SIDDHARTA - Slovenian to English please!

Thread: SIDDHARTA - Slovenian to English please!

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  1. Xtapodi87's Avatar

    Xtapodi87 said:

    Question SIDDHARTA - Slovenian to English please!


    Can anyone please translate these songs of the Slovenian band Siddharta??

    I've been studying Slovenian for a year at school, but unfortunately I remember only a few words

    I've found the lyrics on the net, I hope they are correct:

    Samo edini

    Vem da nisem prvi ki ne zna
    stopiti na divji vrh sveta
    in ne bom ta zadnji ki te vidi v sanjah
    koliko jih je pred mano dihalo zrak
    in kolikim se rodi najlepši otrok
    koliko jih še pride sem za nami v ta rod

    Sem pa edini ki nosi najino kri
    jaz sem edini ki tvoj jok umiri
    jaz sem edini ki ne obstaja
    ne obstaja brez tvojega sveta

    Vem da nisem prvi ki ne spi
    zaradi udarcev in skrbi
    in ne bom ta zadnji ki se enkrat ne zbudi
    drugim sem kazal svoj nasmeh
    drugi so videli solze na tleh
    drugi so grizli kožo z mene spet in spet

    Ampak sem edini ki s tvoje rane liže kri
    jaz sem edini ki tvoj jok umiri
    in samo edini ki ne obstaja
    ne obstaja brez tvojega sveta

    In vedno več je upanja v ta svet
    slišal sem da z mano hočeš živet
    in s tem edino to življenje dati za me
    zato sem danes jaz vdihnil zrak
    in danes je moj najlepši otrok
    danes zaspim ker jutri s tabo se zbudim

    Male roke

    Od kod so te male roke ki jih ne poznam
    Od kod vse te besede iz dna vedoč stran
    Izbrisane vse zasluge
    udarjene v ta moment
    Odmaknjene so obljube prodane za naprej

    Od kod so te male roke ki jih ne poznam
    Zakaj vse zle besede nastale so tam
    Izbrisano vse na silo
    ostaja le tisti vir
    Priznavajo le pribito kar nudi jim papir

    Zdaj ne vidi se vrhov za nas
    vedno bolj oddaljen je svet
    Ni besed ki bi stopile moč
    ta pogled izda vse te lepote

    A ne vemo, kaj je to
    ko izginjajo napake
    In vse ostalo...

    (Nimamo več oblakov nad sabo nimamo več oblasti nad njo
    Velike učke rišejo slavo gledajo kod so doma)

    Zdaj ne vidi se vrhov za nas
    vedno bolj oddaljen je svet
    Ni besed ki bi stopile moč
    ta pogled izda vse te lepote

    A ne vemo kaj je to
    ko izginjajo napake
    In vse ostalo...
    Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, so make the best of today!
  2. Aish's Avatar

    Aish said:

    Default "Samo edini" translation

    Only one

    I know I'm not the first that doesn't know
    How to get to the wild top off the world
    And I won't be the last who see you in dreams
    How many of them had breathe air before me
    And how many had have the prettiest child
    And how many more come after us into this family

    I'm the only one that has our blood
    I'm the only one who calms your cry
    I'm the only one that doesn't exist
    Doesn't exist without your world

    I know I'm not the first that doesn't sleep
    Cause off punches and worries
    And that I wouldn't be the last who once isn't gonna wake up
    I've shown my smile to others
    Others have seen the tears on the ground
    Others have been biting the skin of me again and again

    But I'm the only one that licks the blood from your wound
    I'm the only one who calms your cry
    And I'm the only one that doesn't exist
    Doesn't exist without your world

    And there's always hope for this world
    I've heard that you want to live with me
    And that you want to give your life for me
    That's why today I took a breath
    And today is mine prettiest child
    Today I fall asleep cause I know I'll wake up with you tomorrow
    Last edited by Aish; 06-09-2008 at 08:47 AM.
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  3. Aish's Avatar

    Aish said:

    Default "Male roke" translation

    Little hands

    Who are these little unknown hands from?
    Whose are these words from the bottom ?
    All credits are erased
    Stricken to that moment
    Distant promises are sold in advance

    Who are these little unknown hands from?
    Why did all the malicious words come from there?
    Everything is erased by force
    The same source remains
    Confessing only what paper offers to make it sure

    Now, the peaks are invisible to us
    Better world is always so far away
    No words that can melt the power
    That view betrays all the beauty

    And we don't know what it is
    When mistakes disappear
    And all that remains/And everything else

    (we've got no more clouds above us, we've got no more control over them,
    big eyes draw glory, looking where is home)

    Now, the peaks are invisible to us
    Better world is always so far away
    No words that can melt the power
    That view betrays all the beauty

    And we don’t know what it is
    When mistakes disappear
    And all that remains/And everything else

    ~ I also like Siddharta, they have great songs
    Last edited by Aish; 06-09-2008 at 09:06 AM.
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  4. Xtapodi87's Avatar

    Xtapodi87 said:


    Hvala lijepa Aish!!!!!

    I like their songs very much too

    Greetings to Croatia!
    Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, so make the best of today!
  5. Aish's Avatar

    Aish said:


    Nema na čemu/ No problem

    And greetings to Vienna, one of my favourite european cities
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  6. Zvezda's Avatar

    Zvezda said:


    @Xtapodi: Siddharta have released an album with some of their songs (eg Ring, Sim Hae) in english. The lyrics are somewhat different but the songs are still very good. The english version of Sim Hae is my favourite. It's worth a download
    Bio je Novembar 2009 godine, zamišljao sam kako hodaš ulicom Bana Jelačića cipelama od zmijske kože..
  7. Xtapodi87's Avatar

    Xtapodi87 said:


    Hey Zvezda (btw, what's your name??)
    Thanks for the hint... I'll search for it! I've already found some English songs of them, but I didn't know that there's a whole album...
    Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery, so make the best of today!
  8. Zvezda's Avatar

    Zvezda said:


    Could somebody please translate the song "Domine"? I find it hard to make sense of the lyrics


    Se v rdeče mesto zlije vonj, vonj po divjih vrtnicah
    Nezabito nam prodaja nos in tisto pod tem
    Nezavedno je pozabil na okolico in vse kar naj bi v njem bilo
    Predstava nečesa kar �ele bo mu ubija misli na elemente grenkega

    Za balast podirajo domine
    Sol na prelomu libida
    Prepovedano meso je za bis bilo
    No pa ni samo, pa ni samo tako
    Za ponos podirajo domine
    Sila zamaje trdna tla
    Gola Mistika...

    Svetloba z jutra pere mrak, mestu prevetri korak
    V novi dimenziji trga vest zasajeno v greh
    Srce premakne z leve nizko kar se da, topo zaboli ob udaru v tla
    Predstava tistega kar je bilo, polomila je mo�a in lepote ki ima

    Za balast podirajo domine
    Sol na prelomu libida
    Prepovedano meso je za bis bilo
    No pa ni samo, pa ni samo tako
    Za ponos podirajo domine
    Sila zamaje trdna tla
    Gola Mistika
    Gola Mistika...
    Bio je Novembar 2009 godine, zamišljao sam kako hodaš ulicom Bana Jelačića cipelama od zmijske kože..
  9. Aish's Avatar

    Aish said:


    I've found this translation on net Siddharta has unusual lyrics but thats why I like them


    Into a red town spills the smell
    Smell of the wild roses
    She's cleverly selling her nose *
    And the rest below
    Unconsciously he forgot about the surroundings
    And everything that's supposed to be in him
    The thought/vision of something that's about to happen
    Is killing his thoughts of the bitter parts

    For the ballast they're pulling down the dominoes
    The salt on the edge of libido
    The forbidden meat was for encore
    Well, it's not, it's not just like that
    For the pride they're pulling down the dominoes
    The force shakes the hard ground
    Pure Mystique **

    The lights washes dark in the morning
    Refreshes up the city
    In the new dimension tears conscience
    Planted in the sin
    Moves the hear from the left side as low as possible
    It hurts numbly when it hits the ground
    The vision/thought of what has been
    Has broken the man and the beauty he had

    For the ballast they're pulling down the dominoes
    The salt on the edge of libido
    The forbidden meat was for encore
    Well, it's not, it's not just like that
    For the pride they're pulling down the dominoes
    The force shakes the hard ground
    Pure Mystique

    * It's relating on the most common interpretation of the lyrics, which tells that it's about prostitution or at least cheating. So "she" is the prostitute.

    ** the word 'gola' can mean either 'naked' or 'pure' - in Slovenian language the verse 'gola Mistika' can be an interesting word game - it can be interpreted in two different ways - 'pure mystique' (the man has no control over him-self anymore) or also 'naked Mystique', ('Mystique' could be the name of the prostitute).
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  10. Zvezda's Avatar

    Zvezda said:


    Thank you Aish
    Bio je Novembar 2009 godine, zamišljao sam kako hodaš ulicom Bana Jelačića cipelama od zmijske kože..
  11. aksios said:


    Can anyone please translate this too?

    Na Soncu

    Jaz ne morem veè v temi živeti,
    jaz bi hodil na soncu,
    jaz bi hotel tebe imet.
    Zdaj ne rabim veè ostalih stvari,
    Samo Å¡e svoje sanje
    In èloveka kot si ti.

    Mislim da sem videl že ogromno lepih slik,
    A podvomil sem vase,
    Nehal trest mi je kosti,
    Zdaj poèivam na otoku,
    In si zidam gradove,
    Onih sreèo lovim.

    Ker ne verjamem v telo,
    Rad bi te videl v srce.
    Jaz ne verjamem v telo,
    Rad bi te videl v srce.

    Kot da bi videl svojo dramo vnaprej
    Iz nje sem brisal žalost
    In dodajal svoj nasmeh.
    Vsako dušo, ki me gleda v oèi,
    Sem povabil zraven,
    Naj še ona to doživi.
    Preden svoj obraz v solze potopim,
    Zlate solze sreèe,
    Preden od dobrega znorim,
    Rad bi videl, da še ti greš z nami,
    Skupaj bomo videli,
    Kaj pomeni adrenalin.

    Ker ne verjamem v telo,
    Rad bi te videl v srce...
  12. Stinky said:


    Na Soncu / On the sun

    Jaz ne morem več v temi živeti, / I can't live in the darkness anymore
    jaz bi hodil na soncu, / I'd like to walk on the sun
    jaz bi hotel tebe imet. / I'd like to have you.
    Zdaj ne rabim več ostalih stvari, / Now I don't need anything else
    Samo še svoje sanje / apart from my dreams
    In človeka kot si ti. / and a person like you.

    Mislim da sem videl še ogromno lepih slik, / I think I saw tons of beautiful pictures,
    A podvomil sem vase, / but I doubted myself
    Nehal trest mi je kosti, / my bones stopped shivering,
    Zdaj počivam na otoku, / now I'm resting on an island
    In si zidam gradove, / and I'm building castles
    V njih srečo lovim. / in which I'm cathcing hapiness.

    Ker ne verjamem v telo, / Because I don't believe in the physical
    Rad bi te videl v srce. / I'd like to see you straight to the heart.
    Jaz ne verjamem v telo, / I don't believe in the physical
    Rad bi te videl v srce. / I'd like to see straight to your heart.

    Kot da bi videl svojo dramo vnaprej / As I had seen my drama in advance
    Iz nje sem brisal žalost / I errased sorrow from it
    In dodajal svoj nasmeh. / and kept on adding my smile to it.
    Vsako dušo, ki me gleda v oči, / Every soul, that is staring into my eyes,
    Sem povabil zraven, / I've invited to come along
    Naj še ona to doživi. / let it experiance this too.
    Preden svoj obraz v solze potopim, / Before I drown my face in tears,
    Zlate solze sreče, / gold tears of happiness,
    Preden od dobrega znorim, / before I go crazy of all the good,
    Rad bi videl, da še ti greš z nami, / I'd like to see you come with us,
    Skupaj bomo videli, / together we shall see
    Kaj pomeni adrenalin... / what adrenaline means...
  13. aksios said:


    Thank you so much, you've done a big favour to me, I like that song! Hava a nice night! Thanks a lot!
  14. Stinky said:


    No problem. Sorry for being late. I've totaly forgotten bout this forum so I havn't been checking it lately. If you have any other lyrics feel free to post them here
  15. cassano said:


    If someone could translate Venom E to English or German, I would very much appreciate it. I know there is also an English version of that song, but I doubt that the meaning of the lyrics are the same.

    Venom E

    Veš srce zagori ko te pogledam
    ti me gledaš takrat se zagledava oba
    le nocoj ta pomlad je le naju
    jaz na trati nabral bom cvetlice zate le

    Zdaj ni več nabijanja v prazno
    zdaj ni več bedarij
    daj nam mir umakni to golazen
    škoda vroče krvi
    pa da ne bo nehote
    užaljen tvoj ponos
    a zgleda da je že

    Nam je dost tele butaste norije
    in osladnosti k nam kljuvajo oči
    in v štali se davijo živali ko izvejo
    da je za njih ta tvoj navdih

    Še tamali so posrali se k videli so tvoje delo
    in debili so zarili svoje glave v zemljo
    Če bi vedu kdo bi tebi dopovedu da bi rabu skero
    ne zakaj k pol pokvar humor
    k je k je že tolk bolan da je jasn kdo je nor
    'jest ti bom naredu stih k bo dobr... k ti'

    Nam je dost…

    Nocoj bom vse zate naredil
    na tvoj način tole povedal
    a vseeno malo nase bom gledal
    in pod vokal žage prtegnu

    Nocoj bom vse zate naredil
    a žal ne gre brez zajebancije
    nocoj bom vse zate naredil
    a žal ne gre ker tega res mamo dost

    Nam je dost tele butaste norije
    in osladnosti k nam kljuvajo oči
    in v štali se davijo živali ko izvejo
    da je za njih ta tvoj navdih
    Nam je dost…
    Last edited by cassano; 10-13-2008 at 04:33 PM.
  16. Stinky said:


    Weird lyrics, wanna be deep. never gona get there. Random bullshit in my opinion =)

    Venom E / Venom E

    Veš srce zagori ko te pogledam / The heart goes on fire when I look at you
    ti me gledaš takrat se zagledava oba / you look at me - in that moment we catch the sight of one another
    le nocoj ta pomlad je le naju / only tonight this spring is only for us
    jaz na trati nabral bom cvetlice zate le / I will pick flowers for you on a meadow

    Zdaj ni več nabijanja v prazno / Now there's no bullshit talking
    zdaj ni več bedarij / Now there's no more trash (*as in foolish things we do)
    daj nam mir umakni to golazen / let us be in peace, remove this vermin
    škoda vroče krvi / it's a waste of boiling blood
    pa da ne bo nehote / just so that your pride
    užaljen tvoj ponos / won't be unintendedly hurt
    a zgleda da je že / but it looks like it already is

    Nam je dost tele butaste norije / We're sick of this stupid luncy
    in osladnosti k nam kljuvajo oči / and corniness that pokes our eyes out
    in v štali se davijo živali ko izvejo / and in the barn animals are choking when the find out
    da je za njih ta tvoj navdih / that this inspiration of yours is intended for them

    Še tamali so posrali se k videli so tvoje delo / Even the younf ones **** themselves when they saw your work
    in debili so zarili svoje glave v zemljo / and morons dug their heads into the ground
    Če bi vedu kdo bi tebi dopovedu da bi rabu skero / If I knew who could tell you that I'd need an axe
    ne zakaj k pol pokvar humor / but no! Why? So I could spoil all the fun?
    k je k je že tolk bolan da je jasn kdo je nor / And it's so sick that it's clear who's the madman
    'jest ti bom naredu stih k bo dobr... k ti' / I'll make you a rhyme that'll be as good... as you

    Nam je dost… / We're sick of it

    Nocoj bom vse zate naredil / Today I'll do everything for you
    na tvoj način tole povedal / I'll tell it with your style
    a vseeno malo nase bom gledal / but I'll try to make my point too
    in pod vokal žage prtegnu / and I'll put some hardcore guitars as a base for my vocal

    Nocoj bom vse zate naredil / Today I'll do everything for you
    a žal ne gre brez zajebancije / but unfortunately I can't do it without making a joke
    nocoj bom vse zate naredil / Today I'll do everything for you
    a žal ne gre ker tega res mamo dost / but unfortunatelly that can't be, cause we're sick of it

    Nam je dost tele butaste norije / We're sick of this stupid luncy
    in osladnosti k nam kljuvajo oči / and corniness that pokes our eyes out
    in v štali se davijo živali ko izvejo / and in the barn animals are choking when the find out
    da je za njih ta tvoj navdih / that this inspiration of yours is intended for them
  17. cassano said:


    Well, thank you very much Stinky. The original Slovenian lyrics are still more meaningful than the English ones, I think.
  18. bugmenot2 said:


    Thanks all! Still, a tad disappointing, that Samo edini has such cheesy lyrics... but should've seen it coming... what else could inspire all that gifted whimpering but True Love™? And with a surprising Happy Ending too!

    I polished the lyrics a bit:

    Samo edini ______________________________________ Only one

    Vem, da nisem prvi, ki ne zna ___________________ I know, I'm not the first, that doesn't know
    Stopiti na divji vrh sveta, _____________________ How to get to the wild top of the world,
    in ne bom ta zadnji, ki te vidi v sanjah. _______ And I won't be the last, to see you in dreams
    Koliko jih je pred mano dihalo zrak _____________ How many of them did breathe air before me
    In kolikim se rodi najlepši otrok, ______________ And how many had have the prettiest child
    Koliko jih še pride sem za nami v ta rod. _______ And how many more come after us into this family.

    Sem pa edini, ki nosi najino kri, _______________ I'm the only one, that has our blood,
    Jaz sem edini, ki tvoj jok umiri. _______________ I'm the only one, who calms your cry.
    Jaz sem edini, ki ne obstaja, ___________________ I'm the only one, that doesn't exist,
    Ne obstaja brez tvojega sveta. __________________ Doesn't exist without your world.

    Vem, da nisem prvi, ki ne spi, __________________ I know, I'm not the first, that doesn't sleep,
    Zaradi udarcev in skrbi _________________________ Because of blows and worries
    In ne bom ta zadnji, ki se enkrat ne zbudi. _____ And that I wouldn't be the last, not to wake up again.
    Drugim sem kazal svoj nasmeh, ___________________ I've shown my smile to others,
    Drugi so videli solze na tleh, __________________ Others have seen the tears on the ground,
    Drugi so grizli kožo z mene spet in spet. _______ Others have been biting the skin of me again and again.

    Ampak sem edini, ki s tvoje rane liže kri _______ But I'm the only one, that licks the blood from your wound
    Jaz sem edini, ki tvoj jok umiri. _______________ I'm the only one who calms your cry.
    In samo edini, ki ne obstaja, ___________________ And I'm the only one, that doesn't exists,
    Ne obstaja brez tvojega sveta. __________________ Doesn't exists without your world.

    In vedno več je upanja v ta svet, _______________ And there's always hope for this world,
    Slišal sem, da z mano hočeš živet _______________ I've heard, that you want to live with me
    In s tem edino to življenje dati za me. _________ And that you want to give your life for me.
    Zato sem danes jaz vdihnil zrak _________________ That's why today I took a breather
    In danes je moj najlepši otrok, _________________ And today is my prettiest child,
    Danes zaspim, ker jutri s tabo se zbudim. _______ Today I go to sleep, because tomorrow I'll wake up with you...
