Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Spanish <-> English Translations

Thread: Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Spanish <-> English Translations

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  1. AnnaFoster's Avatar

    AnnaFoster said:


    Would "don't give up on me just because I'm X" translate better on its own? Would it be No te des por vencido? Or something else now that it's isolated from the 'write me off' phrase.

    Quote Originally Posted by citlalli View Post
    Suggestion: "No te des por vencido ni me hagas a un lado (simplemente) porque soy X".

    Write off someone is hard to translate... it may be "ignorar/ excluir/ descartar" , etc.
  2. AnnaFoster's Avatar

    AnnaFoster said:


    Are both of these correct?

    Depende de si regresa.

    Depende si regresa.

    Depends if he returns.

  3. AnnaFoster's Avatar

    AnnaFoster said:


    Are both of these correct? (just with subtle differences in meaning).

    Se vende periódicos aquí

    Se venden periódicos aquí.
  4. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by AnnaFoster View Post
    Would "don't give up on me just because I'm X" translate better on its own? Would it be No te des por vencido? Or something else now that it's isolated from the 'write me off' phrase.
    yeah, it would be, no te des por vencido solo porque soy X
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  5. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by AnnaFoster View Post
    Are both of these correct?

    Depende de si regresa.

    Depende si regresa.

    Depends if he returns.


    Quote Originally Posted by AnnaFoster View Post
    Are both of these correct? (just with subtle differences in meaning).

    Se vende periódicos aquí

    Se venden periódicos aquí.
    Se vende periódico aquí = singular

    Se venden periódicos aquí = plural
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  6. ilovevictorxx's Avatar

    ilovevictorxx said:


    spanish to english please

    yo lo tengo en el periodo 6...chula coja pal cafeteria uno ante k empiesen la clase pa date la luz de klk...yo boa tene la baina amrilla del brugal en la mochila
  7. AnnaFoster's Avatar

    AnnaFoster said:


    Just curious what this says.... how it's best translated:


    The x = por and the k = que.... I know Maxizo is an adjective like perron etc... And of course, todos = everyone.

    Need some help learning how "se pone" is used in this way AND what caiganle is coming from and what it means. Guessing is caigan + le.

    Can someone lend a little grammar lesson?

  8. AnnaFoster's Avatar

    AnnaFoster said:


    What is the best way to say "you're so cool" ? Do adjectives like perron, maxizo, padre, fregon, chingon etc. work for people?
  9. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by AnnaFoster View Post
    Just curious what this says.... how it's best translated:


    The x = por and the k = que.... I know Maxizo is an adjective like perron etc... And of course, todos = everyone.

    Need some help learning how "se pone" is used in this way AND what caiganle is coming from and what it means. Guessing is caigan + le.

    Can someone lend a little grammar lesson?

    caigan comes from caer = to fall, but as slang means to come

    CAIGANLE TODOS X K SE PONE MAXIZO! = come on everyone because this is awesome

    se pone = is kind of "the mood" of the moment/event/party/reunion/etc
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  10. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by AnnaFoster View Post
    What is the best way to say "you're so cool" ? Do adjectives like perron, maxizo, padre, fregon, chingon etc. work for people?
    tu eres bien chingon/perron/ a toda madre /

    these adjectives are bad language, rudeness, but if you have trust with the person you tell, or that person speaks like this, there is no problem

    tu eres bien buena onda/lindo/agradable/ a todo dar

    these are the "cool" in nicely way to speak

    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  11. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by ilovevictorxx View Post
    spanish to english please

    yo lo tengo en el periodo 6...chula coja pal cafeteria uno ante k empiesen la clase pa date la luz de klk...yo boa tene la baina amrilla del brugal en la mochila
    I have it at 6 period, beatiful go to cafeteria 1 before classes begin, to give you the light of ???... I will have the yellow thing?/hat? of brugal? at my backpack
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  12. AnnaFoster's Avatar

    AnnaFoster said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Zahra2008 View Post
    caigan comes from caer = to fall, but as slang means to come

    CAIGANLE TODOS X K SE PONE MAXIZO! = come on everyone because this is awesome

    se pone = is kind of "the mood" of the moment/event/party/reunion/etc

    Oh that's right! So Caiganle is "come to (it)" It's a command. And using poner in this way se pone maxizo is similar to "me pones cachonda" haha right?

    YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY I'm learning the slang! ps: is slang = modismo?
  13. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by AnnaFoster View Post
    Oh that's right! So Caiganle is "come to (it)" It's a command. And using poner in this way se pone maxizo is similar to "me pones cachonda" haha right?

    YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY I'm learning the slang! ps: is slang = modismo?
    thats right sweetie ... bravo you nailed it!!!!

    yep, slang=modismo
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  14. ilovevictorxx's Avatar

    ilovevictorxx said:


    spanish to english please!

    la mujeres bailan bine pero eso tigre no saben si yo baiolo con la rubia la ago k se benga y se moje

    claro te ago k singe con migo de tato gusto k bas a copjer bailando con migo

    claro mani pero tu no sabe buca jnet pa bailar

    tato tu me ase pa palanca el lechero
  15. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by ilovevictorxx View Post
    spanish to english please!

    la mujeres bailan bine pero eso tigre no saben si yo baiolo con la rubia la ago k se benga y se moje

    claro te ago k singe con migo de tato gusto k bas a copjer bailando con migo

    claro mani pero tu no sabe buca jnet pa bailar

    tato tu me ase pa palanca el lechero
    these sentences have sexual cognotacion...

    women dance well but that tiger dont know if i dance with the blonde I make her come and to get wet

    of course I make you that ? with me of so much joy that you will fu*c dancing with me

    of course girl but you dont know look for a rider/jocker to dance

    so much you make me get wet/to come
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  16. red_rose's Avatar

    red_rose said:


    ah mi amory! tu eres muy belleza ♥ te extrana muchisimo!!!
  17. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    Quote Originally Posted by red_rose View Post
    ah mi amory! tu eres muy belleza ♥ te extrana muchisimo!!!
    "Oh my darling! you are a beauty, I miss you so much!!"
    “If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett.
  18. ahmednimo's Avatar

    ahmednimo said:


    hola a todos
    estoy aqui e nuevo
    mucho tiempo estoy estudiando el espanol pero hasta ahora todavia no se hablarlo bien
    pero espero que me ayuden
    quier saber letra (lyrics)de este video
    es largo pero...............
    plz help me
    it will be nice,this will help me to listen and read
    uno video cada semana jejejjejejej
    que ávido soy!
    fool me once,shame on you . Fool me twice, shame on me
  19. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by ahmednimo View Post
    hola a todos
    estoy aqui e nuevo
    mucho tiempo estoy estudiando el espanol pero hasta ahora todavia no se hablarlo bien
    pero espero que me ayuden
    quier saber letra (lyrics)de este video
    es largo pero...............
    plz help me
    it will be nice,this will help me to listen and read
    uno video cada semana jejejjejejej
    que ávido soy!
    el salam aleikom ya Ahmed ... I will start working with the spanish subtitles and later the translation, hope you dont mind...

    ================================================== =====

    -¿Por qué los pajaritos necesitan tantas ramas cuando construyen un nido?
    Why do the birds need as many branches when they build a nest?

    -Yo estoy seguro que no lo se
    I'm sure I do not know

    Béisbol / Baseball

    -Estoy muy conforme con tan buen resultado, con un poquito de suerte, creo que tendremos una buena temporada, la sesión de entrenamiento de primavera de hoy comenzara con una demostración. El año pasado hicimos muchas jugadas dobles, dos de nuestro equipo nos van a demostrar cómo pueden ser evitadas.

    I'm very happy with such good results, with a little luck, I think we'll have a good season, the spring training session began today with a demonstration. Last year we had many double plays, two of our team will demonstrate how they can be avoided

    Lynos va a cubrir el campo corto, snoopy va a ser el corredor que va de primera a segunda, quien quiebra el doble play, ahora miren cuidadosamente, todo comienza con Lynos que recibe la pelota, entonces él hace la jugada en un segundo, mientras snoopy va hacia él, ¿hay alguna pregunta?

    Lynos will cover shortstop, Snoopy will be the runner going from first to second, who breaks the double play, now look carefully, it starts with Lynos he receives the ball, then he made the move in a second, while Snoopy goes to him, are there any questions?


    -¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué te paso?
    What's going on? What happened to you?

    -Me dieron en el dedo con una mala jugada
    They gave me in the finger with a dirty trick

    -¿Te sientes bien? ¿Vas a poder jugar?
    Are you ok? Will you (be ablet to) play?

    -No lo sé, voy a tener que averiguarlo
    I do not know, I'll have to find out

    -Esta todo bien, puedo jugar
    Is everything all right, I can play

    -Eso no lo era lo que me refería
    That was not what I meant

    -¿Justo en la mitad de una jugada? Estás loco de remate, estoy tratando de lanzar, ¿no te das cuenta? Me tengo que concentrar en lo que estoy haciendo, ahora te vas a sentir, ¿verdad? Está bien, está bien, ven acá
    Right in the middle of a game/play? You are stark mad/you are very crazy, I'm trying to pitch, do not you see? I have to focus on what I'm doing, now you will feel bad, right? Okay, okay, come here

    - No me extraña que grandes jugadores jubilen
    No wonder great players retire

    Esa niñita colorina ha venido a vernos jugar, me pregunto si me está mirando a mí
    That little redhead girl came to see us play, I wonder if she is looking at me

    No me estaba mirando a mí
    (she) was not looking at me

    -¿Qué estás haciendo Charlie Brown? ¿Por qué no lanzas?
    What are you doing Charlie Brown? Why not throw (the ball)?

    -Esa niñita colorina, ella está mirando el juego
    That little redhead girl, she is watching the game

    -Oh dios mío
    Oh my god

    -Esta es mi gran oportunidad de ser un héroe, y ella esta mirándome, voy a mantenerla abajo y lanzar una gran jugada, y esa colorina va a estar tan impresionada y tan entusiasmada, que va a llegar hasta el montículo y me dará un gran abrazo, oh que atroz, ¿Por qué yo pienso cosas como esas?
    This is my chance to be a hero, and she's looking at me, I'll keep it down and throw a big play, and that redhead will be so impressed and so excited, she will come to the mound and give me a big hug , oh that's horrible, why I think things like that?

    -Santo dios Charlie Brown ¿vas a desperdiciar el primer lanzamiento?
    Good god Charlie Brown, are you going to waste the first pitch?

    -Esa niñita colorina, esta mirando, no, no puedo pegarle la pelota, mis dedos están dormidos, estoy comenzando a tiritar, mírame, estoy agitado completamente
    That little redhead girl is watching, no, I can hit the ball, my fingers are asleep, I'm starting to shiver, look at me, I am completely agitated

    -No creo que haya un neurólogo en las graderías
    I do not think there's a neurologist in the stands

    -¿Serviría un doctor en medicina general?
    It would work a doctor in general practice?

    -O un veterinario
    Or a vet

    -Voy a lanzar un gran, gran juego
    I'm going to throw a big, big game

    -Vamos Charlie Brown te llevare a casa
    Come on Charlie Brown I'll take you home

    -La colorina está mirando, y yo voy a lanzar un gran, gran juego y ella va estar muy impresionada
    The redhead is watching, and I'm going to throw a big, big game and she will be very impressed

    -Te llevare a casa Charlie Brown y te puedes ir a la cama hasta que dejes de temblar
    I'll take you home, Charlie Brown and you can go to bed until you stop shaking

    -Y yo voy a ser el…héroe... y voy a lanzar una gran jugada, y, y esa colorina va a estar mirando, y yo voy a estar lanzando, y voy a estar súper, y ella va a estar ahí, y…
    And I'm gonna be the... hero ... and I'll throw a big play, and, and that readhead will be watching, and I'll be pitching, and I'll be super, and she'll be there, and ...

    -Ok, comienza el juego, ya me siento mejor, he parado, he parado de temblar
    Ok, the game starts, I feel better, I stopped, I stopped shaking

    -El juego termino Charlie Brown, ¿y a que no sabes qué? Ganamos!, Lynos tomo tu lugar y lanzo una gran jugada, y había una colorina mirando y se puso tan contenta después del juego, que corrió hasta el montículo y le dio a Lynos un gran abrazo y ella……
    The game ended Charlie Brown, and you do not know what? We won!, Lynos take your place and throw a big play, and there was a redhead looking and she was so happy after the game, she ran to the mound and gave Lynos a big hug and she... ....


    -Mi amigo, mi amigo el lanzador de relevo, mi amigo el lanzador de relevo que hizo una gran jugada impresiono tanto a esa colorina, que ella fue corriendo hacia él, y le dio un gran abrazo, mi amigo
    My friend, my friend, the relief pitcher, my friend, the relief pitcher who made a big play at that redhead was so impressed that she was running towards him and gave him a big hug, my friend!!


    -Bla bla bla

    -Este es un dibujo que hice de una vaca en una pradera persiguiendo ratones
    This is a drawing I did of a cow in a meadow chasing mice

    -Bla bla bla

    -¿A qué te refieres con que las vacas no persiguen ratones?
    What do you mean by that cows do not chase mice?

    -Bla bla bla


    -Bla bla bla

    -Está bien, borrar los ratones
    Ok, erase mice

    -Mi tarea de hoy es acerca de los dinosaurios, el dinosaurio más grande que ha existido fue el bronquitis, muy pronto resulto extinguido, tosía demasiado
    My homework today is about dinosaurs, the largest dinosaur that has existed was the bronchitis, it soon became extinct, coughing too much!!

    -Bueno, aquí estoy en la clase del mostrar y decir, adivinen que traje hoy día, aquí tengo muchas cosas que los helaran y escalofriaran, aquí tengo cosas horribles que los llenaran de pánico, de terror y horror, aquí tengo cosas misteriosas…
    Well, here I am in the class of show and tell, guess what I brought today, here I have many things that will freeze and chills you, I have horrible things here that will fill you with panic, terror and horror, mysterious things I have here ...

    -Bla bla bla

    -Si tía
    yes tia

    -Mucho entusiasmo en el mostrar y decir
    Much excitement in the show and tell
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  20. ahmednimo's Avatar

    ahmednimo said:


    muchicimas gracias amiga

    que crinosa eres!

    im very happy
    fool me once,shame on you . Fool me twice, shame on me