok? well I guess you can change the names and stuff that I might have messed up

    Anyways, no worries.. you can send me 1kg of Kiki hehehehe