Learning Russian language

Thread: Learning Russian language

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  1. marmaris's Avatar

    marmaris said:

    Default Learning Russian language

    it is funny that second turkish is open a slavic language thread one is turhan for bulgarian and second is me for russian..l guess we like slavs and their languages:P
    moreover l am open EVERYTHING about russian.russian will be my job in future and l am learning it as a professinel..but ''падежи'' is awful..l am open all helps about russian gramer..l will be glad if you help me and if you want any help in turkish I can help too
  2. s_jazz's Avatar

    s_jazz said:


    Marmaris, I'm not a teacher, but maybe I could help you.
    What trouble do you have with "падежи"? for example
  3. marmaris's Avatar

    marmaris said:


    for ex l dont understand when will l use ''b(V)'' in viniteli padej.. l know b use in predlojniy padej..but l sa in viniteli too:S
  4. Bolonka's Avatar

    Bolonka said:


    Could you be more precise or to explain what you dont understand in examples, because I dont quite understand you
    Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it!!!!
  5. marmaris's Avatar

    marmaris said:


    for ex..you use '' ya jivu v moskve'' it is predlojni padej? and you use ''v'' in viniteli padej too..but not always..l dont understand when will l use ''v'2 in viniteli padej ...did u understand me:S
  6. Pemberley's Avatar

    Pemberley said:


    Quote Originally Posted by marmaris View Post
    for ex..you use '' ya jivu v moskve'' it is predlojni padej? and you use ''v'' in viniteli padej too..but not always..l dont understand when will l use ''v'2 in viniteli padej ...did u understand me:S
    ok I'll try to answer ur question:

    u use vinitelni when u answer the question 'Kuda?' , and u use predlojni when u answer 'Gde?' Vinitelni implies movement , predlojni impies just position in space. Ya jivu v MoskvE is predlojni, yes. Vinitelni is: Ya edu v MoskvU. ( I travel to Moscow).
    Vinitelni padej with preposition "V" is also used to answer 'Kogda?' with days of the week. Ex.: V subbotU...(On saturday...)
    Another use of preposition "V" with vinitelni: with the expression "bilet v"(ticket for) (Eto bilet v teatr.)

    Maybe smb can make it even more clear or can correct me if i'm wrong i'd like to learn Russian too!
  7. marmaris's Avatar

    marmaris said:


    I totally understand you..but you are not sure about it?
  8. Bolonka's Avatar

    Bolonka said:


    I just wanted to add that Винительний падеж indicates direction that is why we say В Москву, в отель итд. I dont think it implies movement, oh however it implies the direction of movement anyway I am not a teacher of Russian though I may be wrong.
    Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it!!!!
  9. Pemberley's Avatar

    Pemberley said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Bolonka View Post
    I just wanted to add that Винительний падеж indicates direction that is why we say В Москву, в отель итд. I dont think it implies movement, oh however it implies the direction of movement anyway I am not a teacher of Russian though I may be wrong.
    thnx, u r absolutely right! большое спасибо
  10. Bolonka's Avatar

    Bolonka said:


    Sorry for correcting you I just wanted to make it more clearly
    Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it!!!!
  11. Pemberley's Avatar

    Pemberley said:


    omg, no need to apologize ! i'm glad u did it, now i learned too. thnx
  12. Bolonka's Avatar

    Bolonka said:


    where are you from Pemberley?
    Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it!!!!
  13. PROPEL's Avatar

    PROPEL said:


    i have rosetta stone in russian.

    im a beast at it

  14. Pemberley's Avatar

    Pemberley said:


  15. Bolonka's Avatar

    Bolonka said:


    Oh, I love Bulgaria!
    Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it!!!!
  16. marmaris's Avatar

    marmaris said:


    what a hard language it is pof:S
  17. lolipop said:


    Yeah it is one of hard lang in the world. İ can speak but my Grammer is getting worse day by day İf u wanan need a help i can explain to u in Turkish lang. if it is permited here Bursa-Uludag UNV STUDENT !
  18. Vlada's Avatar

    Vlada said:


    I just wanna say hello. Im from Serbia, and Im learning turkish, but Im still beginner... I dont know Rusça but it's slavic language and maybe I can help...
    If anyone need some help about serbian I'm here
    And especialy hello to my neighbour Pemberley!
  19. PROPEL's Avatar

    PROPEL said:


    Maybe we should start with the basic of all basics?

    (you all probably know all this, but what the heck)

    Alphabet Time!

    Aa = Aa
    Бб = Bb
    Вв =Vv
    Гг =Gg
    Дд =Dd
    Ее =Ee
    Ёё =Yo
    Жж =Zh
    Зз =Zz
    Ии =Ii (e-sound)
    Йй =Y -(sometimes translated as "j")
    Кк =Kk
    Лл = Ll
    Мм = Mm
    Нн = Nn
    Оо = Oo
    Пп = Pp
    Сс = Ss
    Тт = Tt
    Уу = Uu (oo- sound)
    Фф = Ff
    Хх = Hh
    Цц = Ts (streets)
    Чч = Ch
    Шш = Sh
    Щщ = Shch (cash check)
    Ъъ = Hard Sign (no sound) (translated as `)
    Ыы = Y (short e sond)
    Ьь = Soft Sign (no sound) (translated as ' )
    Ээ = Ee (empty - eh sound)
    Юю = Yu -(sometimes translatied as -iu, or -ju)
    Яя = Ya -(sometimes translated as -ia, or -ja)


    I - Я
    You - Ты
    He/She - Он/Она

    We - Мы
    You (Pular)(Formal) - Вы
    They - Они

    lollipopEdit: *Clip* Needless remark removed.
    Last edited by PROPEL; 08-22-2008 at 12:50 PM.
  20. IniMini's Avatar

    IniMini said:


    Here you are the months. I also like russian very much. Good luck!
    Январь - January
    Февраль - February
    Март - March
    Апрель - April
    Май - May
    Июнь - June
    Июль - July
    Август - August
    Сентябрь - September
    Октябрь - October
    Ноябрь - November
    Декабрь - Dcember