Solved: Oldies help

Thread: Solved: Oldies help

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  1. Sniperwolf's Avatar

    Sniperwolf said:

    Default Solved: Oldies help

    ok i think this is an older song by they way it's presented. there is only one thing i know about it though.

    the chorus there is a man that makes the same sound affect over and over again. it sounds like saying "lie"

    he says it in rapid succession and after he says a few lie noises he pauses for a note cuz a tamborine hits and then he continues saying lie la lie lie

    lie la lie lie, lie la lie, lie la lie *tamborine* lie la lie etc.
    Last edited by Sniperwolf; 07-06-2008 at 01:14 PM. Reason: solved
  2. Musicismyfirstlove said:


    Try "The Boxer"-Simon and Garfunkel
  3. Sniperwolf's Avatar

    Sniperwolf said:


    this is it thank you.
  4. Musicismyfirstlove said:


    you are welcome..