
Thread: Pizzicarella

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  1. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:

    Default Pizzicarella

    Mi piace la musica del Salento e questa canzone è la mia favorita. Ho provato a tradurrla, però non so tutti i parole e non sono sicura. Per favore, potete correggirla? Grazie tante!


    Pizzicarella mia pizzicarella
    My pizzicarella, pizzicarella
    lu caminatu tou pare ca balla.
    your walking seems like dance (to dance).

    A ddhu te pizzicau ca nu se scerne
    Where have you been pricked
    sutta lu giru giru te la suttana.
    *It can’t be seen under your slip.*

    Quantu t'amau t'amau lu core meu
    How much my heart loved you
    mò nu te ama cchiui se nde scurdatu.
    now it doesn’t love you anymore, it has forgotten you.

    Te l'ura ca te vitti te mmirai
    From the moment i saw you, I admired you
    nu segnu figgi a mienzu a mienzu all'occhi toi.
    a mark ...................... your eyes.

    Amore amore ce m'hai fattu fare
    Love, love what you’ve made me to do
    e quindici anni m'hai fatta mpaccire.
    when I was fifteen you’ve made me mad.

    Te quindici anni m'hai fatta mpaccire
    when I was fifteen you’ve made me mad.
    de matre e patre m'hai fatta scurdare.
    mother and father you’ve made me to forget.

    * Does pizzicarella mean “a woman that has been pricked”?
    Last edited by maria_gr; 05-03-2008 at 05:53 PM. Reason: Thank you magic for your help!
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.

  2. Magic said:

    Smile Pizzicarella

    Pizzicarella my pizzicarella
    your way of walking looks like a dance.

    Where have you been bitten?
    It can’t be seen under your slip.

    —from Pizzica-pizzica

    Puttana le perdisti ma le carizze
    no mangi no cappuni e no puddhastre.

    T’aggia fa’ na curuna ma a pizzi a pizzi
    e ’ntornisciata de capu de cazzi.

    ***** you have lost my caresses
    you do not eat capons nor pullets anymore.

    I have to make you a pointed crown
    adorned all around with **** heads.

    —from Puttana le perdisti le carizze

    Lu tamburrieddu mia vinne de Roma
    mannaggia ci lu canta e ci lu sona.

    Mannaggia quandu mai ca se ne ndesse
    lu viziu mia lu sai stringi le cosce.

    My tambourine comes from Rome
    too bad for the one who sings and dance with it.

    Too bad when it comes out
    you know my flaw, keep your thighs tight.

    —from Pizzica-pizzica

    Quantu t’amu te ’mporta a tie mia bella quantu t’amu
    e domenaca te portu al mio giardino

    te mostru la chianta de lu verde ramu
    e li pumetti ci caccianu oru finu.

    How I love you, do you want to know
    how much I love you, my beauty?

    Sunday, I will take you to my garden

    I’ll show you the plant of evergreen limb
    and the two apples which release fine gold.

    —from Mara l’acqua

    Hi found this translation for you... It certainly seems a funny song and I thought Pizzicarella was a an Italian girls name.... but you might be right in what you have said he! he!
    Found the translation here: http://www.incantata.com/musichesalento.html
  3. maria_gr's Avatar

    maria_gr said:


    I think that only the first 4 verses are from the song Pizzicarella. Thank you very much cause one verse that i can't understand is included. Now I only need the other one!
    Άνθρωποι τύχης είδωλον επλάσαντο, πρόφασιν ιδίης αβουλίης.
