Learning Serbian /Croatian/Bosnian

Thread: Learning Serbian /Croatian/Bosnian

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  1. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Vremenski izrazi – Time expressions

    Juče - Yesterday
    Danas – Today
    Sjutra – Tomorrow
    Noćas (Večeras) – Tonight
    Sinoć – Last night
    Ujutro – In the morning
    Popodne – In the afternoon
    Uveče – In the evening
    U podne – At noon
    U ponoć – At midnight
    U zoru – At dawn
    Prije dva dana – Two days ago
    U toku dana – During the day
    Za dva dana – In two days
    Sjutra ujutro – tomorrow morning
    Sjutra veče – tomorrow evening
    Juče ujutro – Yestrday morning
    Sinoć – Last night
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  2. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Dani u nedelji – Days in a week

    Ponedjeljak – Monday
    Utorak – Tuesday
    Srijeda – Wednesday
    Četvrtak – Thursday
    Petak – Friday
    Subota – Saturday
    Nedjalja - Sunday

    Mjeseci u godini – Months in a year
    Januar – January
    Februar – February
    Mart – March
    April – April
    Maj – May
    Jun – June
    Jul – July
    Avgust – August
    Septembar – September
    Oktobar – October
    Novembar – November
    Decembar - December

    Godinja doba – Seasons of the year
    Proljeće - Spring
    Ljeto – Summer
    Jesen – Autumn / Fall
    Zima - Winter
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  3. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Česti (uobičajeni izrazi) - Common expressions

    Ko? - Who?
    Šta? – What?
    Zašto? – Why?
    Kada? –When?
    Gde? – Where?
    Kako? – How?
    Koliko? – How much?
    Koliko? – How many?
    Koliko dugo? – How long?
    Koliko često? – How often?

    Jednom (jedanput) – Once
    Dvaput – Twice
    Tri puta – Three times
    Četiri puta – Four times etc.

    Neko – Someone (Somebody)
    Niko / Ništa – No one / No body

    Svako / Svašta – Everybody / Everyone
    Nešto – Something
    Svugde – Everywhere
    Negde – Somewhere
    Nigde – Nowhere

    Rano - Early
    Kasno – Late
    Pre – Before
    Posle – After
    Blizu – Close
    Daleko – Far (Far away)
    Napred – Straight (forward)
    Nazad – Back
    Levo – Left
    Desno – Right
    Gore – Up
    Dole – Down
    Ovde – Here (Over here)
    Tamo – There (Over there)
    Nikad – Never
    Uvek – Always
    Zato što - Because
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  4. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Part 1: Avion – Plane

    Možete li mi reći kada ima let za London?
    Can you tell me when is the flight for London?

    Mozete li mi reci da li ima autobus do aerodorma?
    Can you tell me if there is a bus to the airport?

    Mogu li ovdje da kupim kartu za let za Brisel?
    Can I buy here the ticket for Brussels?

    Možete. Gdje biste željeli da sjedite u dijelu za nepušače ili za pušače?
    Yes you can. Where would you like to sit: in the non smokin area or in the smoking area?

    U dijelu za nepušače, molim vas.
    In the non smoking area, please.

    Možete li mi reći gdje je šalter zaprijavljivanje?
    Can you tell me where the check – in counter is?

    Dobar dan. Da li se ovdje prijavljuje let za Amsterdam?
    Good afternoon. Can I check in here for the flight to Amsterdam?

    Mozete li mi dati vašu kartu i pasoš?
    Can you please give me your ticket and passport?

    Da li imate prtljag?
    Do you have any luggage?

    Nemate viška prtljaga. Ne morate ništa da plaćate
    You do not have extra luggage. There is no excess to pay.

    Svaki kilogram viška se plaća…
    Extra charge for every kilo is…

    Mogu li ponijeti ovu torbu kao ručni prtljag?
    Can I take this bag as a hand luggage?

    Mozete. Daću vam naljenicu za to torbu.
    Yes you can. I will give you a label for it.

    Izvolite vasu bording kartu.
    Here is your boarding card.

    Možete li mi molim vas reći koji je broj mog leta?
    Can you please tell me what’s my flight number?

    Kada stiže avion?
    When does the plane arrive?

    Uprkos nevremenu, vaš avion stiže na vrijeme.
    Despite the bad weather your plane will be on time.

    Gdje je čekaonica?
    Where is the waiting lounge?

    Da li ima neki autobus koji ide do grada?
    Is there a bus going to town?
    to top
    Part 2: Voz – Train

    Možete li mi reći gdje je željenznička stanica?
    Can zou please tell me where the train station is?

    Bijelog Polja.
    I would like to buy two return tickets to Bijelo Polje.

    Hoću kartu u jednom pravcu do Bara.
    I want a one way ticket to Bar.

    Kada dolazi voz?
    When is the train comming?

    Kada voz polazi?
    When is the train leaing?

    Kada voz stiže u Bijelo Polje?
    When is the train arriving in Bijelo Polje?

    Na koji peron stiže voz broj1562?
    At which platform does the train 1562 arrive?

    Možete li mi reći gdje se nalazi peron 2?
    Can you please tell me where the platform 2 is?

    Da li voz dolazi na vrijeme?
    Is the train on time?

    Ne, voz će kasniti nekoliko minuta.
    No, the train will be severl minutes late.

    Gdje se nalazi garderoba?
    Where is the luagge – office?

    Pušačka i nepušačka zona – Smoking and non –smoking area

    Da li bi vam smetalo ako zapalim cigaretu?
    Would you mind if I light a cigarette? (Would you mind if I smoke)

    Da. –Yes I do.
    No. – No I don’t.
    to top
    Part 3: Autobus – Bus

    Možete li mi reći gdje je autobuska stanica?
    Can you please tell me where the bus station is?

    Da li mogu da kupim kartu u jednom pravcu do Herceg Novog?
    Can I buy a one way ticket to Herceg Novi?

    Ne, nažalost autobus je popunjen.
    No, unfortunately the bus is full.

    Možete li mi dati jednu povratnu kartu do Budve?
    Can zou give me one return ticket to Budva?

    Koliko košta povratna karta do Budve?
    How much is the return ticket to Budva?

    Da li autobus dolazi na vrijeme?
    Is the busa comming on time?

    Gdje su kancelarije gradskog prevoza?
    Where are the offices of the public transport?

    Želio bih da kupim mjesečnu kartu u javnom prevozu.
    I would like to buy a monthly ticket in public transport.

    Koliko često autobus saobraća na liniji 6?
    How often doest the bus run on the line 6?

    Možete li mi reči gdje treba da siđem?
    Can you please tell me where am I supposed to get off?

    Možete li mi stati na sledećoj stanici?
    Can you please let me off at the next stop?
    to top
    Part 4: Taksi– Kab

    Možete li mi reći gdje mogu naći taksi?
    Can you please tell me where can I find a cab?

    Morate nazvati neki od ovih brojeva …..
    You have to dial one of the following numbers….

    Koliko košta 1 km?
    How much does one km cost?

    Gdje želite da idete?
    Where do you want to go?

    Koliko će me kostati da me odvete do Budve?
    How much will it cost if you take me to Budva?

    Kostaće vas 40 eura.
    It will be 40 euros.

    Možete li doći po mene u 5 ujutro?
    Can you pick me up at 5 am?

    Kada želite da dodjem po vas?
    When do you want me to pick you up?

    Imate li prtljaga?
    Do you have any luggage?

    Da, vrlo je težak. Možete li mi pomoći da ga donesem?
    Yes, it is very hard. Can you please help me bring it?

    Da li je dozvoljeno pušenje?
    Is the smoking allowed?

    Molim vas, stanite tu.
    Please stop here.

    Možete li da me sačekate nekoliko minuta?
    Can you please wait for me several minutes?

    Da, ali taksimetar otkucava.
    Yes but the meter is going.

    To je u redu, nema nikakvih problema.
    That is fine, no problem
    to top
    Part 5: Brod – Boat

    Gde je luka?
    Where is the harbor?

    U koje cćemo sve luke pristajati?
    In which harbors will we be docking in?

    Želio bih da plovim Crnogorskoj obali.
    I would want to sale around the Montenegrin coast.

    Gdje se mogu ukrcati na brod?
    Where can I embark on the ship? (What is the embarkation point?)

    Koliko dugo traje ovaj put?
    How long will this trip last?

    Brod će pristati za par minuta.
    The boat will be docking in in a few minutes.
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  5. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Hoteli - Hotels

    Možte li mi preporučiti neki dobar hotel?
    Can you recommend me some good hotel?

    Gdje se taj hotel nalazi?
    Where is that hotel located?

    Da li imate slobodnih soba?
    Do you have any vacancies?

    Ne, nemamo. Sve sobe su zauzete. / Da imamo.
    No , we don’t. All the rooms are taken./ Yes we have.

    Da li ste nas zvali da rezervišete sobu?
    Have you phoned us to book a room?

    Ne nažalost nisam. Da li je to problem?
    No, unfortuntelly I haven’t. Is that a problem?

    Ne nije. Imamo dosta slobodnih sloba.
    No, it is not. We have a lot of spare rooms.

    Želio bih da iznajmim sobu na nedelju dana.
    I would like to take a room for a week.

    Željela bih da rezervišem apartman na mjesec dana.
    I would like to book a suite for a month.

    Kolika je cijena punog pansiona?
    What is the price for the full board?

    A polu – pansiona?
    And a half board?

    Plaćate li kešom ili kreditnom karticom?
    Do you pay by cash or with a credit card?

    U redu uzeću sobu.
    All right, I will take the room.

    Izvolite ključ.
    Here you are the key.

    Željela bih da se odjavim jer odlazim za par minuta, molim vas.
    I would like to check out, please, because I am leaving in a few minutes.

    Koliko iznosi ukupan računa?
    How much is my total bill?

    Čini mi ste da ste nešto pogirješili, to je previše.
    It seems to me that you have made a mistake that is too much.

    Samo da provjerim. Oh da potpuno ste u pravu, mnogo se izvinjavam.
    Let me just check. Oh, yes you are completely right, I really apologize.
    to top
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  6. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Exchange Office

    Možete li mi reći gdje je najbliža mjenjačnica?
    Can you tell t where the closest exchange office is?

    Kada se ujutro otvara mjenjačnica?
    When in the morning does the exchange office open?

    Da li imate ličnu kartu?
    Do you have the identity card?

    Da imam./ Ne izgubio sam je.
    Yes I have. /No I don’t I have lost it.

    Da li ste to prijavlili policiji?
    Have you reported that to the police?

    Da svakako.
    Yes, of course.

    Da li mogu da promijenim 100 eura u US $?
    Can you exchange 100 euros into US $?

    Želim da pošaljem pismo za Ameriku, kako će najbrže stići?
    I want to send a letter to America, in which way it will arrive faster?

    Najbrže će stići avionski.
    The quickest way is by air mail.

    U redu pošaljite ga tako.
    Ok, send it by airmail.
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  7. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Iznajmljivanje vozila - Car hire

    Željela bih da iznajmim kola.
    I would like to rent a car.

    Imamo brza, ekonomična, i udobna vozila.
    We have fast, economic, and comfortable vehicles.

    Da li imate vozila marke citroen?
    Do you have citroen vehicles?

    Da imamo. Koji želite?
    Yes we have. Which type do you want?

    Željela bih citroen C4.
    I would like a citroen C4.

    U redu, nema problema.
    That’s fine, no problem.

    Želim da iznajmim vozilo na 10 dana.
    I want to rent the vehicle for 10 days.

    Koliko košta svaki ekstra pređeni kilometer?
    What is the charge per extra kilometer?
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  8. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Informacioni Desk - Information Desk

    Da li bih mogla da dobijem neke brošure, vodiče i flajere.
    Could i get some brochures, guides and leaflets.

    Da, možete. Imamo raznih brošura, vodiča i flajera.
    Yes you can. We have various brochures, guides and leflets.

    Željela bih neki vodič o Cetinju, jer želim da ga posjetim
    I would like to get some guide about Cetinje, because i want to visit it.

    Da li biste mi mogli preporučiti neki hotel?
    Could you reccommend me some hotel?

    Da, naravno. Kakav hotel biste željeli?
    Yes, of course. What type of hotel would you like?

    Pa neki hotel sa 4 zvjezdice bi bio sasvim u redu.
    Well, some 4 star hotel would be quite nice.

    Pa mogli biste odjesti u hotelu Sveti Stefan.
    Well, zou could stay in hotel Sveti Stefan.

    Da li želite da vam ga rezervišem?
    Do you want me to do the reservation for you?

    Da to bi bilo vrlo lijepo od vas.
    Yes, that would be very nice of you.

    Da li želite da idete na neke ekskurzije koje mi organizujemo?
    Do you want to go on some excursion that we are organizing?

    Da svakako upišite me.
    Yes of course, sign me in.

    Koliko košta jedna ekskurzija?
    How much does an excursion cost?

    Cijena se kreće od... do... eura.
    The price is from.... to... euros.

    Pomoć u gradu – Help in town (city directions)

    Izvinite možete li mi pomoći?
    Excuse me can you help me?

    Želelja bih da nađem ulicu Vuka Karadzića.
    I would like to find the street Vuk Karadzić.

    Samo idite pravo do kraja ulice i onda skrenite desno.
    Just go to the end of the street and then turn left.

    Da li biste mi mogli reći kako da nađem poštu/mjenjačnicu/banku/željezniču stanicu?
    Could you tell me how to find the post office/exchange office/ bank / train station…?

    Idite do prvog semafora. Predjite ulicu i nakon toga podjite lijevo nekih 500 metara.
    You go straight ahead to the first traffic light. Cross the street, and after that go left for some 500 meters.

    Da li mi možete reći gdje ima dobar restoran?
    Can you tell me where can I find some good restaurant?

    Možete ga naći na uglu Ulice Slobode. Idite samo pravo i kada dođete do kraja ulice on će vam biti sa desne strane.
    You can find it on the corner of Sloboda Street. You just go straight ahead and when you get to the end of the street the restaurant will be on your right side.

    Koliko ima do prvog kafića?
    How far is the nearest (first) café?

    Na 5 minuta odavde.
    Five minutes from here.
    Izvinjenja – Apologies

    Izvinjavam se – I am sorry.

    Izvinjavam se što vas prekidam – I am sorry to interrupt you.

    Izvinite mislim da vas ne razumijem najbolje.
    I am really sorry, but I am afraid that I don’t understand you quite well
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  9. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Razna pitanja – various questions

    Izvinte da li je ovo mjesto slobodno?
    Excuse me, is this seat taken?

    Izvinite, treba li vam pomoć?
    Excuse me, do you need help?

    Odakle si? (odakle ste? – more formal)
    Where are you from?

    Šta radiš? (Čime se baviš?)
    What do you do?

    Ja sam inžinjer.
    I am an engineer.

    Da li mogu da dobijem vaš broj telefona?
    Can I get your phone number?

    Javiću vam se uskoro.
    I will call you soon.

    Kako lijepo iznen]enje!
    What a nice surprise.

    Hvala ti puno. (Hvala vam puno)
    Thanks a lot! (Thank you very much)
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  10. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Prodavnice – Shops
    Supermarket – Supermarket
    Piljara – Gross market (green grocery)
    Mesara – Butcher’s
    Pekara – Baker’s
    Pijaca - Market
    Apoteka – Pharmacy
    Robna kuća – Department store
    Knjižara – Bookstore
    Prodavnica obuće – Clothes shop
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  11. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Voće – Fruit

    Jabuka – Apple
    Kruška – Pear
    Narandza – Orange
    Kajsija – Appricot
    Jagoda – Strawberry
    Banana – Banana
    Kupina – Blackberry
    Borovnica – Blueberry
    Visnja – Sour cherry
    Trešnja – Cherry
    Malina – Raspberry
    Limun – Lemon
    Šljiva – plum
    Mandarina – Tangerine
    Grožđe – Grapes
    Smokva – Fig
    Ribizla – Currant
    Grejpfrut – Grapefruit
    Breskva – peach
    Dunja - Quince

    Povrće - Vegetables

    Krompir – Potato
    Paradajz - Tomato
    Kupus - Cabbage
    Cvekla - Beetroot
    Salata - Salad
    Boranija – Green beans
    Grašak - Pea
    Pasulj – Beans
    Karfiol - Cauliflower
    Krastavac - Cucumber
    Šargarepa - Carrot
    Spanać - Spinach
    Repa - Turnip
    Plavi patlidzan – Egg-plant
    Pirinač - Rice

    Jela – Meals

    Jaja na oko – fried eggs
    Kajgana – scrambled eggs
    Meko kuvano jaje – soft boiled egg
    Tvrdo kuvano jaje – hard boiled egg
    Omlet – omlette
    Hleb – bread
    Bijeli hleb – white bread
    Crni hleb – black bread
    Ražani hleb – corn bread
    Svjež hleb – fresh bread
    Dijetalni hleb – diet bread
    Pecivo – backed ware
    Zemička – roll
    Pekmez, dzem – jam
    Med – honez
    Margarine, puter- margarine, butter
    Sir – cheese
    Kafa – coffee
    Bijela kafa – coffee and milk
    Kafa sa mlijekom – coffee with milk
    Čaj – tea
    Pasulj – beans
    Pasulj prebranac – baked beans
    Pašteta – meat paste
    Olives – masline
    Punjeni pradajz – stuffed tomato
    Ruska salata – Russian salad
    Špagete – spaghetti
    Lazanje – lasagnas
    Govedina – beef
    Kuvana govedina – boiled beef
    Dinstana govedina – braised beef
    Goveđi stek (odrezak) – beef steak
    Goveđe pečenje – roast beef
    Svinjetina - pork
    Svinjsko pečenje – roast pork
    Svinjski kotleti – pork chop
    Raćnjići- small grilled meat
    Teleći odrezak – veal slice
    Teleće pečenje – roast veal
    Teleći paprikaš – veal stew
    Jagnjetina – lamb
    Jagnjeće pečenje – roasted lamb
    Ćevapi – ground meat rolls
    Pljeskavica – hamburger
    Zečetina – hare
    Srnetina – doe meat
    Fazan – pheasant
    Pačetina – duck meat
    Guska – goose
    Ćuretina – turkey meat
    Kokošije meso – chicken meat
    Miješano meso – minced meat
    Porcija ćevapa – portion of ground meet rolls

    Supe – soups

    Supa – soup
    Čorba od krompira – thick potato soup
    Čorba od paradajza – thick tomato soup
    Supa od pečuraka - mushroom soup
    Goveđa supa – beef soup
    Kokošja supa – chicken soup
    Pirinčana supa – rice soup
    Riblja čorba – thick fish soup
    Goveđi ragu – beef ragout
    Povrtna supa – vegetable soup

    Riba – fish

    Riječna riba – river fish
    Morska riba – se fish
    Pastrmka – trout
    Šaran – carp
    Girice – picarels
    Skuša – mackerel
    Oslić – hake
    Sipa – cuttle – fish
    Jegulja – eel
    Losos – salmon
    Smuđ – pike – perch
    Som – sheat – fish
    Sotige – oysters
    Jastog – lobster
    Tunjevina – tuna
    Bakalar – codfish
    Školjke – shells
    Rak – crayfish
    Mušulje – mussels
    Škampi – shrimp
    Hobotnica – octopus

    Začini – spices (seasonings)

    So- salt
    Šećer – sugar
    Biber – pepper
    Sirće – vinegar
    Ulje – oil
    Origano – oregano
    Sos – sauce
    Mirođija – spice
    Peršun – parsley
    Aleva paprika – red pepper
    Kim – caraway seeds
    Bosiljak – basil
    Slačica - mustard
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  12. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Imenice - Nouns

    Nouns are words which have changing endings and they are used to name people, places, things and phenomena. In Serbian language all nouns have a gender: masculine, feminine and neutral. The great majority of masculine nouns ends with a consonant, while the majority of feminine nouns ends with the letter “a” (tetka – aunt, olovka – pencil etc), but there are feminine nouns that end with a consonant such as peć – stove. Neutral nouns end with letters “o” or “e” like in words dijete – a child or in vino – wine.

    The nouns in Serbian language have the number (singular and plural) and declensions (they have 7 cases). Except nouns, adjectives, numbers, ordinal numbers and pronouns also can be declined.

    Padeži - Cases

    The cases are:

    1.Nominative (usually it is a subject and you can get the nominative by answering the questions who? and what?
    2. Genitive (it is a possessive and the questions to get a genitive are of whom?, And of what?)
    3. Dative (it is the indirect object and the questions for dative are to whom? And to what?)
    4. Accusative (is the direct object, and the questions are whom? and what?)
    5. Vocative (calling someone e.g. Petre - the nominative is Petar)
    6. Instrumental (the questions are with whom? and with what?)
    7. Locative (the questions are about whom? and about what?)

    Zamjenice – Pronouns

    Ja- I
    Ti – You
    On/Ona/Ono – He/She/It
    Mi - We
    Vi - You
    Oni – TheySINGULAR

    N ja ti on/ona/ono
    G mene/me tebe/te njega/ga, nje/je, njega/ ga
    D meni/mi tebi/ti njemu/mu,njoj/joj,njemu/mu
    A mene/me tebe/te njega/ga, nju/ju/je, njega/ga
    V - ti -
    I sa mnom tobom njim, njom, njim
    L meni tebi njemu, njoj, njemu


    N mi vi oni/one/ona
    G nas vas njih/ih
    D nama/nam vama/vam njima/im
    A nas vas njih/ih
    V - vi -
    I nama vama njima
    L nama vama njima

    Prisvojne zemjenice – Possesive pronouns

    Posessive pronouns are; moj – mine, tvoj – yours, njegov – his / njen- hers, naš – ours, vaš – yours, njihov –theirs SINGULAR

    N moj tvoj njegov/njen
    G moga tvoga njegovog/njenog
    D mome tvome njegovom/njenom
    A mog/moj tvog/tvoj njegovog/njenog, njegov/njen
    V - - -
    I mojim tvojim njegovim/njenim
    L mom tvom njegoovom/njenom


    N naš vaš njigov
    G našeh vašeg njihovog
    D našem vašem njihovom
    A našeg-naš vašeg-vaš njihovog-njihov
    V - - -
    I našim vašim njihovim
    L našem vašem njihovom

    Pokazne zamjenice – Demonstrative pronouns

    Pronouns are used as demonstratives:
    ovaj (m.), ova (f.), ovo (n.) – This;
    ovi (m.), ove (f.), ova (n.) – These;
    onaj (m.), ona (f.), ono (n.) – That;
    oni (m.), one (f.), ona (n.) – Those.

    Glagoli - Verbs

    We also have verbs and they are conjugated in three persons both singular and plural.

    Serbian language has two auxiliary verbs and they are: Biti (to Be) and Htjeti (Will). These auxiliary verb forms are forming tenses such as perfect tenses and future tenses.
    Sadašnje vrijeme - Present tenseAUXILIARY VERB: BITI “TO BE“


    Stressed form Unstressed form
    1. jesam (I am) sam (I’m)
    2. jesi (are) si (You’re)
    3. jeste (is) je(He/she/it’s)

    1. jesmo (We are) smo (We’re)
    2. jeste (are) ste (You’re)
    3. jesu (are) su (They’re)



    Stressed form Unstressed form
    1. hoću (I will) ću (I’ll)
    2. hoćeš (You will) ćeš(You’ll)
    3. hoće (He/she it will) će (He/she/it’ll)


    1. hoćemo(We will) ćemo(We’ll)
    2. hoćete (You will) ćete (You’ll)
    3. hoće (They will) će (They’ll)

    The infinitive form of all the verbs in Serbian language end either in – ti (as in the verb učiti – learn) or in – ći (as in the verb teći – flow) Učiti – to learn Misliti – to think Jesti – to eat

    1. Ja učim – I am studing Ja mislim – I think (or I am thinking – depending on the continuation of the sentence) Ja jedem – I am eating
    2. Ti učiš – You are studing Ti misliš – You think Ti jedeš – You are eating
    3. On/ona/ono uči He/she/it is studing On/ona/ono misli – He/she/it thinks On/ona/ono jede – He/she/it is eating

    1. Mi učimo – We are studing Mi mislimo – We think Mi jedemo – We are eating
    2. Vi učite – You are studing Vi mislite – You think Vi jedete – You are eating
    3. Oni uče – They are studing Oni misle – They think Oni jedu – They are eating

    Prošlo vrijeme - Past tense

    Past tense – All past action in Serbian laguage continuous and sipmle can be uttered in the past tense. The past tense is formed from the present tense of the auxiliary verb BITI „to BE“ (sam, si, je, smo, ste, su) and the avtive past participle of the main (changing) verb. This participle is formed by cutting of the infinitive ending –ti or –ći and adding the appropriate gender ending which are:
    Masculine – o
    Feminine – la
    Neutral – lo

    So for e..g. the participle of the verb misliti would be: Mislio (m.), mislila (f.), and mislilo (n.)Učiti – to learn

    1. ja sam radio(m.)/radila(f.) I work or I was working radio/radila sam
    2. ti si radio(m.)/radila(f.)/radilo(n.) you were working radio si/ radila je/ radilo je
    3. on je radio(m.)/ona je radila(f.)/ono je radilo(n.) he was workin/she was working/it was working radio/radila/radilo je

    1. mi smo radili(m.)/radile(f.) We worked or We were working radili/radile smo
    2. Vi ste radili (m.)/radile (f.) You worked or You were working radili/radile ste
    3. oni su radili(m.)/one su radile(f.)/ona su radila(n.) Radili/radile/radila su

    Buduće vrijeme – Future tense

    Future tense – is used to indicate the actions that are about to happen or which will happen at some point in the future. In Serbian laguage this tense is formed from the present tense of the auxilary verb HTJETI “to have“ (ću,ćeš,će,ćemo,ćete,će) and the infinitive form of the main verb.


    1. ja ću pisati (I will write) pisaću
    2. ti ćeš pisati (you will write) pisaćeš
    3. on/ona/ono će pisati (he/she/it will write) pisaće

    1. mi ćemo pisati (we will write) pisaćemo
    2. vi ćete pisati (you will write) pisaćete
    3. oni/one/ona će pisati (they will write) pisaćemo
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  13. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Capitalization of words

    The following words are capitalized in the Serbian language:
    The first word in a sentence: Čovek je šetao gradom.
    The first word in a quoted text: Petar reče: "Sutra ću kupiti automobil".
    Personal pronouns and pronoun adjectives used in formal speech: Predlog koji ste Vi izneli je dobar.
    Personal names, nicknames and surnames: Ana, Petar, Boris, Jovana, Jela, Jovanović, Petrović.
    Adjectives of personal names only: Anin, Petrov, Borisov.
    Names of buildings: Stari most, Beograđanka, Ajfelova kula, Kip slobode.
    In the names of towns, countries and continents all nouns and adjectives are capitalized: Novi Sad, Sarajevo, Evropa, Sjedinjene Američke Države.
    Ethnicities and nationalities: Amerikanac, Francuz, Nigerijac.
    Citizens of towns: Novosađanka, Sarajlija, Parižanin.
    The first word of a street name is always capitalized, others are capitalized if it is a proper noun: Ulica neznanih junaka, Njegoševa ulica, Ulica Nikole Tesle.
    Names of geographic locations, such as mountains, lakes or rivers are written with the first word capitalized, and the others if they are proper nouns: Jadransko more, Dunav, Bokokotorski zaliv, Ada Ciganlija.
    Names of space bodies: Sunce, Mesec, Mars, Zemlja, Mlečni put.
    The first word of names of institutions are always capitalized, others are capitalized if it is a proper noun: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Osnovna škola "Petar Petrović Njegoš", Nacionalna štedionica.
    The first word of names of books, magazines and other publications are always capitalized, others are capitalized if it is a proper noun: Vojna enciklopedija, Na Drini ćuprija, Đavo u Sarajevu.
    Names of holidays: Nova godina, Bajram, Božić.
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  14. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:



    Question particle li

    The question particle li is always written separately from other words. For example:
    Da li čitaš knjigu? (Are you reading a book?) or
    Čitaš li knjigu?
    Unless, it is used to form contractions. A contraction formed by li particle (normally) occurs by dropping the i and joining the l with the previous word. For example:
    Dal' čitaš knjigu?

    Negation particle ne

    In front of verbs, ne is almost always written separately, for example:
    ne umem (I do not know how)
    ne želim (I do not want/wish)
    ne volim (I do not like)
    The following verbs are written as one word. They are not really an exception, as they are verbs of their own.
    neću (I do not want) (I will not)
    nemam (I do not have)
    nemoj (do not, imperative)
    nisam (I am not)
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  15. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Serbian nouns have the categories grammatical gender, number, and case. A noun has one of three specific grammatical genders (masculine, feminine, neuter) and two numbers (singular and plural)

    Case System

    Nouns (as well as pronouns and adjectives) in Serbian have seven cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, vocative, instrumental and locative, in both singular and plural. The number of cases, in concert with a non-fixed word-order, can make Serbian difficult to learn for speakers of languages without a strong case system.

    Declension of proper name ‘Larisa” (feminine noun)

    Лариса је добра наставница. = Larisa is a good teacher (subject; Лариса = nominative case)''

    Видим Ларису. = I see Larisa. (Ларису = ‘direct’ object; Ларису = accusative case)''

    Он даје књигу Лариси. = He is giving a book to Larisa. (Лариси = ‘indirect’ object; Лариси = dative case)''

    Идем са Ларисoм. = I am going with Larisa. (Ларисом = object of preposition ‘са’; Ларисом = instrumental case)''

    Идем код Ларисe. = I’m going to Larisa’s house. (Ларисе = object of preposition ‘код’; Ларисе = genitive case)''

    Ларисo! = Larisa!.(Ларисo = vocative; when calling someone)
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  16. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Verb јесам

    Verb јесам is often regarded as the verb "to be" in the present tense. It is a defective verb. It does not have the infinitive form; its basic dictionary form is јесам which is the present tense 1st person singular of the verb itself. Furthermore, it has the forms of present tense only:Pronoun Present

    Present (negative forms)

    Long (accented) form Short (unaccented) form
    Ја (I) јесам сам нисам
    Ти (You) јеси си ниси
    Oн, Она, Оно (He, she, it) јесте је није
    Ми (We) јесмо смо нисмо
    Ви (You pl.) јесте сте нисте
    Oни, Оне, Она (They) јесу су нису

    The copulative use of the verb јесам matches that of the verb "to be" in English (e.g. He is a student - On је ученик), of course, in the present tense only. The 'true forms' of the verb "to be", i.e. the forms of the verb бити in the present tense have a limited use (in formation of the future exact or in conditional clauses referring to the future). The truth is grammarians decided to introduce the verb јесам as the second auxiliary (the verb хтети being the third one) to resolve the problem of one verb having two different conjugations in the present tense.
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  17. sandra's Avatar

    sandra said:


    Verb бити

    Verb бити, "to be", one of the most common irregular verbs is conjugated in the manner described below:Pronoun Present Future Past tense
    1st 2nd perfect aorist imperfect pluperfect
    Ја (I) будем ћу бити будем био/ла сам био/лa; био/лa сам бих бејах биo/лa сам биo/лa
    Ти (You) будеш ћеш бити будеш биo/ла си био/лa; био/лa си би бејаше биo/лa си биo/лa
    Он, Она, Оно (He, she, it) буде ће бити буде биo/лa/лo је биo/лa/лo; биo/лa/лo је би бејаше биo/лa/лo је биo/лa/лo
    Ми (We) будемо ћемо бити будемо били/лe смо били/лe; били/лe смо бисмо бејасмо били/лe смо били/лe
    Ви (You pl.) будете ћете бити будете били/лe сте били/лe; били/лe сте бисте бејасте били/ле сте били/ле
    Oни, Оне, Она (They) буду ће бити буду били/лe/лa су били/билe/билa; били/лe/лa су бише бејаху били/лe/лa су били/лe/лa
    Όλα είναι εδώ όπως ήταν παλιά
    αγκαλιές και φιλιά όλα είναι εδώ
    Όλα είναι εδώ κι είναι τόσα πολλά
    που μιλούν στην καρδιά όλα είναι εδώ
  18. tara t-rex's Avatar

    tara t-rex said:


    wow! thats a lot of helpful stuff. thanks sanda, everything pretty much pertains to croatian too which is what i need. except i cannot read crylic, and i think the months are different in croatian as well as a few other words. but thanks for writing all of that for us
  19. Dangerous & Moving's Avatar

    Dangerous & Moving said:


    Narandza – Orange - in croatian Naranča

    Kajsija – Appricot - in cro marelica

    Krompir – Potato - in cro krumpir
    Paradajz - Tomato - rajčica
    Cvekla - Beetroot - cikla
    Pasulj – Beans - Grah
    Šargarepa - Carrot - mrkva
    Spanać - Spinach - špinat

    some meal names are also different in Croatian, but I don't have time to write it now...
    and these are months in croatian

    Siječanj - January
    Veljača - February
    Ožujak - March
    Travanj - April
    Svibanj - May
    Lipanj - June
    Srpanj - July
    Kolovoz - August
    Rujan - September
    Listopad - October
    Studeni - November
    Prosinac - December
    ''Glupost je sama u sebe zaljubljena i njeno je samoljublje bezgranično.''

    ''Siamo niente senza fantasie''

    ''Наверное мне место на луне, но страшно оставаться в темноте''
  20. tara t-rex's Avatar

    tara t-rex said:


    and bread is kruh in croatian