Need help finding a techno song from the 90s, and a pop song.

Thread: Need help finding a techno song from the 90s, and a pop song.

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  1. badc0mpani said:

    Unhappy Need help finding a techno song from the 90s, and a pop song.

    As far as I remember, the only lyrics to the song are "I Love You" and they are said by a girl w/ a sexy voice (rawR) but most of the song is just really badass techno music. If you google search ANYTHING with "I Love You" in the title (which I'm pretty sure is the title of the song) about 50 million songs pop up, none of them the correct one.

    The pop song is a remake of someone elses song called "Car" only it was a girl singer. It was a summer hit and she was a one hit wonder as far as I can tell. The most memorable lyrics in the song are, "riding around in my car".

    Past that I cannot find either one of them, and it's because he lyrics are very common. Gahh.
  2. Dex said:


    Is first one "I Love You... Stop" by Red 5?
  3. Musicismyfirstlove said:


    Last edited by Musicismyfirstlove; 06-17-2008 at 12:18 PM.
  4. badc0mpani said:


    Nope, not either of those ones. Both songs are girl singers, and both girls sound pretty young (not little girl young, but 18-19 young)
  5. garster71 said:


    I think I kow this song its by a band called Yellow really a good band been around for a long time many albums but is not well known either that or its by a band called Berlin in teh song she says I love u in a sexy voice and the guy says I know. And it starts off about drinving in a car etc.
  6. garster71 said:


    Sorry I need to amend my previous reply. I am referring only to the first techno song u are lookingn for I know nothing about the other pop song you mentioned. Again I believe the Techno song u seek is by a band called "Yellow" let me know if I am right.
  7. Tahira's Avatar

    Tahira said:


    Hi Garster, there was a band in the beginning of the 90ies they were from Swiss and were called YELLO (without the W at the end). If you search with this name in youtube you´ll find a whole lot of songs from them

    ...just a guess...
  8. garster71 said:


    Thanks for that correction it is spelled Yello, yes Tahira I know them well I had about 5 of their albums when people had albums and they are a very good band. But I dont know if that answered the persons original question or not.
  9. badc0mpani said:


    Nope not that one. This one only has the girl talking, the rest is all music. Ty for effort though on that one.