A long note translation, can anyone help me please

Thread: A long note translation, can anyone help me please

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  1. rec115's Avatar

    rec115 said:

    Wink A long note translation, can anyone help me please

    Down below is my note which I will be posting on my web page..Can someone translate it for me please.

    This place seems like a place to share some interesting points

    hhmmmm..........What can I share about.....ahhh being a Linguist!

    Linguist, linguistica, linguistique, lingvisti, языкознание,

    γλωσσολογία, linguistik, taalwetenschappen, lingvistik,

    sprogvidenskab, 语言学, 言語学, اللغويات, عله اللغه‏ ,

    If you spoke every single languages that exist you would

    understand 100% of the world.

    If you were bestowed with this ability would you create your own language,
    create something more bizarre and inexplicable.

    So how many languages do I know so far? hmmmmm

    Two and I'm teaching myself a third language,

    which equates to a small percentage although english is widely spoken.

    It is still a mere percent. The quest for 100% is beyond my reach.

    My quest in life is to reach 10 languages and be fluent with it.

    This may seem like an unrealistic goal to others but I believe it is possible.

    Acquiring a language is like opening a door to another Universe,

    it is simply remarkable.

    The beauty of learning a foreign language is you can express your

    thoughts in any language that best suits you at any moment.

    You can communicate with people from other countries without

    having to depend on a book.

    What I love the most is listening to foreign music and actually appreciate them.

    I have seen a person who converses in 14 languages,

    a unique individual who has influenced me.

    Knowing another language is truly an incredible tool,

    not only are you learning grammar,

    culture and race but you are shaping

    yourself to be a better person with umlimited bounderies.

    The way I percieve it is.... not to limit yourself.

    I dont know what else to say...feel free to add a comment or post

    me a question..
    tree of knowledge
  2. WhiteRacoon said:


    I can translate it into Russian...

    This place seems like a place to share some interesting points
    hhmmmm..........What can I share about.....ahhh being a Linguist!
    Кажется, здесь подходящее место, чтобы поделиться интересными мыслями... хмммм... Как насчет мысли о... том, чтобы быть лингвистом (языковедом which one you like)

    If you spoke every single languages that exist you would understand 100% of the world.
    Если бы ты мог говорить на всех существующих языках, ты бы понимал весь мир - 100% мира

    If you were bestowed with this ability would you create your own language,
    create something more bizarre and inexplicable.
    Если бы ты удостоился этой чести, стал бы ты придумывать свой собственный язык, создавать нечто более странное и необъяснимое? (that's a question - right?)

    So how many languages do I know so far? hmmmmm
    Так что, сколько языков ты знаешь на этот момент? хммм

    Two and I'm teaching myself a third language,
    Два и я изучаю третий,
    which equates to a small percentage although english is widely spoken.
    который добавит маленький процент к сумме, хотя английский широко распространен

    It is still a mere percent. The quest for 100% is beyond my reach.
    Все еще невелик процент. Задача достигнуть 100% для меня сложновата

    My quest in life is to reach 10 languages and be fluent with it.
    Моя задача в жизни выучить 10 языков и уметь свободно на них разговаривать

    This may seem like an unrealistic goal to others but I believe it is possible.
    Это может казаться невыполнимым для другим, но я верю, что это возможно

    Acquiring a language is like opening a door to another Universe,
    it is simply remarkable.
    Овладение языком - это как открытие двери в другую Вселенную, это просто потрясающе

    The beauty of learning a foreign language is you can express your
    thoughts in any language that best suits you at any moment.
    Вся прелесть изучения иностранных языков заключается в том, что ты можешь выражать свои мысли на любом языке, на том, который больше подходит к конкретному моменту

    You can communicate with people from other countries without
    having to depend on a book.
    Ты можешь разговаривать с людьми из других стран, не будучи зависимым от книги

    What I love the most is listening to foreign music and actually appreciate them.
    Что я действительно люблю - так это слушать иностранную музыку, и очень ценю это

    I have seen a person who converses in 14 languages,
    a unique individual who has influenced me.
    Я видел(а) (видел - if you're a guy, видела - if you're a girl) человека, владеющего 14 языками; это была уникальная личность, кто так сильно повлиял на меня.

    Knowing another language is truly an incredible tool,
    not only are you learning grammar, culture and race but you are shaping
    yourself to be a better person with uNlimited bounderies.
    Знание другого языка - это действительно восхитительный инструмент, ведь ты не только изучаешь грамматику, культуру и расу, ты формируешь из себя личность, с беспредельными границами

    The way I percEIve it is.... not to limit yourself.
    То, как я это понимаю, означает... не ограничивать себя.

    I dont know what else to say...feel free to add a comment or post
    me a question..
    Не знаю, что еще сказать... не стесняйтесь добавлять комментарии или задавать мне вопросы..
  3. rec115's Avatar

    rec115 said:


    Oh yeas Russian.........thanks for your great effort Whiteracoon. I thank you.
    tree of knowledge
  4. baskarukebaskanoge's Avatar

    baskarukebaskanoge said:


    Translation into Serbian (i hope it will be useful):

    This place seems like a place to share some interesting points

    Ovo mesto izgleda kao mesto za deljenje nekih interesantnih misli.

    hhmmmm..........What can I share about.....ahhh being a Linguist!

    hmmmm... šta bih ja mogla da podelim... ahhh, biti lingvista!

    Linguist, linguistica, linguistique, lingvisti, языкознание,

    γλωσσολογία, linguistik, taalwetenschappen, lingvistik,

    sprogvidenskab, 语言学, 言語学, اللغويات, عله اللغه‏ ,

    If you spoke every single languages that exist you would understand 100% of the world.

    Ako bi govorio svaki jezik koji postoji, ti bi razumeo 100% sveta.

    If you were bestowed with this ability would you create your own language,
    create something more bizarre and inexplicable.

    Da ti je podarena takva sposobnost, da li bi stvorio svoj sopstven jezik, stvorio nešto bizarnije i neobjašnjivo? (I translated this like it was a question)

    So how many languages do I know so far? hmmmmm

    Pa, koliko ja jezika znam do sada? Hmmm

    Two and I'm teaching myself a third language, which equates to a small percentage although english is widely spoken.

    Dva, i učim treći jezik što iznosi veoma malo u procentima, iako se engleski dosta govori.

    It is still a mere percent. The quest for 100% is beyond my reach.

    To je još uvek mali procenat. Dostizanje 100 procenata je izvan mog domašaja.

    My quest in life is to reach 10 languages and be fluent with it.

    Moj životni zadatak je da dosegnem poznavanje deset jezika, i da ih govorim tečno.

    This may seem like an unrealistic goal to others but I believe it is possible.

    Ovo možda izgleda drugima kao nestvaran cilj, ali ja verujem da je moguć.

    Acquiring a language is like opening a door to another Universe, it is simply remarkable.

    Savladavanje jezika je kao otvaranje vrata drugom univerzumu, to je jednostavno izvanredno.

    The beauty of learning a foreign language is you can express your thoughts in any language that best suits you at any moment.

    Lepota učenja stranog jezika je u mogućstvu izražavanja svojih misli u bilo kom jeziku koji ti u tom momentu odgovara.

    You can communicate with people from other countries without
    having to depend on a book.

    Možeš da komuniciraš sa ljudima iz drugih zemalja, a da ne zavisiš od knjige.

    What I love the most is listening to foreign music and actually appreciate them.

    Najviše volim slušanje strane muzike i zapravo je poštujem. (Did you mean that you appreciate foreign music?)

    I have seen a person who converses in 14 languages, a unique individual who has influenced me.

    Videla sam osobu koja govori četrnaest jezika, jedinstvenu osobu koja je uticala na mene.

    Knowing another language is truly an incredible tool, not only are you learning grammar, culture and race but you are shaping yourself to be a better person with umlimited bounderies.

    (This doesn't really make sense to me. Unlimited boundaries? It's no good. I wrote "bez ograničenja", which means "with no boundaries". Delete that if you didn't mean so)

    Znanje drugog jezika je zaista neverovatan alat, ne samo da učiš gramatiku, kulturu i rasu, već obrazuješ sebe i postaješ bolja osoba, bez ograničenja.

    The way I percieve it is.... not to limit yourself.

    Način na koji ja to posmatram... ne ograničiti sebe.
  5. Sochko's Avatar

    Sochko said:


    In Macedonian:

    This place seems like a place to share some interesting points
    Ова место изгледа како место за споделување на интересни идеи

    hhmmmm..........What can I share about.....ahhh being a Linguist!
    хмм...Што можам да споделам...ах, тоа да се биде лингвист!

    Linguist, linguistica, linguistique, lingvisti, языкознание,
    γλωσσολογία, linguistik, taalwetenschappen, lingvistik,
    sprogvidenskab, 语言学, 言語学, اللغويات, عله اللغه‏ ,

    If you spoke every single languages that exist you would
    understand 100% of the world.
    Кога би го говорел секој јазик што постои би го разбирал целиот свет.

    If you were bestowed with this ability would you create your own language,
    create something more bizarre and inexplicable.
    Кога би ја имал таа дарба, би создал ли свој јазик, нешто побизарно и необјасниво?

    So how many languages do I know so far? hmmmmm
    Па, колку јазици знам јас досега? хмм...

    Two and I'm teaching myself a third language, which equates to a small percentage although english is widely spoken.
    Два, а учам и трет јазик, што е малку, изразено во проценти, иако англискиот е широко распространет.

    It is still a mere percent. The quest for 100% is beyond my reach.
    Тоа е сепак мал процент. Потрагата по 100% е надвор од моите можности.

    My quest in life is to reach 10 languages and be fluent with it.
    Мојата потрага во животот е да научам 10 јазика, и тоа да ги говорам течно.

    This may seem like an unrealistic goal to others but I believe it is possible.
    Ова можеби на другите им се чини нереална цел, но јас верувам дека е возможно.

    Acquiring a language is like opening a door to another Universe, it is simply remarkable.
    Да совладате еден јазик е како да сте отвориле врата кон друг Универзум, тоа е едноставно извонредно.

    The beauty of learning a foreign language is you can express your thoughts in any language that best suits you at any moment.
    Убавината на учењето странски јазик е тоа што можете да ги изразите вашите мисли на јазикот кој ви одговара во даден момент.

    You can communicate with people from other countries without having to depend on a book.
    Можете да комуницирате со луѓе од други земји без да треба да зависите од книги.

    What I love the most is listening to foreign music and actually appreciate them.
    Она што најмногу го сакам е да слушам странска музика, и впрочем тоа многу го ценам (What do you actually appreciate, I'm confused by this part =)

    I have seen a person who converses in 14 languages, a unique individual who has influenced me.
    Имам видено личност што зборува 14 јазика, една единствена индивидуа која влијаеше на мене.

    Knowing another language is truly an incredible tool, not only are you learning grammar, culture and race but you are shaping yourself to be a better person with umlimited bounderies.
    Познавањето на друг јазик е навистина неверојатна алатка, не само што учите граматика, ја запознавате културата и расата, туку и се оформувате како подобра личност со неограничени можности.

    The way I percieve it is.... not to limit yourself.
    Тоа е начинот на кој јас ги гледам нештата...да не се ограничиш себеси.

    I dont know what else to say...feel free to add a comment or post
    me a question..
    Не знам што да кажам повеќе...слободно коментирајте или поставете ми прашање.

    *Some of the phrases could not be literally translated, so I only slightly modified them in a way, without changing the actual meaning of the sentence.
    I hope it will serve you. =)

    EDIT: By the way, I'm interested to know, do you need the translation in all the Slavic languages? ;-) (or it's probably the more the better? xP)
    Last edited by Sochko; 07-12-2008 at 06:15 PM.
    'I have a cane and I know how to use it.'
  6. Nene's Avatar

    Nene said:

    Smile Slovak

    This place seems like a place to share some interesting points
    *Toto miesto vypadá ako miesto kde sa podeliť o zaujmavé názory*

    hhmmmm..........What can I share about.....ahhh being a Linguist!
    *hhmmmm..........O čo by som sa mohla podeliť....ahhh, som Lingvistkou!*
    (please note this indicates the speaker is a female.
    A male would say:
    hhmmmm..........O čo by som sa mohol podeliť ....ahhh, som Lingvistom!)

    Linguist, linguistica, linguistique, lingvisti, языкознание,

    γλωσσολογία, linguistik, taalwetenschappen, lingvistik,

    sprogvidenskab, 语言学, 言語学, اللغويات, عله اللغه‏ ,

    If you spoke every single languages that exist you would
    *Ak by si hovoril každým možným jazykom, ktorý existuje, *

    understand 100% of the world.
    *rozumel by si 100% sveta.*

    If you were bestowed with this ability would you create your own language,
    *Ak by si bol obdarený touto schopnosťou, vytvoril by si svoj vlastný jazyk,*
    create something more bizarre and inexplicable.
    *niečo viac výstredné a nevysvetliteľné?*

    So how many languages do I know so far? hmmmmm
    *Takže koľko jazykov zatiaľ ovládam? hmmmm*

    Two and I'm teaching myself a third language,
    *Dva a učím sa tretí jazyk,*

    which equates to a small percentage although english is widely spoken.
    *čo je ekvivalentom malého percenta, aj keď angličtina je používaná všeobecne.*

    It is still a mere percent. The quest for 100% is beyond my reach.
    *Avšak je to prosté percento. Docieliť 100% je mimo môjho dosahu.*

    My quest in life is to reach 10 languages and be fluent with it.
    *Mojim cieľom v živote je ovládať 10 jazykov a to plynule.*

    This may seem like an unrealistic goal to others but I believe it is possible.
    *Toto sa iným môže zdať ako nereálny cieľ, ale ja verím že je to možné.*

    Acquiring a language is like opening a door to another Universe,
    *Nadobudnúť jayzk je ako otvoriť bránu do iného sveta,*

    it is simply remarkable.
    *je to proste neobyčajné.*

    The beauty of learning a foreign language is you can express your
    *Krása študovania cudzieho jazyka spočíva v tom, že môžeš vyjadriť *

    thoughts in any language that best suits you at any moment.
    *svoje myšlienky v každom jazyku ako len chceš, v ktoromkoľvek momente.*

    You can communicate with people from other countries without
    *Môžeš komunikovať s ľuďmi s iných krajín*

    having to depend on a book.
    *bez toho, aby si bol závislý na knihe.*

    What I love the most is listening to foreign music and actually appreciate them.
    *Najradšej mám počúvanie cudzej hudby a vlastne si ich veľmi vážim.*

    I have seen a person who converses in 14 languages,
    *Videla som osobu, ktorá konverzuje v 14 jazykoch,* (female speaking)
    (Male would say: Videl som osobu, ktorá konverzuje v 14 jazykoch)

    a unique individual who has influenced me.
    *unikátny jedinec, ktorý ma ovplyvnil.*

    Knowing another language is truly an incredible tool,
    *Ovladať ďalší jazyk je skutočne neuveriteľný nástroj,*

    not only are you learning grammar,
    *nielenže sa učís gramatiku,*

    culture and race but you are shaping
    *kultúru a pôvod ale taktiež pretváraš*

    yourself to be a better person with umlimited bounderies.
    *sám seba k lepšiemu, bez akýchkoľvek hraníc.*

    The way I percieve it is.... not to limit yourself.
    *Ja to vnímam takto.....neobmedzovať sa.*

    I dont know what else to say...feel free to add a comment or post
    *Neviem čo k tomu dodať....ste vítaní pridať komentár alebo mi položiť *

    me a question..

    In Slovak linguist = lingvista (male)
    lingvistka (female)
    Mivel mindig az okos enged, már rég a hülyék uralkodnak...
  7. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    do you want it and in bulgarian
  8. velvet_sky's Avatar

    velvet_sky said:


    This place seems like a place to share some interesting points
    Това място изглежда като място за споделяне на интересни идеи

    hhmmmm..........What can I share about.....ahhh being a Linguist!
    хмммм..... Какво мога да споделя... ах, да си лингвист

    If you spoke every single languages that exist you would understand 100% of the world.
    ако можеше да говориш всеки език, който съществува, тогава щеше да разбираш света на 100%

    If you were bestowed with this ability would you create your own language,
    ако имаше тази способност, щеше ли да създадеш свой собствен език

    create something more bizarre and inexplicable.
    някой по - странен и необясним

    So how many languages do I know so far? hmmmmm
    та колко езика знам аз досега? хммм

    Two and I'm teaching myself a third language, which equates to a small percentage although english is widely spoken.
    два и изучавам трети език, което се смята за малък процент, въпреки че английският е широко разпространен.

    It is still a mere percent. The quest for 100% is beyond my reach.
    и все пак е малък процент. целта за 100% е отвъд моите възможности

    My quest in life is to reach 10 languages and be fluent with it.
    целта в живота ми е да достигна( да знам) 10 езика и да ги говоря гладко (свободно)

    This may seem like an unrealistic goal to others but I believe it is possible.
    това може да изглежда като нереалистична(недостижима) цел за другите, но аз вярвам че е възможно

    Acquiring a language is like opening a door to another Universe,
    усвояването на един език е като да отвориш врата към друга вселена
    it is simply remarkable.
    просто е удивително

    The beauty of learning a foreign language is you can express your thoughts in any language that best suits you at any moment.
    Красотата от изучаването на чужд език е че можеш да изразяваш мислите си на всякакъв език, който най-добре ти пасва в даден момент

    You can communicate with people from other countries without having to depend on a book.
    Можеш да комуникираш с хора от други страни без да зависиш от книги ( речници)

    What I love the most is listening to foreign music and actually appreciate them.
    Това което обичам най-много е да слушам чуждестранна музика и всъщност аз я ценя.

    I have seen a person who converses in 14 languages, a unique individual who has influenced me.
    Виждал(for a male) виждала (female) съм човек, който говори на 14 езика, уникален човек, който ми оказа влияние.

    Knowing another language is truly an incredible tool, not only are you learning grammar, culture and race but you are shaping yourself to be a better person with umlimited bounderies.
    да знаеш друг език е наистина невероятно средсто, не само научаваш граматикана, културата и расата, но и се изграждаш като по-добър човек с неограничени възможности / без граници/

    The way I percieve it is.... not to limit yourself.
    начинът по който аз възприемам нещата... е да не се ограничаваш

    I dont know what else to say...feel free to add a comment or post me a question..
    незнам какво още да кажа... чувствайте се свободни да коментирате или да ми задавате въпроси
  9. Vala's Avatar

    Vala said:


    czech version:

    This place seems like a place to share some interesting points
    *Toto místo vypadá jako místo kde se dá podělit o zajímavé názory*

    hhmmmm..........What can I share about.....ahhh being a Linguist!
    *hhmmmm..........O co bych se mohla podělit....ahhh, jsem Lingvistkou!*
    (please note this indicates the speaker is a female.
    A male would say:
    hhmmmm..........O co bych se mohl podělit ....ahhh, jsem Lingvistou!)

    Linguist, linguistica, linguistique, lingvisti, языкознание,

    γλωσσολογία, linguistik, taalwetenschappen, lingvistik,

    sprogvidenskab, 语言学, 言語学, اللغويات, عله اللغه‏ ,

    If you spoke every single languages that exist you would
    * Kdybys mluvil každým jazykem, který existuje, *

    understand 100% of the world.
    *rozuměl bys 100% světa.*

    If you were bestowed with this ability would you create your own language,
    *Pokud bys byl obdařený touto schopností, vytvořil bys svůj vlastní jazyk,*
    create something more bizarre and inexplicable.
    *vytvořil něco bizarnějšího a nevysvetlitelnějšího*

    So how many languages do I know so far? hmmmmm
    *Takže kolik jazyků zatím ovládám? hmmmm*

    Two and I'm teaching myself a third language,
    *Dva a tretí jazyk se učím*

    which equates to a small percentage although english is widely spoken.
    *což je ekvivalentní malému procentu, přestože angličtina je používaná všeobecně.*

    It is still a mere percent. The quest for 100% is beyond my reach.
    *Je to stále pouhé procento. Docílit 100% je mimo můj dosah.*

    My quest in life is to reach 10 languages and be fluent with it.
    *Mým cílem v životě je ovládat 10 jazyků a to plynule.*

    This may seem like an unrealistic goal to others but I believe it is possible.
    *Jiným se to může zdát jako nereálny cíl, ale ja věřím, že je to možné.*

    Acquiring a language is like opening a door to another Universe,
    *Osvojení si jayzka je jako otevřít bránu do jiného světa,*

    it is simply remarkable.
    *je to prostě pozoruhodné.*

    The beauty of learning a foreign language is you can express your
    *Krása studia cizího jazyka spočíva v tom, že můžeš vyjádřit své*

    thoughts in any language that best suits you at any moment.
    *myšlenky v každém jazyce jakkoli chceš, v kterémkoli momentu.*

    You can communicate with people from other countries without
    *Môžeš komunikovať s ľidmi s jiných zemí bez*

    having to depend on a book.
    * závislosti na knize.*

    What I love the most is listening to foreign music and actually appreciate them.
    *Nejradši mám poslech cizí hudby a skutečně si jich velmi vážím.*

    I have seen a person who converses in 14 languages,
    *Viděla jsem osobu, která konverzuje ve 14 jazycích,* (female speaking)
    (Male would say: Viděl jsem osobu, která konverzuje ve 14 jazycích)

    a unique individual who has influenced me.
    *unikátní jedinec, který mě ovlivnil.*

    Knowing another language is truly an incredible tool,
    *Ovládat další jazyk je skutečně neuvěřiteľný nástroj,*

    not only are you learning grammar,
    *nejen že se učíš gramatiku,*

    culture and race but you are shaping
    *kulturu a původ ale také přetváříš*

    yourself to be a better person with umlimited bounderies.
    *sám sebe k lepšímu, bez jakýchkoli hraníc.*

    The way I percieve it is.... not to limit yourself.
    *Já to vnímám takto.....neomezovat se.*

    I dont know what else to say...feel free to add a comment or post
    *Nevím co k tomu dodat....jste vítáni přidat komentář nebo mi položit *

    me a question..
  10. Nene's Avatar

    Nene said:

    Wink Hungarian

    This place seems like a place to share some interesting points
    //Úgy tűnik ez az az oldal, ahol meg lehet osztani néhány érdekes véleményt//

    hhmmmm..........What can I share about.....ahhh being a Linguist!
    //hhmmmm..........Mit is oszthatok meg,....ahhh, nyelvész vagyok!//

    Linguist, linguistica, linguistique, lingvisti, языкознание,

    γλωσσολογία, linguistik, taalwetenschappen, lingvistik,

    sprogvidenskab, 语言学, 言語学, اللغويات, عله اللغه‏ ,

    If you spoke every single languages that exist you would
    //Ha minden lehetséges nyelven beszélnél,//

    understand 100% of the world.
    //megértenéd a világ 100%-át.//

    If you were bestowed with this ability would you create your own language,
    //Ha ezzel a lehetőségel rendelkeznél, vajon létrehoznál-e egy saját nyelvet,//

    create something more bizarre and inexplicable.
    //valami bizarabbat és elmagyarázhatatlant?//

    So how many languages do I know so far? hmmmmm
    //Tehát hány nyelven beszélek idáig?hmmmm//

    Two and I'm teaching myself a third language,
    //Két nyelven és tanulom a harmadikat,//

    which equates to a small percentage although english is widely spoken.
    //ami csak egy kis százalékkal eggyezik, bár széles körben az angol használt.//

    It is still a mere percent. The quest for 100% is beyond my reach.
    //Azonban ez még mindig kis százalékot tesz ki. A 100% számomra elérhetetlen.//

    My quest in life is to reach 10 languages and be fluent with it.
    //Az én életcélom 10 nyelven beszélni, mégpedig folyékonyan.//

    This may seem like an unrealistic goal to others but I believe it is possible.
    //Ez mások számára elérhetetlen célnak tűnhet, de én hiszek abban hogy lehetséges.//

    Acquiring a language is like opening a door to another Universe,
    //Elérni egy nyelvet olyan mint kinyitni egy kaput egy új univerzumba,//

    it is simply remarkable.
    //egyszerűen figyelemre méltó.//

    The beauty of learning a foreign language is you can express your
    //Az idegen nyelv tanulásának szépsége abban rejlik, hogy kifejezheted//

    thoughts in any language that best suits you at any moment.
    //a gondolataidat azon nyelven amely a legjobban megfelel bármely pillanatban.//

    You can communicate with people from other countries without
    //Más országok lakóival komunikálhatsz anélkül,//

    having to depend on a book.
    //hogy egy könyvön légy függő,//

    What I love the most is listening to foreign music and actually appreciate them.
    //Amit a legjobban szeretek az a külföldi zene és tuladjonképpen tisztelem őket,//

    I have seen a person who converses in 14 languages,
    //Láttam embert aki 14 nyelven beszél,//

    a unique individual who has influenced me.
    //különleges egyén aki befolyásolt engem.//

    Knowing another language is truly an incredible tool,
    //Egy másik nyelv tudása valóban egy hihetetlen ezköz,//

    not only are you learning grammar,
    //Nem csak a nyelvtannal, //

    culture and race but you are shaping
    //a kultúrával és a fajjal ismerkedsz, hanem alakíttod//

    yourself to be a better person with umlimited bounderies.
    //saját magadat jobbá, bármilyen határok nélkül.//

    The way I percieve it is.... not to limit yourself.
    //Én így fogalmaznám.....ne korlátozd magad.//

    I dont know what else to say...feel free to add a comment or post
    //Mi mást mondhatnék még....bátran írjatok fejleményt vagy //

    me a question..

    Please note that this is not a literal translation as there is a special way of describing your thoughts when talking to the public. I find it really colourfull and interesting.
    Mivel mindig az okos enged, már rég a hülyék uralkodnak...
  11. rec115's Avatar

    rec115 said:


    Thank you so much Everyone, your help is sincerely appreciated. Literal or not its still perfect. Thanks again. The help is what matters the most. Thank you all.
    Last edited by rec115; 08-14-2008 at 02:51 AM.
    tree of knowledge
  12. Gil's Avatar

    Gil said:


    Need any Slovenian for that?
  13. tedinkyyy's Avatar

    tedinkyyy said:


    Ja, prosim!
    Eins.. hier kommt die Sonne
    Zwei..hier kommt die Sonne
    Drei.. hier kommt die Sonne
    Ich hab' keine Lust.
  14. nertila said:


  15. Robinzon said:


    Quote Originally Posted by tedinkyyy View Post
    Ja, prosim!
    I'm sorry it looks like Slovene person forgot to translate. :] Do you still need Slovene translation?