Name this ballad...if you can

Thread: Name this ballad...if you can

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  1. getmoni11 said:

    Default Name this ballad...if you can

    I thought it was Keisha Cole but it's not on her cd.

    Couldn't have given you more. gave you everything i had there was nothing you were denied...

    "sometimes there's nothing left but bitterness and regret and it just ain't worth it..
    been through solo nights and screaming fights just wasn't right, never knew i could be so mean but that just how far you pushed me

    ...but im complete without him yea"

    it's a really pretty, soulful ballad and Im dying to know what it is
    Thanks so much!
  2. SMazac128 said:


    "GOTTA GO, GOTTA LEAVE" by: Vivian Green