Learning German language

Thread: Learning German language

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  1. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:

    Default Learning German language

    This thread is an attempt to help all the people out there who learn or want to learn German. I am not yet sure if it will work out. But we’ll never know if we don’t try .

    I have gathered some basics of the language, of course everybody else is welcome to contribute explanations about various matters. I believe there's still a lot to explain in the basic field!

    And every learner is welcome to ask questions about the language and its use!
    This is also a place for smaller misc. translations and questions you may have about the country and people in general.

    If you want to try what you’ve already learned, you’re welcome to converse in this thread.
    For song translations please stick to opening a seperate thread for your request.
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  2. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    I. The Basics/Grundlagen

    ich - I
    du - You
    er, sie - he, she
    wir – we
    ihr – you (for friends)
    Sie – you (formal)
    sie - they

    II. Basic vocabulary/Basisvokablen


    blau - blue
    rot - red
    orange - orange
    gelb - yellow
    grün - green
    grau - gray
    weiß (or you can also write weiss) - white
    pink - pink


    eins - one
    zwei - two
    drei - tree
    vier - four
    fünf - five
    sechs - six
    sieben - seven
    acht - eight
    neun - nine
    zehn - ten
    elf - eleven
    zwölf - twelve


    Spanien – España
    Frankreich – France
    Niederlande - Netherlands
    Brasilien - Brazil
    England - England
    Finnland - Finland
    Deutschland - Germany
    Italien - Italy
    Russland - Russia

    Question Words/Fragewörter

    Was - What
    Wo/Wohin/Woher- Where/ To where/ Of where
    Wer - Who
    Welches/Welche/Welcher - which
    Wie viel - How many
    Wie - How
    Um wie viel Uhr - At what time
    Wann - When
    Warum - Why
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  3. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    Conjugation of verbs/Kunjugation von Verben

    One of the most important words is „sein“ – to be
    It’s an irregular verb:

    Present tense/Gegenwart

    Ich bin - I am
    Du bist - you are
    Er/Sie/Es ist – he/she/it is
    Wir sind - we are
    Ihr seid - you are
    Sie sind - they are

    Past tense/Vergangenheit

    Ich war – I was
    Du warst – you were
    Er/Sie/Es war – he/she/it was
    Wir waren – we were
    Ihr wart – you were
    Sie waren – they were


    Ich werde sein – I will be
    Du wirst sein – You will be
    Er/Sie/Es wird sein – He/She/It will be
    Wir werden sein – We will be
    Ihr werdet sein – You will be
    Sie werden sein – They will be

    Next verb is a regular verb, „rennen“ – to run
    This conjugation works for about 85% of the verbs

    Present tense/Gegenwart

    Ich renne – I run
    Du rennst – You run
    Er/Sie/Es rennt – he/she/it runs
    Wir rennen – We run
    Ihr rennt – You run
    Sie rennen – They run

    Past tense/Vergangenheit

    Ich rannte – I ran
    Du ranntest – You ran
    Er/Sie/Es rannte – He/She/It ran
    Wir rannten – We ran
    Ihr ranntet – You ran
    Sie rannten – They ran


    Ich werde rennen – I will run
    Du wirst rennen – you will run
    Er/Sie/Es wird rennen – he/she/it will run
    Wir werden rennen – we will run
    Ihr werdet rennen – you will run
    Sie werden rennen – they will run
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  4. black poison's Avatar

    black poison said:


    I want translated black poison !!!!!
  5. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    Black Poison would be "schwarzes Gift"
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  6. black poison's Avatar

    black poison said:


    schwarzes Gift

    thanx bro
  7. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    Some basic stuff just coming to my mind

    Heute – Today
    Gestern – Yesterday
    Morgen – Tomorrow
    Letzte Woche – Last week
    Nächste Woche – Next week
    Letzten Monat – Last month
    Nächsten Monat – Next month

    Wie viel Uhr ist es? – What time is it?
    Es ist ... Uhr. – It’s .... o’clock.

    Bitte – Please
    Danke – Thanks
    Entschuldigung – Sorry
    Wie bitte? – What did you say?

    Guten Morgen – Good morning
    Guten Abend – Good evening
    Auf Wiedersehen – Goodbye
    Hallo – Hello

    Ich habe eine Frage. – I have a question.
    Kannst du mir helfen? – Can you help me? (informal)
    Können Sie mir helfen? – Can you help me? (formal)

    Wie geht es dir? – How are you? (informal)
    Wie geht es Ihnen? – How are you? (formal)
    Mir geht es gut. – I am fine.
    Mir geht es nicht gut. – I don’t feel fine.

    Was hast du heute gemacht? – What have you done today?

    Ich liebe dich – I love you.
    Ich mag dich – I like you.
    Ich hasse dich – I hate you.

    Was hast du gesagt? – What did you say? (informal)
    Was haben Sie gesagt? – Was did you say? (formal)
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  8. Lyssa's Avatar

    Lyssa said:


    ah think of somethinng

    the days of the week / Wochentage

    Monday = Montag
    Tuesday = Dienstag
    Wednesday = Mittwoch
    Thursday = Donnerstag
    Friday = Freitag
    Sturday = Samstag
    Sunday = Sonntag

    Day = Tag
    Sun = Sonne
    Woche = week

    Months of the year = Monate im Jahr

    January = Januar
    February = Februar
    March = Mars
    April = April
    May = Mai
    June = juni
    July ) Juli
    august = August
    September = September
    October = Oktober
    November = November
    December = Dezember

    As you see, very close^^
  9. Cosmonaut's Avatar

    Cosmonaut said:


    I've been looking for orientation in my Turkish book. They do plural, negation and possessive pronouns in the first lesson (suffixes rather, but we don't have those here, so..)

    So I'll try to explain some of them now.

    Plural / Plural

    There are many forms of plural and they, as far as I can tell, don't follow a particular pattern as to when which form is used. I think you'll just have to learn each noun with its corresponding plural form.

    Let me just list them at first:

    Das Auto - Die Autos / the car - the cars
    Die Biene - Die Bienen / the bee - the bees
    Das Fahrrad - Die Fahrräder / the bike - the bikes
    Der Hund - Die Hunde / the dog - the dogs
    Der Bruder - Die Brüder / the brothers - the brothers
    Der Lehrer - Die Lehrer / the teacher - the teachers
    Die Lehrerin - Die Lehrerinnen / the female teacher - the female teachers
    Das Kleid - Die Kleider / the dress - the dresses
    Das Museum - Die Museen / the museum - the museums
    Das Prinzip - Die Prinzipien / the principle - the principles

    That's all forms I can think of right now. The only pattern we can see is that plural always changes the article to 'die', which is a good thing to know, definitely.

    Lets proceed to negative sentences.

    Negation / Verneinung

    We use two forms to make a sentence negative, i.e. with 'kein(e)' - 'not a' or 'none' and 'nicht' - 'not'.

    Let me give some basic sentences:

    Dein Auto ist grün - Your car is green.
    Dein Auto ist nicht grün - You car is not green.

    Deine Haare sind blond - Your hair is blonde.
    Deine Haare sind nicht blond - Your hair is not blonde.

    'nicht' is the most common form of negation. It can be used in 80 to 90% of all cases.

    If, however, a noun with an indefinite article [i.e. ein / eine] needs to be negated, you have to use 'kein(e)'

    Ich kaufe eine Zeitung - I'm buying a newspaper or I buy a newspaper.
    Ich kaufe eine Zeitung nicht - does _NOT_ work.
    Ich kaufe keine Zeitung - I'm not buying a newspaper.

    Hope you got the idea now.

    Lets finish with possessive pronouns.

    Possessive pronouns - Possessivpronomen

    They are:

    mein(e) - my
    dein(e) - your
    sein(e)/ihr(e) - his/her
    unser(e) - our
    euer(eure) - your

    for the articles der / das and singular forms it's mein / dein / sein / ihr / unser / euer
    for the article die and plural forms it's meine / deine / seine / ihre / unsere / eure


    Das Auto - the car
    Mein Auto - Dein Auto - Sein Auto - Ihr Auto - Unser Auto - Euer Auto
    Der Hund - the dog
    Mein Hund - Dein Hund - Sein Hund - Ihr Hund - Unser Hund - Euer Hund
    Die Mutter - the mother
    Meine Mutter - Deine Mutter - Seine Mutter - Ihre Mutter - Unsere Mutter - Eure Mutter

    and plural: Seine Hunde - Ihre Hunde - Unsere Hunde - Eure Hunde
    or Seine Autos - Ihre Autos - Unsere Autos - Eure Autos
  10. baskarukebaskanoge's Avatar

    baskarukebaskanoge said:


    Great thread, i must say. Although I've already known all of this (except that die Biene means bee and Gift means poison, how funny ), I must thank you.
    Can't wait for next lesson!
  11. Luvya's Avatar

    Luvya said:


    Maybe some basic syntax?

    In German, the usual sentence order is: Subject - Verb - Object.
    Example: Ich lese ein Buch. (I read a book.)
    Very similar to English, isn't it?

    You can put as many objects as you want into a sentence.
    Example: Ich lese morgens im Bett ein Buch. (I read a book in bed in the morning.)
    The order of the objects is not strict. You could also say:
    Ich lese im Bett morgens ein Buch.
    Ich lese morgens ein Buch im Bett.
    Ich lese ein Buch morgens im Bett.

    Just keep in mind that the focus is on the last object you cite. So it depends on wheter you want to point out that you read a book, that you read in bed or that you read in the morning.

    What about questions?
    There are two types of them.
    1.) Yes/No Questions
    They follow the order: Verb - Subject - Object
    Example: Liest du ein Buch? (Do you read a book?)
    2.) Questions with a question wordare basically the same, just with a question word in the first place.
    Example: Wann liest du ein Buch? (When do you read a book?)

    Now the tricky part: subordinate clauses. Ever heard the rumour that the verb is in the very last position in German? Well, this is where that rumour comes from.
    Indeed, a subordinate clause would look like that: Ich lache, wenn ich ein lustiges Buch lese. (I laugh when I read a funny book)
    The main clause (Ich lache) is fine: the order is subject - object. The subordinate clause stars behind the comma with a conjunction (wenn) followed by the order Subject - Object - Verb.

    Ask me if you got any questions =)
  12. Vlad said:



    I've stumbled upon this expression in German and I can't figure it out...if anyone could help me I would greatly appreciate it

    So, die Ausdruck ist: "wo gibts denn sowas"

    What does it mean, when is it used, when it should not be used ...?

    Danke sehr !

  13. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    Hi Vlad

    "wo gibt's denn sowas" would be something like "where can you find that?!?" in English it's an expression of surprise I'd say. I would even use it to say "What's that?!?" in terms of surprise/astonishment where you already know what the thing in front of you is.
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  14. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    thank you steena to open this new sub
    its great idea to help all of us learning languages beside
    the other threads here which do the same

    but i feel that its so hard to learn germany language i donno why
    although i was good in it in my childhood
    but i forget many words
    ... but still know some
    i know how to count and i know to sing a song too hehehe
    but i donno how to write it or what deos it exactly means
    anyway .. i wish i can learn alittle germany here
    and remind what i forget

    also there is other thing
    where can i hear the spelling of the words & letters
    coz u know its hard to begin if i donno how every letter spelled
    thanks alot again
    keep doing this good job my friends
  15. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    Maviii for the pronounciation I just found this (for me rather funny ) site:
    I don't know if it will be helpful for you but it's worth a try
    and if you ask questions we'll do our best to help you anyways!
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  16. Maviii's Avatar

    Maviii said:


    am sure you`ll all help me
    i have no doubt in this
    thank u my friend

    i`ll try this site now & i hope it`ll help me
  17. louchi's Avatar

    louchi said:


    oh great job Steena in teaching German even it's not your first language ( right ?)
    may I suggest to teach them how to read in German too ?
    cause when it comes to reading in German ..some letters will definitely shock you...
    I took German courses for 4 months, and I would like to help and maybe submit something about how to pronounce every single letter
  18. Steena's Avatar

    Steena said:


    @louchi: go ahead and post whatever you like I guess people will find it helpful! I'll think of something ...

    ... and it is my first language
    होता है जो होना है ... वक़्त ही शायद खुदा है ...
    कौन कहता है आदमी अपनी किस्मत खुद लिखता है?
  19. louchi's Avatar

    louchi said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Steena View Post
    @louchi: go ahead and post whatever you like I guess people will find it helpful! I'll think of something ...

    ... and it is my first language
    oh sorry mate ..didn't know that ..Sorry for the Wrong Assumption
    if it's your first language i'm sure you're more qualified to teach them the pronounciation ...i'm just a newbie .
    why don't u start telling them the combination of letters for example :
    if a german word starts with "SP" the "S" is pronounced like "sh" in english
    eg: " sprechen sie deutsch ? " is actually pronounced " sh-prechen .... "
    and if a german word starts with "ST" the "S" is pronounced like "sh" in english
    eg: " auf der Straße " is actually pronounced " sh-trasse"
    and that the W in german is pronounced V in english eg: "woher kommen sie ? " is pronounced " vo-her kommen zi " in english
    and how to pronounce "ch" inside german words eg: "buch" is actually pronounced "bukh" ( kh is a lettre that doesn't exist in english .. it sounds like you are trying to spit or snoring ) sorry for the disgusting example

    thank you
    Last edited by louchi; 09-22-2008 at 06:14 PM.
  20. Nene's Avatar

    Nene said:


    Steena, well done on opening this thread! Especially because German language is quite challenging regarding the grammar...

    This will help a lot of people including myself!
    Mivel mindig az okos enged, már rég a hülyék uralkodnak...