Lots of translations wanted...

Thread: Lots of translations wanted...

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  1. Xtapodi87's Avatar

    Xtapodi87 said:

    Question Lots of translations wanted...


    As you recommended me sooooo many excellent bands from Romania in another thread you made me simply love Romanian music!!! So thank you again

    You should have been aware that I'll ask for translations also... I managed to find the lyrics, but without accents. Could anyone please write down the lyrics with the correct accents and translate the songs for me??
    Or is there a website where I can find the lyrics spelled in the right way?

    Thanks a lot in advance!!!!

    3 Sud Est - De dorul tau

    Atunci cand iti va fi mai greu
    Am sa ma intorc, am sa ma intorc, am sa ma intorc...

    Atunci cand iti va fi mai greu
    Sa te gandesti la mine mereu
    Am sa ma intorc, iubirea mea, de dorul tau

    Cine ar fi crezut
    Ce-am iubit mai mult azi am pierdut
    Si ma intreb: "De ce ?"

    Nu stiu cat timp a mai trecut
    Poate o viata, poate un minut
    Imi lipsesti..

    Atunci cand iti va fi mai greu
    Sa te gandesti la mine mereu
    Am sa ma intorc, iubirea mea, de dorul tau
    Atunci cand iti va fi mai greu, aaaa

    Ce n-as da acum
    Sa am puterea sa te intorc din drum
    Lumea ar fi a mea

    Nu stiu cat timp a mai trecut
    Poate o viata, poate un minut
    Imi lipsesti...

    Atunci cand iti va fi mai greu
    Sa te gandesti la mine mereu
    Am sa ma intorc, iubirea mea, de dorul tau
    Atunci cand iti va fi maď greu, aaaa

    3 Sud Est - N-ai crezut in mine

    N'ai crezut in mine, n'ai crezut in noi,
    Acum vezi prea bine, plangem amandoi,
    N'ai crezut in mine, n'ai crezut in noi,
    Cat as vrea iubire sa dau timpul inapoi.

    Baby, don't stop, X 12

    Ti'am dat respect, tu ai uitat,
    Nu m'ai inteles, m'ai ignorat,
    Am asteptat, cat sa mai tac,
    O noapte si o zi ar fi de'ajuns,
    Sa spun ce am de spus

    N'ai crezut in mine, n'ai crezut in noi,
    Acum vezi prea bine, plangem amandoi,
    N'ai crezut in mine, n'ai crezut in noi,
    Cat as vrea iubire sa dau timpul inapoi.

    N'ai crezut in mine...

    N'ai crezut in mine, n'ai crezut in noi,
    Acum vezi prea bine, plangem amandoi,
    N'ai crezut in mine, n'ai crezut in noi,
    Cat as vrea iubire sa dau timpul inapoi.

    Baby, don't stop, X 4

    Ti'am dat respect, tu ai uitat,
    Nu m'ai inteles, m'ai ignorat,
    Am asteptat, cat sa mai tac,
    O noapte si o zi ar fi de'ajuns,
    Sa spun ce am de spus...

    REFREN: X 2
    N'ai crezut in mine, n'ai crezut in noi,
    Acum vezi prea bine, plangem amandoi,
    N'ai crezut in mine, n'ai crezut in noi,
    Cat as vrea iubire sa dau timpul inapoď.

    Directia 5 - Am nevoie de tine

    In linistea mea
    Ma intreb de-as putea
    Sa te simt aproape din nou
    Imi revin amintiri,ganduri ce vor veni
    Sa-mi aduca-n sufletul gol
    Imi lipseste curajul de-a-ti spune ce simt
    Nimic nu s-a schimbat
    Sentimente pierdute le-am reintalnit
    De acum eu le-am aflat

    Am nevoie de tine

    Azi incerc sa m-ascund
    Incerc sa nu uit
    Ma gandesc la tine mereu
    Totu-mi pare tacut
    Totu-mi pare pierdut
    Devine tot mai greu

    Am nevoie de tine
    Cand ma trezesc
    Am nevoie de tine
    Sa pot sa visez

    Am nevoie de tine
    Sa ma asculti
    Am nevoie de tine
    Sa nu ma uiti

    Am nevoie de tine
    Cand ma trezesc
    Am nevoie de tine
    Sa pot sa visez

    Am nevoie de tine
    Sa ma asculti
    Am nevoie de tine
    Sa nu ma uitď

    Holograf - Undeva departe

    Undeva departe e iubirea mea
    Undeva acolo s-a pierdut si ea
    Undeva in noapte a stea a mai cazut
    Oare cine poate sa m-ajute sa pot s-o iau acum de la inceput?

    Astazi totu-mi pare atat de greu
    Da astazi, imi dau seama ca nu pot sa mai fiu eu
    Sunt atatea zile si atatea nopti de cand pe lume ratacesc
    Fara sa stiu unde merg si de ce mai traiesc


    Maine, maine este o alta zi
    Da maine, maine poate te voi regasi
    Si-n atatea zile si atatea nopti iubirea am sa-ti dau
    Acum stiu sa te chem, acum stďu ca te vreau

    Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, so make the best of today!
  2. dya said:


    I'll help you tomorrow morning Tonight I'm so sleepy, I can't even find the right letters on the keyboard!!

  3. dya said:



    Holograf - Undeva departe--Somewhere far away

    Undeva departe e iubirea mea
    Somewhere far away is my love
    Undeva acolo s-a pierdut și ea
    Somethere there it(the love) got lost
    Undeva în noapte a stea a mai căzut
    Somewhere in the night another star fell
    Oare cine poate să m-ajute să pot s-o iau acum de la început?
    But who can help me start it all over again now?

    Astăzi totu-mi pare atât de greu
    Today everything seems so hard to me
    Da astăzi, îmi dau seama că nu pot să mai fiu eu
    Yes, today, I realise I can't be myself anymore
    Sunt atâtea zile și atâtea nopți de când pe lume rătăcesc
    There are so many days and so many nights since I've been wandering through the world
    Fără să știu unde merg și de ce mai trăiesc
    Without knowing where I'm going or why I'm living anymore


    Mâine, mâine este o altă zi
    Tomorrow, tomorrow is another day
    Da mâine, mâine poate te voi regăsi
    Yes, tomorrow, tomorrow maybe I'll find you again
    Și-n atâtea zile și atâtea nopți iubirea am să-ți dau
    And in so many days and so many nights I'll give you love
    Acum știu să te chem, acum știu că te vreau
    Now I know how to call for you, now I know that I want you
    Last edited by dya; 05-02-2008 at 02:18 AM. Reason: adding diacritics
  4. dya said:


    Directia 5 - Am nevoie de tine--I need you

    În liniștea mea
    In my silence
    Mă întreb de-aș putea
    I wonder if I could
    Să te simt aproape din nou
    Feel you close again
    Îmi revin amintiri,gânduri ce vor veni
    Memories come back to me, thoughts that will come
    Să-mi aducă-n sufletul gol
    To bring in my empty soul
    Îmi lipsește curajul de a-ți spune ce simt
    I lack the courage of telling you what I feel
    Nimic nu s-a schimbat
    Nothing has changed
    Sentimente pierdute le-am reîntâlnit
    I met again lost feelings
    De acum eu le-am aflat
    Now I found them

    Am nevoie de tine
    I need you

    Azi încerc să m-ascund
    Today I'm trying to hide
    Încerc să nu uit
    I'm trying not to forget
    Mă gândesc la tine mereu
    I'm always thinking of you
    Totu-mi pare tăcut
    Everything seems quiet to me
    Totu-mi pare pierdut
    Everything seems lost to me
    Devine tot mai greu
    It becomes harder and harder

    Am nevoie de tine
    I need you
    Cand mă trezesc
    When I wake up
    Am nevoie de tine
    I need you
    Să pot să visez
    To be able to dream

    Am nevoie de tine
    I need you
    Să mă asculți
    To listen to me
    Am nevoie de tine
    I need you
    Să nu mă uiți
    Not to forget me

    Am nevoie de tine
    I need you
    Când mă trezesc
    When I wake up
    Am nevoie de tine
    I need you
    Să pot să visez
    To be able to dream

    Am nevoie de tine
    I need you
    Să mă asculți
    To listen to me
    Am nevoie de tine
    I need you
    Să nu mă uiți
    Not to forget me
    Last edited by dya; 05-02-2008 at 02:23 AM. Reason: adding diacritics
  5. dya said:


    3 Sud Est - N-ai crezut în mine--You didn't believe in me

    N-ai crezut în mine, n-ai crezut în noi,
    You didn't believe in me, you didn't believe in us
    Acum vezi prea bine, plângem amândoi,
    Now, you can see it very well, both of us are crying
    N-ai crezut în mine, n-ai crezut în noi,
    You didn't believe in me, you didn't believe in us
    Cât aș vrea iubire să dau timpul înapoi.
    How I'd want, love, to turn back time

    Baby, don't stop, X 12

    Ți-am dat respect, tu ai uitat,
    I gave you respect, you forgot
    Nu m-ai înțeles, m-ai ignorat,
    You didn't understand me, you ignored me
    Am așteptat, cât să mai tac,
    I waited, how much longer should I shut up?
    O noapte și o zi ar fi de'ajuns,
    A night and a day would be enough
    Să spun ce am de spus
    To say what I have to say

    N-ai crezut în mine, n-ai crezut în noi,
    You didn't believe in me, you didn't believe in us
    Acum vezi prea bine, plângem amândoi,
    Now, you can see it very well, both of us are crying
    N-ai crezut în mine, n-ai crezut în noi,
    You didn't believe in me, you didn't believe in us
    Cât aș vrea iubire să dau timpul înapoi.
    How I'd want, love, to turn back time

    N'ai crezut in mine...
    You didn't believe in me

    N-ai crezut în mine, n-ai crezut în noi,
    You didn't believe in me, you didn't believe in us
    Acum vezi prea bine, plângem amândoi,
    Now, you can see it very well, both of us are crying
    N-ai crezut în mine, n-ai crezut în noi,
    You didn't believe in me, you didn't believe in us
    Cât aș vrea iubire să dau timpul înapoi.
    How I'd want, love, to turn back time

    Baby, don't stop, X 4

    Ți-am dat respect, tu ai uitat,
    I gave you respect, you forgot
    Nu m-ai înțeles, m-ai ignorat,
    You didn't understand me, you ignored me
    Am așteptat, cât să mai tac,
    I waited, how much longer should I shut up?
    O noapte și o zi ar fi de'ajuns,
    A night and a day would be enough
    Să spun ce am de spus
    To say what I have to say

    REFREN: X 2
    N-ai crezut în mine, n-ai crezut în noi,
    You didn't believe in me, you didn't believe in us
    Acum vezi prea bine, plângem amândoi,
    Now, you can see it very well, both of us are crying
    N-ai crezut în mine, n-ai crezut în noi,
    You didn't believe in me, you didn't believe in us
    Cât aș vrea iubire să dau timpul înapoi.
    How I'd want, love, to turn back time
    Last edited by dya; 05-02-2008 at 02:25 AM. Reason: adding diacritics
  6. dya said:


    3 Sud Est - De dorul tău--Because I'm missing you

    Atunci când îți va fi mai greu
    Then, when it will be the hardest for you
    Am să mă întorc, am să mă întorc, am să mă întorc...
    I'll be back, I'll be back, I'll be back

    Atunci când îți va fi mai greu
    Then, when it will be the hardest for you
    Să te gândești la mine mereu
    Think about me all the time
    Am să mă întorc, iubirea mea, de dorul tău
    I'll be back, my love, because I'm missing you

    Cine ar fi crezut
    Who would have believed
    Ce-am iubit mai mult azi am pierdut
    (that) What I loved more, today I lost
    Și mă întreb: "De ce ?"
    And I wonder "Why?"

    Nu știu cât timp a mai trecut
    I don't know how much time it has passed
    Poate o viață, poate un minut
    Maybe a lifetime, maybe a minute
    Îmi lipsești..
    I miss you..

    Atunci când îți va fi mai greu
    Then, when it will be the hardest for you
    Să te gândești la mine mereu
    Think about me all the time
    Am să mă întorc, iubirea mea, de dorul tău
    I'll be back, my love, because I'm missing you
    Atunci când îți va fi mai greu, aaa
    Then, when it will be the hardest for you, aaaa

    Ce n-aș da acum
    What I wouldn't give now
    Să am puterea să te întorc din drum
    To have the power to turn you back
    Lumea ar fi a mea
    The world would be mine

    Nu știu cât timp a mai trecut
    I don't know how much time it has passed
    Poate o viață, poate un minut
    Maybe a lifetime, maybe a minute
    Îmi lipsești..
    I miss you..

    Atunci când îți va fi mai greu
    Then, when it will be the hardest for you
    Să te gândești la mine mereu
    Think about me all the time
    Am să mă întorc, iubirea mea, de dorul tău
    I'll be back, my love, because I'm missing you
    Atunci când îți va fi mai greu, aaa
    Then, when it will be the hardest for you, aaaa
    Last edited by dya; 05-02-2008 at 02:31 AM. Reason: adding diacritics
  7. Xtapodi87's Avatar

    Xtapodi87 said:

    Thumbs up

    WOW, dya, you're the best

    Thank you soooo much!! Efxaristo para poly!!!!!

    It would be great if someone could add the accents too....
    Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, so make the best of today!
  8. dya said:


    You're welcome

    I guess by accents you actually mean the diacritics: ă,î,â,ș,ț right? I'll try to edit the posts where I already translated the songs. This way, you'll have both the diacritics text and the english translation in one place
  9. Xtapodi87's Avatar

    Xtapodi87 said:


    Yes, that's what I mean... I want to learn Romanian and it's difficult to pronounce the words in the right way when they're written without accents.

    Thank you again!
    Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, so make the best of today!
  10. dya said:


    Hmmmm.... I know what you mean. But, unlike Greek, Romanian does not have written accents that could guide your pronounciation...

    The diacritics are some different letters that do not appear in English for example.

    If we write without diacritics, for a foreigner it's difficult to figure out which letter is which.

    I'll show you: The diacritics are: ă, î, â, ș, ț

    When we don't use the Romanian keyboard, we simply write a, i, a, s, t instead. For me it's no problem to understand. But for a foreigner it's sometimes imposible to figure out if I meant a or ă or â.

    Especially for words which have completely different meanings written with diacritics.

    fata --the girl


    Without diacritics both look like this: fata. I understand, from the context, if the subject is a girl or a face, but you may find it difficult!
  11. Xtapodi87's Avatar

    Xtapodi87 said:


    Yes, that's exactly the thing that's difficult for me... I know how to pronounce the diacritics, but if words are written without them the pronounciation is completely different and like you explained above, sometimes it's even another word.... Confusing :-)

    It helps me a lot if I can listen to the songs and read through the text at the same time .... I hope that this will help me learning Romanian because it helped me a lot with my Greek...

    So thanks a lot for adding the diacritics, unfortunately I didn't manage to find the lyrics with diacritics anywhere...
    Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, so make the best of today!
  12. dya said:


    I know That's exactly how I'm doing with Greek as well! Fortunately, in Greek I can also read without listening, because of the accents which help me.

    As for Romanian music, I see you've already found Directia 5 and Holograf. I assume you listened to more songs from these two bands, because there are so many nice ones.

    But, did you listen to Phoenix? Famous Romanian band. Not of a much help for learning Romanian, though, because you may find difficult to actually listen to the words. But, for the sake of music only, you should listen to a few songs to make an idea. Examples:

    And so on...
  13. Xtapodi87's Avatar

    Xtapodi87 said:


    You're right, there are lots of great Romanian songs, sometimes I don't know to which one I should listen first...

    Thanks for the links, I already know Phoenix and their songs and I have to say that I really like them!!

    By the way, the second song from the links above is a nice example for the word fata or faţă... or however...
    Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, so make the best of today!
  14. GhizTheMoroccanSweetGirl said:


    Hello all, please I need help in translating this song asap into English, thank you in advance xx
    Probleme de memorie
    Intr-o zi ai uitat si n-ai mai stiut
    Sa ma privesti cu ochii de inceput
    Azi nu mai sunt atat de sigur ca vreau sa vii
    Si ma gandesc in fiecare noapte cum ar fi,
    Cum ar fi sa te intorci si sa-ti spun
    Ca mi-e dor si doare atunci cand nu mai esti
    Nu mai esti ganduri sa-mi citesti
    Si sa-ti mai spun cum inchid ochii
    Si te vad si cum nebunia furtunii e din nou in mine
    Te vad peste tot numai pe tine
    Te vad in toate femeile pe care le-ntalnesc
    O da, inca mai gresesc desi stiu
    C-ai avut probleme de memorie
    Intr-o zi ai uitat si n-ai mai stiut
    Sa ma privesti cu ochii de inceput
    Azi nu mai sunt atat de sigur ca vreau sa vii
    Si ma gandesc in fiecare noapte cum ar fi
    Cum ar fi sa te intorci si sa-ti spun
    Ca daca tot ai inchis marea in ochi
    Sa stii ca de-acum e ploaie pe mare
    Ploua pe mare foarte tare
    Dar n-o sa-ti spun, cauta-ma tu!
    Pentru ca-i foarte clar
    Acum cauti altceva
    Poate cauti iubirea
    Chiar! Unde cauti tu iu..?
    Mai bine, mai bine nu stiu
    Nu-i destul de tarziu sa stiu,
    Insa stiu c-ai avut probleme de memorie
    Intr-o zi ai uitat si n-ai mai stiut
    Sa ma privesti cu ochii de inceput
    Azi nu mai sunt atat de sigur ca vreau sa vii
    Si ma gandesc in fiecare noapte cum ar fi
    O, da
    Ma gandesc ca poate-ar trebui sa cer inc-o opinie
    De la poeti sau de la filozofi
    Desi stiu ca dragostea nu-i altceva
    Decat o pereche de pantofi
    Si nu mai sunt atat de sigur
    Ca stelele care cad nu pier
    Nu mai sunt atat de sigur
    Dar sper, dar sper, dar sper
    Probleme de memorie
  15. kmmy's Avatar

    kmmy said:


    memory problems
    one day you forgot and no longer knew
    to look at me as you did in the begining
    today i'm not so sure anymore that i want you to come
    and i'm thinking every night how would it be
    how would it be if you come back and tell you
    that i miss and it hurts when you are not here
    you are not here to read my mind
    and to tell you as i close my eyes
    i see you and the storm's madness is again inside me
    i see you everywhere by my side
    i see you in all the women i meet
    oh yes, i still make mistakes even though i know
    you had memory problems
    one day you forgot and no longer knew
    to look at me as you did in the begining
    today i'm not so sure anymore that i want you to come
    and i'm thinking every night how would it be
    how would it be if you come back and tell you
    that if you closed the sea in your eyes
    now is raining on the sea, you know
    is raining a lot on the sea
    but i won't tell you, you look for me!
    because is so clear
    now you are looking for something else
    maybe you are looking for love
    where do you look for lo...?
    well is better if i don't know
    is not late enough to know
    but i do know that you had memory problems
    one day you forgot and no longer knew
    to look at me as you did in the begining
    today i'm not so sure anymore that i want you to come
    and i'm thinking every night how would it be
    oh yes
    i'm thinking that maybe i should ask for a second opinion
    from poets or philosophers
    even though i know that love is nothing else
    than a pair of shoes
    and im no longer sure
    that the falling stars don't die
    i'm no longer sure
    but i hope, but i hope, but i hope
    memory problems