What is the name of this theme song from the Colecovision video game, "Carnival"?:

Thread: What is the name of this theme song from the Colecovision video game, "Carnival"?:

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  1. Most Wanted Jamz said:

    Thumbs up Solved: What is the name of the theme song from the Colecovision video game Carnival?

    Solved: What is the name of this theme song, that gets played in the background for this old school video game, called "Carnival" that you play on the Colecovision? This theme song is also used in the Pitfall II (Lost Caverns) video game, whenever the guy grabs a balloon, that use to be a bat, and you could move up on the screen. This is also a good common theme song to play on the piano. The song is called Over The Waves (Sobre Las Olas) by Juventino Rosas.
    Last edited by Most Wanted Jamz; 12-12-2015 at 06:49 PM. Reason: Solved
  2. bluerose said:


    my hubby is playing that game on the pc at the mo

    have you tryed looking up chip-tunes...
    i will have a look for you as well


    hope this helps you
    Last edited by bluerose; 03-11-2008 at 02:08 PM. Reason: add link
  3. chameleon's Avatar

    chameleon said:


    BUMP ,,, Thank's
    When the world is on your shoulder Gotta straighten up your act and boogie down" lol
  4. Most Wanted Jamz said:

