Zeljko Joksimovic, to english :)

Thread: Zeljko Joksimovic, to english :)

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  1. zana said:


    Pola srca
    Half heart

    Neko je nocas
    Someone is tonight
    pijan od srece
    drunk of happiness
    a ja ni od crnog vina
    and I'm not neither of red wine
    sto niz grlo tece
    that is flowing down the throat

    Vec vidjena s drugom
    Already seen with someone else
    a ja se jos nadam
    and I'm still hoping
    umesto leta
    instead of flying
    ja sve nize, nize padam
    I'm falling lower and lower

    A ti, tebi lako je...
    And you, for you it's easy...

    Dao Bog da te srce
    God gave you
    kao mene zaboli
    heartache like mine
    da ti onaj koga volis
    that person you love
    neku drugu pozeli
    wish someone other
    i kad padnes ti do dna
    and when you fall to the bottom
    tad znaces gde sam sada ja
    then you'll know where am I right now

    Zaboravi, svako krst svoj nosi
    Forget, everyone carries their cross
    to si rekla mi
    you said to me
    nesto sto je juce bilo
    something that was yesterday
    danas tebi ne znaci
    doesn't mean anything to you today
    Al' kad zbrojim dva i dva
    But when count two and two
    ti si jos uvek najbolja
    you're still the best
    jer bez tebe ja sam pola coveka
    because without you I'm half man
    pola duse, pola srca doveka
    half soul, half heart forever

    Neko je nocas
    Someone is tonight
    mokar do koze
    wet to the skin
    a ja bih veceras
    and I'd tonight
    bar iz svoje, da se moze
    at least go out of my, if it would be possible

    A ti, tebi lako je...
    And you, it's easy for you...

    REF. 2x
    Dao Bog da te srce
    God gave you
    kao mene zaboli
    heartache like mine
    da ti onaj koga volis
    that person you love
    neku drugu pozeli
    wish someone other
    i kad padnes ti do dna
    and when you fall to the bottom
    tad znaces gde sam sada ja
    then you'll know where am I right now

    Zaboravi, svako krst svoj nosi
    Forget, everyone carries their cross
    to si rekla mi
    you said to me
    nesto sto je juce bilo
    something that was yesterday
    danas tebi ne znaci
    doesn't mean anything to you today
    Al' kad zbrojim dva i dva
    But when count two and two
    ti si jos uvek najbolja
    you're still the best
    jer bez tebe ja sam pola coveka
    because without you I'm half man
    pola duse, pola srca doveka
    half soul, half heart forever

    Pola duse, pola srca doveka
    Half soul, half heart forever
    pola duse, pola srca doveka
    half soul, half heart forever
  2. zana said:


    Zena za sva vremena
    Woman for all time

    I opet sam tu
    And I'm here agian
    gledam je kako bledi
    looking her how she pales
    zaticem se kako mislim na tudje
    startle myself thinking of someone others
    i smeta mi sve, ono sto nikad nije
    and I mind all, that was never before
    cak i kad kazem 'volim te'
    even when I say "I love you"

    I opet sam tu
    And I'm here again
    jasno je sta mi sledi
    it's clear what follows
    i opirem se, ali malo sta vredi
    and I resist, but what it's worth a little
    jer se ljubav, ljubav predaje
    because love, love surrenders

    A ti si zena za sva vremena
    And you're woman for all time
    ti si k'o stvorena za ljubav
    you're made for love
    i topao dom
    and warm home
    A ti si zena za sva vremena
    And you're woman for all time
    ti si k'o stvorena za srecu
    you're made for happiness
    ali ne sa mnom
    but not with me

    Al' nisi kriva ti
    But it's not your fault
    al' nisi kriva ti
    but it's not your fault
    sto takav sam...
    that I'm like that...

    Ja opet sam tu
    I'm again here
    na kraju jedne price
    at the end of one story
    i cinim sve da si sto vise sama
    and I'm doing everything so you could be more alone
    i svaka od njih jedna na drugu lice
    and each of them resembles one to another
    i uvek na kraju stojim sam
    and at the end I always stand alone

    A ti si zena za sva vremena
    And you're woman for all time
    ti si k'o stvorena za ljubav
    you're made for love
    i topao dom
    and warm home
    A ti si zena za sva vremena
    And you're woman for all time
    ti si k'o stvorena za srecu
    you're made for happiness
    ali ne sa mnom
    but not with me

    Al' nisi kriva ti
    But it's not your fault
    al' nisi kriva ti
    but it's not your fault
    sto takav sam...
    that I'm like that...

    A ti si zena za sva vremena
    And you're woman for all time
    ti si k'o stvorena za ljubav
    you're made for love
    i topao dom
    and warm home
    A ti si zena za sva vremena
    And you're woman for all time
    ti si k'o stvorena za srecu
    you're made for happiness
    ali ne sa mnom
    but not with me

    Al' nisi kriva ti
    But it's not your fault
    al' nisi kriva ti
    but it's not your fault
    sto takav sam...
    that I'm like that...
  3. zana said:


    Dajem rec
    I give my word

    Nikad nisi rekla
    You never said
    sta te moje nervira
    what is annoying you about me
    sve ti je na srcu ostalo
    everything stayed on your heart

    I sad mi kao gozbu
    And now as treat
    sve na stolu serviras
    you're serving me everything on table
    a gorko mi je sve i oporo
    and it's bitter everything to me and harshly

    Nisi rekla kad je trebalo
    You didn't say when you had to
    cemu reci kad je prekasno
    what are words for when it's too late

    Kad dan malo tuge prolije
    When day spills a little sadness
    necu pustiti glas
    I won't let my voice
    a kada noc malo vina dolije
    and when night pours little wine
    dacu rec da zaboravljam na nas
    I'll give my word that I'll forget us

    Dosli smo zida
    We came to the wall
    gde vise nema nikuda
    where there is nowhere to go
    odavno se put izgubio
    path is lost long time ago

    I znam zasto kazes
    And I know why are you saying
    da ti lice ne diram
    to touch your face
    jer bi te za kraj poljubio
    because I'd kiss you for the end

    Nisi rekla kad je trebalo
    You didn't say when you had to
    cemu reci kad je prekasno
    what are words for when it's too late

    Kad dan malo tuge prolije
    When day spills a little sadness
    necu pustiti glas
    I won't let my voice
    a kada noc malo vina dolije
    and when night pours little wine
    dacu rec da zaboravljam na nas
    I'll give my word that I'll forget us

    I neka lazi, rekla si
    And you can lie, you said
    svaku od njih ti dopustam
    each of them I'll let you
    al' onu da si samo moja
    but the one that you're only mine
    e, tu ti laz ne oprastam
    oh, that lie I won't forgive you

    Na dan kad se tuga prolije
    On the day when sadness spils
    dacu rec da zaboravljam na nas
    I'll give my word that I'll forget us
  4. zana said:


    Sto moras da znas
    Why do you have to know

    Sto moras da znas
    Why do you have to know
    sta je ljubav
    what love is
    i kako se voli
    and how to love
    sto moras da znas
    why do you have to know

    Sto moras da znas
    Why do you have to know
    sta je sreca
    what happiness is
    i kako tuga boli
    and how sadness hurts
    sto moras da znas
    why do you have to know

    Sto pitas me to
    Why are you asking me that
    zasto cutim
    why am I quiet
    kad ne zelis nista
    when you don't want nothing
    sto pitas me to
    why are you asking me that

    Sto moras da znas
    Why do you have to know
    da l' se ljutim
    if I'm mad
    je li drago ista
    and did anything nice
    od nas ostalo
    left from us

    Sto moras da znas kuda idu
    Why do you have to know where goes
    svi tuzni, svi nesretni
    all sad, all unhappy
    sto moras da znas sta mi znace
    why do you have to know what it means to me
    ti pokusaji nespretni
    those clumsy attempts

    Iako nije k'o pre
    Though it's not like before
    iako ne volis me
    though you don't love me

    Zar vazno je to
    Does it matter
    sta se cuti
    what's silent
    kad nestanu reci
    when word dissapear
    to ne pita se
    that doesn't ask

    Zar vazno je to
    Does it matter
    ko se ljuti
    who's mad
    a kome drago nije
    and who's not happy
    kad kasno je sve
    now when it's late

    Sto moras da znas kuda idu
    Why do you have to know where goes
    svi tuzni, svi nesretni
    all sad, all unhappy
    sto moras da znas sta mi znace
    why do you have to know what it means to me
    ti pokusaji nespretni
    those clumsy attempts

    O cemu razmisljam
    About what do I think
    kada ostanem sam
    when I stay alone

    Sto moras da znas kuda idu
    Why do you have to know where goes
    sa duse teska bremena
    heavy burdens from soul
    sto moras znas sta ti znaci
    why do you have to know
    kad nema vise vremena
    when there is no more time

    Iako nije k'o pre
    Though it's not like before
    iako ne volis me
    though you don't love me
    sto moras da znas?
    why do you have to know?
    sto moras da znas?
    why do you have to know?
  5. zana said:


    Tebi se dive
    They admire to you

    Jos se budim umoran
    I still wake up tired
    Jos mi uvek krades mir
    you're still stealing my peace
    Krojem trag od duhova
    Cut track of spirits
    I na dusi vreo zir
    and hot acorn on my soul

    Ako je ljubav laz, ja sam uvek lagao
    If love is lie, I've always lied
    A najvise, a najvise sam tebe slagao
    And most, and most of all I've lied you

    Ref :
    Tebi se dive, al niko ne zna sta sam prosao
    They admire to you, but no one know what I've been through
    A mene krive, da nikad ti se nisam nasao
    And they blame me, that I've never found you

    Kada prodjes ulicom, znas da uvek osetim
    When you go down the street, you know I always feel
    I kad se zvezda otkine, znas na koga pomislim
    And when star falls, you know who I think of

    Ako je ljubav laz, ja sam uvek lagao
    If love is lie, I've always lied
    A najvise, a najvise sam tebe slagao
    And most, and most of all I've lied you

    Ref : x 3
  6. zana said:



    Ne trazis me dugo sama boris se
    You're not searching for me, you fight alone for very long time
    Pazis da ne uhvatim ti trag
    You're careful so I couldn't catch your trace
    Svoje poraze svima lako sakrices
    To everyone you easily hide your defeats
    Al bi poznao te neko davno drag
    But someone who has been dear to you long time ago would know you

    Ja ne trazim te umem da ti pobegnem
    I'm not searching for you, I'm capable of running away from you
    Pazim da ne pomislim na nas
    I'm careful so I couldn't think about us
    Moje poraze niko ne primecuje
    No one notes my defeats
    To sam samo tebi pricao na glas
    Only to you I have told that out loud

    Al dodju mi dani kad u vazduh te ipak osetim na cas
    But there are days when I still feel you in the air for just a moment
    I znam da places tiho sto zivot nam prolazi bez nas
    And I know you're crying quietly because life is going on without us

    Ref :
    Kao stihija ceo zivot pred ocima
    Like a torch, whole life in front of eyes
    Sad vidim ti i ja, sta smo imali nekada
    Now I see you and me, what we used to have
    Jedan svet je pukao na sveta dva
    One world broke in two worlds
    Sad pusta a nedodirljiva
    Now empty and untouchable

    Ja ne trazim te umem da ti pobegnem
    I'm not searching for you, I'm capable of running away from you
    Pazim da ne pomislim na nas
    I'm careful so I couldn't think about us
    Moje poraze niko ne primecuje
    No one notes my defeats
    To sam samo tebi pricao na glas
    Only to you I have told that out loud

    Ref : x 3
  7. zana said:


    Nepoznat broj
    Unknown number

    Mnogo ruznih stvari
    A lot of ugly things
    Znam nekada sam ti ucinio
    I know, I've done to you once
    A tesim se ni sebi
    And I console myself, nor to myself
    Nisam dobro tad ni mislio
    I didn't thought well back then
    Sad nemam svoje ja
    Now I don't have my own "I"
    Znam nemas ga ni ti
    I know you don't have it too
    Jos mi curi niz ledja
    It's still trickling down my back
    Kad ponos ne gleda
    When pride is not watching
    Ukradi me od sna
    Steal me from sleep
    Nemoj to da te vredja
    Don't let that offend you

    Sutra vec bice dvocifren broj
    Tomorrow will already be double digit number
    Dana kako ti bas nisam svoj
    Of days since I'm not quite myself
    Jesmo li mi zasluzili
    Did we deserve
    Da se zavrsi tako
    To end like this
    Kad pozove te nepoznat broj
    When unknow number calls you
    Onda zovi sad nemiru moj
    Then call now my restlessness
    Smiri me kako umes ti,
    Calm me like you know
    Samo ti
    Only you

    Postoje razlozi
    There are reasons
    Zbog kojih zameras mi ti
    Because of which you blame me
    Znam ih napamet
    I know them by heart
    Oprosti nisam znao
    Forgive me, I didn't know
    Da volim te kao taj drugi svet
    to love you like that other world
    Sad nemam svoje ja
    Now I don't have my own "I"
    Znam nemas ga ni ti
    I know you don't have it too
    Jos mi curi niz ledja
    It's still trickling down my back
    Kad ponos ne gleda
    When pride is not watching
    Ukradi me od sna
    Steal me from sleep
    Nemoj to da te vredja
    Don't let that offend you

    Sutra vec bice dvocifren broj
    Tomorrow will already be double digit number
    Dana kako ti bas nisam svoj
    Of days since I'm not quite myself
    Jesmo li mi zasluzili
    Did we deserve
    Da se zavrsi tako
    To end like this
    Kad pozove te nepoznat broj
    When unknow number calls you
    Onda zovi sad nemiru moj
    Then call now my restlessness
    Smiri me kako umes ti,
    Calm me like you know
    Samo ti
    Only you

    korak po korak do kraja
    Step by step to the end
    ja gazim do daske
    I walk to the utmost
    pocepacu maske
    I'll tear the masks
    kad pokriju lice istine
    when they cover the face of truth
    i zube stegnucu kad zaboli me
    and tighten my teeth when it's going to hurt me
    "molim te javi mi se"
    "please answer on my call"

    Sutra vec bice dvocifren broj
    Tomorrow will already be double digit number
    Dana kako ti bas nisam svoj
    Of days since I'm not quite myself
    Jesmo li mi zasluzili
    Did we deserve
    Da se zavrsi tako
    To end like this
    Kad pozove te nepoznat broj
    When unknow number calls you
    Onda zovi sad nemiru moj
    Then call now my restlessness
    Smiri me kako umes ti,
    Calm me like you know
    Samo ti
    Only you
  8. juli said:


    could someone translate this lyrics in english , please:d thanks

    Priznacu ti sve
    i za sta nisam kriv
    umesto mene nek drugi se bore
    moje telo predalo se

    Hocu samo sve
    da zaboravim
    jer kad juce ti izgleda blizu
    sutra uvek daleko ti je

    Nisi ti kriva
    nisi mogla da znas
    koliko nesrece mozes da das

    Lako je voleti
    kao sav normalan svet
    lako je ziveti
    zivot napamet
    znas ti dobro
    od tebe sam video

    I necu pustiti uzdah
    kad zamislim te
    oprosti, vreme je doslo
    da krenem dalje
    da se osetim
    ponovo libero

    Ponovo libero
    ponovo libero

    Necu zaliti
    stvarno, ni za cim
    i sreca i tuga na mome su licu
    slika koja nedostaje

    Hocu samo sve
    da zaboravim
    jer kad snovi ti okrenu ledja
    jutro je sve sto ti ostaje

    Nisi ti kriva
    nisi mogla da znas
    koliko nesrece mozes da das

    Iako negde slucajno
    ugledam ti lice
    i pogled spustim
    tad, jedino ti znaces
    Sve da unistim
    ti uvek ostaces
    lepa, da places

    Ponovo libero
    ponovo libero
  9. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default Zeljko Joksimovic - Libero

    Libero ~ Free

    I'll confess everything to you
    even the things that are not my fault
    Instead of me, let others fight
    my body's given up

    All I want is to
    forget everything
    because when yesterday seems close
    tomorrow is always far

    It's not your fault
    you couldn't have known
    how much misery you're able to bring

    It's easy to love
    like all the normal people
    It's easy to live
    this life wildly
    You know it well
    I learned it by watching you

    And I wont sigh
    when I think of you
    Forgive me, the time came
    for me to move on
    to feel
    free again

    Free again
    Free again

    I wont regret
    really, nothing
    both happiness and sorrow are a missing image
    on my face

    All I want is to
    forget everything
    because, when dreams turn their back on you
    morning is all you have left

    It's not your fault
    you couldn't have known
    how much misery you're able to bring

    And if, by chance, somewhere
    I see your face
    and look down
    then, only you will know
    Even if I destroy everything
    you will always remain
    beautiful, to cry

    Free again
    Free again
  10. juli said:


    i am so grateful for translationthank you so much
  11. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Any time!
  12. cutewitch83 said:

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Spring View Post
    Crnokosa ~ Brunette (Black Haired Woman)

    Jutro budi me - Morning wakes me up
    vazuh mirise na nevolju - The air smells of trouble
    jutro krevet moj veci je za broj - Morning, my bed is a size bigger
    ti nisi tu i kada razmislim - You are not here - and when I think about it
    ne mogu a da ne mislim - I can't stop thinking

    Sve sto sam ti radio - Everything I was doing to you
    sebi sam uradio - I did it to myself
    nisam znao sam sta hocu - I didn't know what I wanted
    dok si cekala me nocu - while you waited (for me) at nights
    topla, pospana i bosa - Warm, sleepy and barefoot

    Poruka na vratima - Message on the door
    kljuceve si vratila - You returned the keys
    pise zelis mi svu srecu - It says you wish me all the luck
    a ja znam da nikad necu - But I know that I never will
    preko tvoga ponosa, crnokosa- cross your pride brunette (black haired woman)

    Sad znam da mnogo pre - Now I know that long before
    ti si znala sve i cutala - You knew it all but kept quiet
    ma nek te sanjaju - Well they can dream of you
    al’ ja te imam tu meni saputala - But I have you here whispered to me
    dugo se borila, od svega se umorila - Fought for a long time, got tired of everything

    Moja si crnokosa, necu preko ponosa - You are mine black haired woman, I won't step over the pride
    ti si ta crnokosa, topla, bosa pospana - You are the black haired woman, warm, barefoot, sleepy
    moja si crnokosa, necu preko ponosa - You are mine black haired woman, I wont step over the pride
    ti si ta crnokosa - You are the black haired woman


    Cekao sam draga - I waited my darling
    Ovu noc sve ove godine - This night, all these years
    Cuvao sam reci - I kept the words
    Samo da ti kazem ne - Just to tell you no
    Ti potrosila si sve - You used up all
    Dobre prilike - good chances
    Sad se vracas meni - Now you're coming back to me
    Zato bolje kreni - So, better get on your way
    Jer ja sam potrosen - Because I am used up
    Racun ugasen - closed account
    I tu staru tebe ne zasluzujem - and the old you I don't deserve

    Michelle nisi vise lepa kao pre - Michelle you are not beautiful as you once were
    Moj te pogled ne prepoznaje - My eyes don't recognize you
    Ne zovi suze upomoc - Don't call tears for help
    Mozes ti to bolje Michelle - You can do better Michelle
    Kad ni za 10 dugih godina - Since in 10 long years
    Da zavolis me nisi uspela - You didn't manage to fall in love with me
    Neces ni za ovu ludu noc - This crazy night, you won't either

    Znam ti pravu stranu - I know the real you
    Svaku tvoju manu dobro znam - Your every flaw I very well know
    Za te price tvoje - For those stories of yours
    Pretesan je ovaj mali stan - This small place is not big enough
    Ma obuci kaput svoj - Well, put on your coat
    Reci samo broj - Just say the number
    Ulicu jos pamtim - I still remember the street
    Bolje da te vratim - I better get you back
    Jer i on ce cekati - Cause he will wait too
    Neces priznati - You will not admit
    njemu ne smes reci - To him you mustn't tell
    Sve ces poreci - You will deny everything

    Michelle nisi vise lepa kao pre - Michelle you are not beautiful as you once were
    Moj te pogled ne prepoznaje - My eyes don't recognize you
    Ne zovi suze upomoc - Don't call tears for help
    Mozes ti to bolje Michelle - You can do better Michelle
    Kad ni za 10 dugih godina - Since in 10 long years
    Da zavolis me nisi uspela - You didn't manage to fall in love with me
    Neces ni za ovu ludu noc - This crazy night, you won't either

    Za tebe disem jos Michelle, moja Michelle - I still breath for you Michelle, my Michelle
    Spring I LOVE your translations! I m a translator myself and I love my job and i m very dedicated to it, so I couldn*t help noticing how meaningful and warm they are. That*s rare these days
  13. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Thank you so much! It means a lot to me!
    Ako hoces, svrati malo na moj sajt pa pogledaj i ostale prevode (posebno pesme)
  14. absolutlela said:

    Smile hi everyone could you translate this song in english for me? thanks in advance

    Mndra mja ku krpa mura
    mnkas fa ljimba din gura
    draga mja, draga mja
    njuma jo sciu kum njam afla

    Jesi to ti, ti, mila
    ili si mi se snila
    jesi to ti na ulici
    krpa mura
    ja sam sa njom, ti s njime
    ne znam mu ja ni ime
    jesi to ti, ti, ljubavi

    Ko bi rek'o da si nekad moja bila
    sta je bilo niko ne mora da zna
    idi, nekom drugom budi dobra vila
    ne treba ti covek kao ja

    Jesi to ti na delu
    vidim ti greh na celu
    jesi to ti na ulici
    krpa mura
    ja sam sa njom, ti s njime
    ne znam mu ja ni ime
    jesi to ti, ti, ljubavi


    Mndra mja ku krpa mura
    mnkas fa ljimba din gura
    draga mja, draga mja
    njuma jo sciu kum njam afla
    ne treba ti covjek kao ja

    Ko bi rek'o da si nekad moja bila
    sta je bilo niko ne mora da zna
    idi, njemu sada budi dobra vila
    ne treba ti neko kao ja


    Ma ne treba ti covek kao ja

    Mndra mja ku krpa mura
    mnkas fa ljimba din gura
    draga mja, draga mja
    njuma jo sciu kum njam afla