A Long note translation...can any1 help me please.

Thread: A Long note translation...can any1 help me please.

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  1. rec115's Avatar

    rec115 said:

    Smile A Long note translation...can any1 help me please.

    Down below is my note which I will be posting on my web page..Can someone translate it for me please.

    This place seems like a place to share some interesting points

    hhmmmm..........What can I share about.....ahhh being a Linguist!

    Linguist, linguistica, linguistique, lingvisti, языкознание,

    γλωσσολογία, linguistik, taalwetenschappen, lingvistik,

    sprogvidenskab, 语言学, 言語学, اللغويات, عله اللغه‏ ,

    If you spoke every single languages that exist you would

    understand 100% of the world.

    If you were bestowed with this ability would you create your own language,
    create something more bizarre and inexplicable.

    So how many languages do I know so far? hmmmmm

    Two and I'm teaching myself a third language,

    which equates to a small percentage although english is widely spoken.

    It is still a mere percent. The quest for 100% is beyond my reach.

    My quest in life is to reach 10 languages and be fluent with it.

    This may seem like an unrealistic goal to others but I believe it is possible.

    Acquiring a language is like opening a door to another Universe,

    it is simply remarkable.

    The beauty of learning a foreign language is you can express your

    thoughts in any language that best suits you at any moment.

    You can communicate with people from other countries without

    having to depend on a book.

    What I love the most is listening to foreign music and actually appreciate them.

    I have seen a person who converses in 14 languages,

    a unique individual who has influenced me.

    Knowing another language is truly an incredible tool,

    not only are you learning grammar,

    culture and race but you are shaping

    yourself to be a better person with umlimited bounderies.

    The way I percieve it is.... not to limit yourself.

    I dont know what else to say...feel free to add a comment or post

    me a question..
    tree of knowledge
  2. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    Here you go:

    This place seems like a place to share some interesting points

    hhmmmm..........What can I share about.....ahhh being a Linguist!

    Acest loc pare unul în care se pot împărtăşi nişte puncte de vedere interesante

    Ce pot împărtăşi?.... faptul de a fi un Lingvist!

    Linguist, linguistica, linguistique, lingvisti, языкознание,

    γλωσσολογία, linguistik, taalwetenschappen, lingvistik,

    sprogvidenskab, 语言学, 言語学, اللغويات, عله اللغه‏ ,

    If you spoke every single languages that exist you would understand 100% of the world.

    Dacă ai vorbi fiecare limbă existentă în această lume, ai înţelege 100 % din lume.

    If you were bestowed with this ability would you create your own language, create something more bizarre and inexplicable.

    Dacă ai fi înzestrat cu această abilitate, ţi-ai crea propria limbă, mai bizară şi inexplicabilă?

    So how many languages do I know so far? hmmmmm

    Deci, câte limbi ştiu până acum?

    Two and I'm teaching myself a third language, which equates to a small percentage; although English is widely spoken, it is still a mere percent. The quest for 100% is beyond my reach.

    Două şi mă învăţ o a treia, care să echivaleze un mic procent; cu toate că engleza este în mare măsură vorbită, este încă un simplu procent. Dorinţa de a le învăţa 100 % este peste puterile mele.

    My quest in life is to reach 10 languages and be fluent with it.

    Dorinţa mea în viaţă este de a învăţa 10 limbi şi să le vorbesc fluent.

    This may seem like an unrealistic goal to others but I believe it is possible.

    Acest lucru poate părea ceva ireal altora, dar eu cred că este posibil.

    Acquiring a language is like opening a door to another Universe, it is simply remarkable.

    A-ţi însuşi o limbă este ca şi cum ai deschide o uşă spre un alt univers, este pur şi simplu incredibil.

    The beauty of learning a foreign language is you can express your thoughts in any language that best suits you at any moment.

    Frumuseţea învăţării unei limbi străine este că poţi să îţi exprimi gândurile în orice limbă, care ţi se potriveşte cel mai bine în acel moment.

    You can communicate with people from other countries without having to depend on a book.

    Poţi comunica cu oameni din alte ţări, fără a fi nevoit să depinzi de o carte.

    What I love the most is listening to foreign music and actually appreciate them.

    Ceea ce îmi place cel mai mult este să ascult muzică străină şi să o pot aprecia într-adevăr.

    I have seen a person who converses in 14 languages, a unique individual who has influenced me.

    Am văzut o persoană care conversează în 14 limbi, o persoană unică, care m-a influenţat.

    Knowing another language is truly an incredible tool, not only are you learning grammar, culture and race but you are shaping yourself to be a better person with umlimited bounderies.

    A şti o altă limbă este cu adevărat o unealtă incredibilă, nu numai că înveţi gramatica, cultura şi rasa, dar te formezi pentru a fi o persoană mai bună, cu limite infinite.

    The way I percieve it is.... not to limit yourself.

    Felul în care eu văd acest lucru... este să nu te limitezi pe tine însuţi.

    I dont know what else to say...feel free to add a comment or post me a question..

    Nu mai ştiu ce altceva să spun... simte-te liber să comentezi sau să îmi adresezi o întrebare...
  3. rec115's Avatar

    rec115 said:


    Thank you Layla, your help will be remembered. Your name will always come into mind when I listen to the Romanian band "Vizes". Thanks for your help.
    tree of knowledge
  4. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    You are welcome! And good luck with learning all the languages you want! There is a saying, that i like very much: "With every language you learn, you gain a new soul!"
  5. rec115's Avatar

    rec115 said:


    tree of knowledge