Nu pleca, by Dida Drăgan

Thread: Nu pleca, by Dida Drăgan

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  1. cms said:

    Default Nu pleca, by Dida Drăgan

    Cerul meu amar şi singur
    Scuti mă dacăt
    Tu m-ai ars ca o lumină
    La dă mine argīt

    Perna scrise iedera chim
    Cerul sins de toi
    Sine mei şi tor petala
    Către mine apoi

    Unde eşti, unde eşti?
    Unde eşti, unde eşti?

    Tasul mey ce achim ger mundra
    Ochii mei decer
    Ala tai rucul tandru
    Unde m-au sapiet?

    Şi tu prau dacă aisula
    Cara il maru mult
    Şi mi ese tātu almen tine
    Fiindcă te-am pierdut

    Unde eşti, unde eşti?
    Unde eşti, unde eşti?

    La pān cia scus iaţala
    La pān noce ien lumina
    La pān cia scus iaţala...iaţala

    La pān cia scus iaţala
    La pān noce ien lumina

    La pān cia scus iaţala
    La pān noce ien lumina

    Sorry if I didn't transcript it correctly, if so, correct my mistakes, please

  2. dya said:


    I would really like to help you but the transcript is not correct, many of the words you wrote don't exist in Romanian and I can't guess what they could mean

    Also, I haven't found the lyrics anywhere and even the song is not on youtube, for example, so basically I don't have what to translate

  3. cms said:
  4. dya said:


    I'm sorry but I don't have time now to listen and write the lyrics. If nobody else does it before, I'll do it later this afternoon

    Hope you don't mind
  5. dya said:


    Sorry, I can't see it I probably need another program.

    Anyway, I'll try to download the song and listen to the lyrics myself. When it's ready, I'll let you know
  6. stefana-victoria's Avatar

    stefana-victoria said:


    I gave it a try watched and listened to the video trying to fing out what she says.
    Here is what I could managed to understand, with a few gaps

    Dida Drăgan, Nu pleca

    Cerul meu amar şi singur
    Zbuciumat de vânt
    Tu m-ai ars ca o lumină
    Doar la mine-n gând

    Perna scrisă e de lacrimi
    Cerul scris de ploi
    Zilele-şi întorc petala
    Către înapoi

    Unde eşti. unde eşti
    Unde eşti, unde eşti

    Pasul meu ţi-atinge umbra
    Ochii mei te cer
    Palma...(here are some words that I did not understand)...tandru
    Unde vreau să pier

    Şi nu vreau decât arsura
    Care m-a durut
    Şi mi-e sete doar de tine
    Fiindcă te-am pierdut

    Unde eşti. unde eşti
    Unde eşti, unde eşti

    Doamne ce a ajuns viaţa mea
    ....(and here are again some words that I did not understand)

    I did not translate because it is not complete...but if you want I will give it a try...
    Maybe someone will listen to it more carefully and distinguish the words...
    I am sorry...that is the best I could do...
  7. emyiakab said:


    Hey, I did listen to the song and I think I made it, I post here the Romanian lyrics and my own translation, but I have to warn u that in English the lyrics common, in Romanian they sound almost like poetry.That is why I ll explain when needed. Maybe Stefana can try now a translation with a program, I don t have one, and u get a better translation than this one, of mine.
    Cerul meu amar şi singur - My sky, bitter and lonely (this kind of inversion is impossible in English but in Romanian it underlines the importance and the sound of the noun and it is gramatically correct)
    Zbuciumat de vânt - Troubled by the wind
    Tu mai arzi ca o lumină - You still burn like a light
    Doar la mine-n gând - Only in my thought

    Perna scrisă e de lacrimi - The pillow is written in tears
    Cerul scris de ploi - The sky written in rains (u can ommit the auxiliary verb here in Romanian)
    Zilele-şi întorc petala - The days turn their petal
    Înspre înapoi - Towards the past

    Unde eşti? Unde eşti? Where are you? Where are you? -repeated

    Pasul meu ţi-atinge umbra - My step touches your shadow
    Ochii mei te cer - My eyes are longing for you
    Palma ta e rugul tandru - Your palm is the tender stake
    Unde vreau să pier - In which I want to burn/perish

    Şi nu vreau decât arsura - And I want nothing but the burn (it means the wound u get after burning a part of your body, but here it reffers to an intense internal flame)
    Care m-a durut - Which did hurt
    Şi mi-e sete doar de tine - And you are the only one I am thirsty for
    Fiindcă te-am pierdut -Because I have lost you

    Chorus - is the same

    Doamne, ce-a ajuns viaţa mea - God, how my life went down
    Lasă-mă să ies din ea - Let me get out of it

    enjoy it!Dida Drăgan is indeed one of our most powerful and charming voices.
  8. dya said:


    Thank you Emilia for your help. The translation is absolutely perfect, no need to correct anything in it.

    (Zise profa de engleza! Te asteptam si pe la Lerning Romanian language, ca nu mai reusim sa dam de cap la verbe! Si deocamdata ne-am limitat doar la prezent si perfect compus. Inca nu i-am anuntat ca mai avem vreo trei timpuri trecute, unul mai greu de explicat decat altul! LOL! Iar la capitolul reguli avem vreo cateva versus un milion jumate de exceptii care trebuie invatate ca atare. Ca de la " a lua" pana la iau, iei, ia e cale lunga )
  9. emyiakab said:


    dya, de unde stii k s prof de engl?
    ne si cunoastem? sau ai vazut prinmul meu post, I m a nice romanian teacher bla bla?
    De unde esti?
    Treaba e ca eu v-as ajuta, insa nu prea am timp, duc viata de caine, ore acasa, ore la scoala, in timpul liber ascult muzica greceasca sau merg la un birt.Dar tu spune mi cu ce va pot ajuta, si eu incerc in limita timpului.Am terminat romana engleza insa acum predau doar romana, pt ca la concursul de posturi nu erau de engleza, asa k m am titularizat pe romana.Nu as spune ca nu mi place, dar nu prea le place copiilor, e mult si greu si toceala.
    te pup, mai vb
  10. Paga said:

    Default Completare

    Versul 3, strofa 3:

    Regiunia Hunedoara,
    Regiunia Hunedoara, Mai-mai!

    E, nu, glumesc...

    Palma ta e rugul tandru

    Unde vreau sa pier

    Si eu am avut nevoie sa ascult de mai multe ori... dar mi-a facut o imensa placere.
    Are o voce care parca-ti stoarce sufletul sau inima...
  11. Paga said:

    Default Completare 2

    Oups, vad c-am ajuns tarziu gu "Palma...", in schimb am uitat sa adaug la

    Doamne ce-a ajuns viata mea?

    - Flacara ce ieri lumina -