Songs to be Translated

Thread: Songs to be Translated

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  1. Saz said:

    Default Songs to be Translated

    Jesen Bez Nas
    Gorka Cokolada
    U Nedelju
    Na Tvojoj Kosulji
    Sad Idi Nek Te Djavo Nosi
    Pamti Me Po Suzama
    101 sto prvi
    Volim ga
    Nije mi prvi put
    Za sreću nam malo treba

    Please can somebody translate these songs for me. It would be really appriciated. Thank you
  2. dorkas's Avatar

    dorkas said:

    Default Jesen bez nas ( Autumn without us)

    Gledam u staklo ( I look at the glass)
    tvoje ime na mom prozoru (your name on my window)
    kapi kise padaju polako ( the raindrops atre falling slowly)
    moje suze na tvom ramenu ( my tears on your sholuder )

    Sreca da je hladno (Luckily its cold)
    i da to ne osecas (and you dont feel it)
    drhtim kao dete ( I shiver like a child)
    a ti jos mislis da me znas (and you still think you know me)

    Sve cu da podnesem ( I will bear everything)
    i laz i prevaru ( lies and cheating)
    i tvoj hladan pogled (and your cold look)
    sve ovaj put precutacu ( I´ll be silent this time)

    Sve cu da podnesem ( I will bear everything)
    ne idi vikacu na glas ( don´t go -I´ll scream out loud)
    jer ne mogu ( because I can´t)
    jesen bez nas (autumn without us)

    U maloj sobi svetla ( In a small room)
    kao senke igraju ( the lights dance like shadows)
    mrak je al’ u ocima ti vidim (its dark , but I see in your eyes)
    svaku rec jos nedorecenu ( every word, still unsaid)

    Sreca da je hladno (Luckily its cold)
    jer se tresem zlo mi je ( cause I shiver, I feel sick)
    sve cu da podnesem (I will bear everything)
    a ti bar pitaj sta mi je ( and you at least ask me what is wrong)
  3. dorkas's Avatar

    dorkas said:

    Default Gorka cokolada (bitter chocolate)

    Sad sve znam, al’ te putam da se uzdas ( Now I know everything, but I let you believe)
    posle nas da sam tuzna ostala ( that after us I stayed sad)
    probaj sad da me probas kao nekad ( try now to try me like then)
    gorka cokolada, znaj, za tebe sad sam ja (you should know, I´m a bitter chocolate for you now)

    Bolece, preboleces kad prodje sve (It will hurt, you´ll get over it, when everything´s gone)
    sve po redu bas, k’o nekad ja ( every single thing, like me once)
    bolece, preboleces kad prodje sve (it will hurt, you´ll get over it, when everything is gone)
    ako neces bas, bas me briga k’o tebe nekada ( and if you don´t , I dont care , lke you once)

    Sad sve znam, kad se mucis brzo ucis ( now I know everything, when you suffer you learn quickly)
    ne pitam, samo pogledam i znam (I don´t ask, I just look and I know)
    probaj sad, da me probas kao nekad ( try now to try me like then)
    gorka cokolada, znaj, za tebe sad sam ja ( you should know, I´m a bitter chocolate for you now)

    I tek tad, rame uz rame ti i ja ( and only then, shoulder to shoulder, you and me)
    i tek tad da pricamo mozemo (and only then we can speak)
    i tek tad, rame uz rame ti i ja ( and only then , shoulder to shoulder, you and me)
    a do tad, a do tada, a do tad ( and till then, and till then, and till then)
  4. impulssi said:


    there are a few songs already translated, you can find the links in the above thread.
