A paragraph translation if you can

Thread: A paragraph translation if you can

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  1. rec115's Avatar

    rec115 said:

    Default A paragraph translation if you can

    Before you translate this to any languages, I ask that you have a read at my previous post
    at the Spanish section. From there it is up to you wether you want to
    translate this for me.


    I dont know how you always succumb me in your stories and poems Alethea.

    I must say, I will always be here for you friend. Behind you to back you

    up, beside you to catch you fall and infront of you to defend you and to

    have a shoulder for you to lean on.

    If I ever loose your friendship then I will loose something that is part of

    my soul.

    Eclipse will cease to exist, planets will never align, cycle of the star

    will never occur again. Burst of life from the flowers will rot. Earth will

    will cease to rotate. Suns light will never reach my skin to warm me up. It

    will always be winter and my life will forever be frozen with time.

    I will become a statue, lifeless.
    Last edited by rec115; 08-09-2008 at 07:09 PM. Reason: updating
    tree of knowledge
  2. tzina772000's Avatar

    tzina772000 said:


    The only post I saw in the Spanish section was the same as this one. Which languages do you want???All those that exist in the forum???
  3. rec115's Avatar

    rec115 said:


    Well I'd like a translation of my post to any langauges that you know. Just this post here is all I need translated, you can translate them all if you want, that would be great but it would take alot of your time, whatever you feel doing
    tree of knowledge
  4. tzina772000's Avatar

    tzina772000 said:


    Blue for Greek, Red for Italian


    I dont know how you always succumb me in your stories and poems Alethea.
    Δεν ξέρω πως τα καταφέρνεις πάντα και με κάνεις να καταθέτω τα όπλα στις ιστορίες σου και τα ποιήματά σου, Αλεθέα (would it be the greek Αλήθεια(truth)? but its not a name)
    Non so come mi fai sempre soccombere alle tue storie e poesia Alethea

    I must say, I will always be here for you friend. Behind you to back you
    Πρέπει να πώ ότι θα είμαι πάντα εδώ για σένα φίλε. Από πίσω σου για να σε στηρίζω,
    Devo dire, che sarò sempre qui per te amico-a. Dietro di te per appogiarti,

    up, beside you to catch you fall and infront of you to defend you and to
    δίπλα σου για να σε πιάσω αν πέσεις και μπροστά σου για να σε προστατεύω και
    al tuo lato per acchiaparti se cadi e di fronte a te per defenderti e per

    have a shoulder for you to lean on.
    για να έχεις έναν ώμο να στηριχτείς.
    avere un spalla per appoggiarti

    If I ever loose your friendship then I will loose something that is part of
    Αν ποτέ χάσω την φιλία σου τότε θα χάσω και κάτι που είναι κομμάτι
    Se mai perderò la tua amicizia, allora perderò qualcosa che fa parte della

    my soul.
    της ψυχής μου
    mia anima

    Eclipse will cease to exist, planets will never align, cycle of the star
    Δεν θα υπάχει έκλειψη, οι πλανήτες δεν θα ευθυγραμμίζονται ποτέ, ο κύκλος ενός αστέρα
    Leclissi smeterà di esistere, i pianeti non si allinerebbero più, il ciclo di una stella

    will never occur again. Burst of life from the flowers will rot. Earth will
    δεν θα επαναληφθεί. Η έκρηξη ζωής των λουλουδιών θα σαπίσει. Η γη θα
    non si farà mai più. L eruzione di vità dei fiori marcirà. La terrà

    will cease to rotate. Suns light will never reach my skin to warm me up. It
    σταματήσει να γυρνάει. Το φως του ήλιου δεν θα φτάνει στο δέρμα μου για να με ζεστάνει.Θα
    smetterà di ruotare. La luce del sole non arriverà sulla mia pelle per riscaldarmi

    will always be winter and my life will forever be frozen with time.
    είναι πάντα χειμώνας και η ζωή μου θα παγώσει για πάντα με το πέρασμα του χρόνου
    Sarà sempre inverno e la mia vità sarà per sempre giacciata col tempo

    I will become a statue, lifeless.
    θα γίνω άγαλμα, χωρίς ζωή.
    Diventerò una statua, senza vita
  5. rec115's Avatar

    rec115 said:


    Greek and Italian, nice. Thank you very much Tzina.
    tree of knowledge
  6. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:


    Oh Hi again I see you'r still improoving ur list of different languages
    Very good

    Look, here you have it , also in Hungarian


    I dont know how you always succumb me in your stories and poems Alethea.
    Nem tudom hogyan sikerül neked mindig belemeriteni a meséidbe és verseidbe Alethea.
    I must say, I will always be here for you friend.
    El kell mondjam, mindig it leszek veled barátom
    Behind you to back you up, beside you to catch you fall and infront of
    A hátad mögött hogy támogassalak, melletted hogy kifogjalak ha esel és elötted
    you to defend you and to have a shoulder for you to lean on.
    hogy megvédjelek és legyen egy váll amire te rádölhetsz
    If I ever loose your friendship then I will loose something that is
    part of my soul.
    Ha vaegyszer elveszittem a barátságod akor elveszitek valamit ami egy része a szivemnek
    Eclipse will cease to exist, planets will never align,
    A fogyatkozások nem még fognak létezni, a bolygok soha nem fognak egy vonalba kerülni
    cycle of the star will never occur again.
    a csillagok ciklusa soha többe nem fog megtörténni
    Burst of life from the flowers will rot.
    Az élet robbanás a virágokbol el fog hervadni
    Earth will cease to rotate.
    A föld nem fog forogni tobbé
    Suns light will never reach my skin to warm me up.
    A nap fénye soha nem fogja elérni a böröm hogy felmelegitsen
    It will always be winter and my life will forever be frozen with time.
    Mindig tél lesz és az életem mindörökre be lesz fagyva idövel
    I will become a statue, lifeless.
    Egy szoborrá fogok vállni, élettelené
    " Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "
  7. tzina772000's Avatar

    tzina772000 said:


    you're welcome
  8. rec115's Avatar

    rec115 said:


    Thank you very much Tigress, you have been very helpful and yes I am looking for other languages, just what I love, languages.
    Thanks both of you.
    tree of knowledge
  9. tigress_tim's Avatar

    tigress_tim said:


    Glad I could help ! And i must say u'r doing a very interesting and unique thing
    " Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive. "