Translate a Croatian song: Zvijezde - Nikol

Thread: Translate a Croatian song: Zvijezde - Nikol

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  1. nicolestarjacki's Avatar

    nicolestarjacki said:

    Wink Translate a Croatian song: Zvijezde - Nikol

    Vidjeh je jednog jutra u holu Studentskog centra
    Kako prosipa zvijezde djevojka sa kraja svijeta
    Ukočenim pogledom gledala je u mene
    Još samo par minuta i više neću znati za sebe
    Ne sjećam se ničeg do bila je uz mene
    Takve su rijetke samo bogom dane žene
    Sigurnom rukom vodila me svud nisam je ni pitao kamo ćemo i kud

    Nikol Nikol poljubi me u vrat
    Nikol Nikol moja malena

    Za nju je seks i krevet samo slobodna igra
    Hajde ne budi ozbiljan reče sve ovo je samo zabava
    Viđam je rijetko a možda je bolje tako kad opet je sretnem negdje sve ići će tako lako

    Nikol Nikol poljubi me u vrat
    Nikol Nikol moja malena

    Ni sama Marilin Monroe za nju nije ništa
    Ona je sa kraja svijeta prešla sve i ostala čista
    Umetnik u ljubavi
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:



    I saw you one morning in the Student Center hall
    a girl from the end of the world, shedding stars
    She was looking at me with a stiff look
    Only a few more minutes and I will loose myself
    I don't remember anything but that she was beside me
    Such women are rare, only God's gifts
    With a safe hand she took me everywhere I didn't even ask her where we were going

    Nikol Nikol kiss me on my neck
    Nikol Nikol my little one

    For her, sex and bed are just a free game
    Come on don't be (so) serious she said, all this is just fun
    I see her rarely and maybe it's better that way, when I meet her again somewhere everything will be so easy

    Nikol Nikol kiss me on my neck
    Nikol Nikol my little one

    Even Marilin Monroe herself is nothing compared to her
    She crossed everything from the end of the world and remained pure


    About the poll... There is no significant difference between Serbian, Croatian and Bosnian so.. no difference in trying to learn them either. And.. I don't know about Russian
  3. nicolestarjacki's Avatar

    nicolestarjacki said:


    Thanksss Alott
    Umetnik u ljubavi