im really angry at the guy i like.
he always asks me for help about his gf.
and i always help him coz we're good friends.
and then he broke up with her coz they had a fight.
and then hes like obviously hinting things (like wanting to be me)
and the thing is, b4 he went out with this girl, he liked me.
but didnt no i liked him.
and coz i always helped him with his gf.
she got angry and stuff coz iwas "butting into their business"
but all i was trying to do was be a good friend.
and after all this. hes back with her. just like that. and she always goes off at me and stuff and im just really really angry at him, and her!!.

i just thort use should no the story so u dnt get the rong kind of angry song.

im looking for more r&b though ok.