Learning Macedonian language - учиме македонскиот јазик

Thread: Learning Macedonian language - учиме македонскиот јазик

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  1. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    ќе пишувам „убав“ или „прекрасен“

    Можеби не ќе пишувам овде секој ден, можеби ќе пишувам вон интернетот. уште не знам. не би сакала да бидам здосадна.

    „зашто“ или „зошто“ на македонски?

    голем поздрав
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  2. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    Воопшто не си досадна, пишувај си кога сакаш, јас не сакав на секое да ве поправам, за да не ви здосадам, инаку вие слободно можете да си вежбате, па ако сакате некогаш да го сторам тоа (ако има потреба за истото) ќе ме известите
    Кога јас учев граматика, професорката по македонски јазик не учеше дека поправилно било да се користи "зашто", иако јас мислам дека е посоодветно "зошто" бидејки претходното повеќе се користи и при одговор на некое прашање наместо "бидејќи" (како кратенка од "затоа што")

    Според мене и двете ги слушам како се употребуваат во секојдневниот говор, па ти избери си кое сакаш
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  3. Sutaris's Avatar

    Sutaris said:


    ...не знам ако има многу Македонци во Холандија, уште не ги среќавав
    под снегопадами...
  4. i'm little one's Avatar

    i'm little one said:


    mmm...гледам,тоа е толку популарен македонски јазик
    требам да учам тоа подобро
    но ми треба помош
  5. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    Максим, никогаш не е доцна Се надевам некогаш ќе сретнеш, јас лично имам братучеди кои моментално таму живеат
    Марија, добредојде и тука, мило ми е што и ти сакаш да научиш Mакедонски, па за се што ти треба помош слободно можеш да прашаш

    P.S. If you don't understand everything please tell me so to write to you like this

    Last edited by Lydia_the angel; 12-23-2008 at 05:14 PM.
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  6. i'm little one's Avatar

    i'm little one said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Lydia_the angel View Post
    Максим, никогаш не е доцна Се надевам некогаш ќе сретнеш, јас лично имам братучеди кои моментално таму живеат
    Марија, добредојде и тука, мило ми е што и ти сакаш да научиш Mакедонски, па за се што ти треба помош слободно можеш да прашаш

    P.S. If you don't understand everything please tell me so to write to you like this

    Лидија,фала ти разбирам што ти пишеш по Македонски
    ми треба да учам време за глагол и говорим по македонски цела ден и нок
    умори се да говорим по еден англиски
  7. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    среќна нова година на сите!

    Имам едно прашање. Понекогаш видам слови „ѝ“ и „č“ на интернетот на македонски. Имам инсталирано македонска тастатура, ама не знам како да пишувам овие слови. Када се на тастатурата?
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  8. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    Среќна Нова Година и од мене Ви посакувам оваа година да го збогати вашиот живот со многу среќа, здравје, љубов и успех на секое поле. Имајте најдобар помин за празниците и многу забава со македонскиот јазик

    Марија нема проблем, мило ми е ако можам да ти помогнам, а најважно е тоа што ти имаш желба, па малку по малку ќе научиш уште подобро

    По однос на прашањето на pthalo, колку што знам на тастатурата до сега ги немам сретнато истите, така што кога има потреба ги користам од опцијата insert-> symbols, а мислам дека и останатите најверојатно го користат тој начин, посебно кога се пишуваат некои официјални статии, бидејќи во секојдневните разговори толку не се внимава во однос на нивната употреба.

    Голем поздрав!
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  9. i'm little one's Avatar

    i'm little one said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Lydia_the angel View Post
    Среќна Нова Година и од мене Ви посакувам оваа година да го збогати вашиот живот со многу среќа, здравје, љубов и успех на секое поле. Имајте најдобар помин за празниците и многу забава со македонскиот јазик

    Марија нема проблем, мило ми е ако можам да ти помогнам, а најважно е тоа што ти имаш желба, па малку по малку ќе научиш уште подобро

    По однос на прашањето на pthalo, колку што знам на тастатурата до сега ги немам сретнато истите, така што кога има потреба ги користам од опцијата insert-> symbols, а мислам дека и останатите најверојатно го користат тој начин, посебно кога се пишуваат некои официјални статии, бидејќи во секојдневните разговори толку не се внимава во однос на нивната употреба.

    Голем поздрав!
    Среќна Нова Година
    да Лидиjа оваа година ке биде исклучиво со Македонски јазик за мене
    ке говорим,пишам и мислим по македонски
  10. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    супер, така ќе го побрзо научиш јазикот.

    Лидија, чудно што ги нема на тастатурата. Ќе ги копи-пејстнам кога ми требаат.

    Дали се изговара сč и се различно?
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  11. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    Браво Марија, само така да продолжиш, па како што рече pthalo така побрзо ќе го научиш јазикот
    Инаку сč (значи севкупност-"everything", тоа веројатно го знаете, но ете за секој случај) се разликува од формата на помошниот глагол сум (се), во нијансите при изговорот, со тоа што првиот се изговара со повисок тон, значи се нагласува, а и самиот апостроф истото го означува

    Сč најубаво
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  12. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    хехе, успев да те разбирам, ама мислам дека ја не ќе научам разликата дур не сретнам некој од Македонија, кој ќе ми воживо објаснува.
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  13. Sochko's Avatar

    Sochko said:


    Здраво на сите.

    Не сум дошла тука веќе подолго време, бидејќи имам навистина многу работа, а веќе гледам голем напредок кај членовите. Дури и Холанѓанец заинтересиран за македонскиот јазик? Навистина интересно. =)

    Иако не пишувам често, се трудам колку можам да проверувам кој што напишал, па се надевам дека ќе можам да помогнам со сите недоумици што ги имате. Гледам дека Лидија засега одлично се снаоѓа. =)
    Ќе повторам пак: не се двоумете да ми пишете private message кога и да ви затреба.

    Голем поздрав до сите!

    'I have a cane and I know how to use it.'
  14. sizr_sistr said:

    Default language politics question

    Hi, i'm macedonian-american and i know the whole politics things gets tired really fast but can someone from MK explain it how people there see this language identity question? it seems soo weird to me... yes, i'd heard of bulgarians and could assume that the language is sort of similar, but none of my family ever said that it's the same. so i was just totally shocked to get to collage and meet actual bulgarians who kept saying that the language is the same! it just seemed bizarre to me since even with my limited understanding i can see that their alphabet and grammar and even basic terms like 'hi how are u what is ur name' is tootally not macedonian. maybe i'm being unrealistic but why is this even being taught to bulgarians?
  15. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    Not from Macedonia, and I've only been learning Macedonian since August, but I don't get it either. The languages are similar enough that I can sometimes figure out what's being said IF I don't run into strange cyrillic letters that I don't know how they're pronounced OR if I'm reading latin transcription and I don't run into transliterations that I can't make any sense of, but even then, it's generally different enough that I run into some problems.

    If Croatian and Serbian are two different languages (and they are), and I can understand Croatian without any effort whatsoever, having only studied Serbian, then Bulgarian and Macedonian are definitely two different languages.
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  16. lopatka's Avatar

    lopatka said:


    I am Bulgarian and I understand Macedonian perfectly .. :] For me your language is the same as ours (I can see it, noone has taught me ... ), just Macedonian pronounciation is slightly different and the way Macedonian construct their sentences is quite weird, cause no Bulgarian would construct them that way :] Anyway .. that's just my opinion (and probably the opinion of most Bulgarians). I don't want to offend anyone.

    And just for the record, I met a Macedonian girl in my old school here in Toronto ... We understood each other perfectly :] How is that basic terms are so totally not Macedonian when we say Здравей, как си?, and you say Zdravo, kako si? .... 0.o ...
    Ungir kallar, kátir kallar, gangiđ upp á gólv dansiđ lystilig!
  17. sizr_sistr said:


    thanks for your responses. - unfortunately this is always where this debate seems to go when i talked with bulgarians. please look. 'zdravey kak si' is not the same thing as 'zdravo kako si', is it? not anymore then German 'Wie geht mit dir' is the same as Dutch '*** gaat met jou' or Spanish 'como esta' is 'the same' as Portuguese 'como esta'.
    sure sometimes some things might be understandable, but that's also true for germans and dutch or czech and slovak or norwegian and swedish (who all can "understand each other perfectly" too!)... the point i'm trying to make is that it is MEAN for one nation to tell another nation that their language doesn't exist, right? it would be EXACTLY like if the Germans told the Dutch (which they did in WWII) or the Spanish told the Portuguse that - it's just mean, and it's not true.
    If I go to London, there is not a different alphabet with different mutually exclusive sounds and different grammar and words. "how are you" in England is "how are you" in America - that is what it looks like when in it's the same language - plus those countries share the same literature and music, newspapers, movies to the point that sometimes we can't tell which is which.

    anyway, i was not asking IF it's the same language. i'm asking why ONLY bulgarians think it is. i would have wished that an educated person would be capable of some self-reflection and objective perspective on their own country's political inconsistancies. after all there has been a lot of political control and manipulation (chenobyl never happened!) i don't really want to argue anymore with bulgarians. i'm just sad that no bulgarian is CURIOUS to look and see for themselves that this is something they might have been misinformed about.

    before i met a bulgarian student, i had never even heard that idea. it just doesn't make any sense!

    i appreciate that bulgarians don't "want to offend" anyone, but it IS offensive and bizarre to tell another nation that they have no language and we DON'T AGREE. Tell the Dutch not to be offended that in WWII they were told their language was just a dialect of German.
  18. pthalo's Avatar

    pthalo said:


    (I think some arguments could be made that British and American are two different languages, the pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, and in some cases grammar, are different enough. The reason we consider them the same language is more political than anything.)
    I'm stronger than the tricks played on your heart. We look at them together then we take 'em apart. Adding up the total of a love that's true, multiply life by the power of two.
  19. Lydia_the angel's Avatar

    Lydia_the angel said:


    Hello to all First welcome to the forum to all of you and thanks for taking part in it:-) I think I've been talking about this in the past, but will repeat again that I would agree with sizr-sistr and pthalo that Macedonian is NOT same as Bulgarian or any other language. Otherwise it wouldn't have been named as that other language as English is same everywhere
    It is similar with the languages that belong to the same group, meaning that have same roots from one proto-language, but that goes for every language of course, as a normal thing:-)
    Me, for instance, can't understand Bulgarian as quite good as I can Serbian. Would that mean Macedonian and Serbian are the same? Absolutely not, so the same goes with Bulgarian, on the other hand I think Bulgarians understand more Macedonian that we do Bulgarian and as well
    Macedonians understand more Serbian than Serbians-Macedonian:-)

    The examples and also the whole analysis our sizr-sistr wrote about are absolutely correct and I second all of thatNice explanation dear
    All of these languages and the other that belong to same group form words with some similar roots, but yet all of them are separate. So, the problem lies in politics and has always been about it, it is same with Gr about the name issue. People there are raised with such thoughts which are nationalistic more than accurate- this was written in German newspaper (talking about Gr), these are not my words, but let it be, their way of thinking, and I don't judge it. Only One can judge and that is our God almighty.
    I've seen that in such people (not all) there's nothing humanely left since they even despise and write extremely bad words for anything that has the word Macedonia in it, even for deceased people (like for our angel Tose Proeski) Would you consider that as normal? I wouldn't for sure, nor anyone would!
    So you don't have to worry about nothing, if you try to argue seems as you are trying to prove to them something and would seem as you are not sure, while we are quite sure and we don't have to prove to someone about our name, language or identity at all.
    Macedonia has always been attacked with evil moves, but we survived, because even though we are small now, we are big in hearts from always
    So don't pay any attention to what someone might say, what we know is true and what others may think is their job, and I don't care really, neither should you
    Btw, since pthalo mentioned, I agree that Serbian and Croatian are sooo similar, that I even don't recognize if they are different, but still they are:-)
    Also British and American is same language, just with some slight pronunciation differences, but yet that example can't be even bit similar when goes for Macedonian with any other language

    Wish all nice weekend, xxx
    The icon lamp has brighten the sky
    white aureole are knitting the angels for you
    your star extinguished, as soon as I found you, you left
  20. lopatka's Avatar

    lopatka said:


    I'm sorry that I offended you by saying this thing about Macedonian, but that's the way I feel about it and I don't think дa си кривя душата. :] Well .. yeah, anyway, this topic could go on eternally, so I won't speak anymore :]]
    Ungir kallar, kátir kallar, gangiđ upp á gólv dansiđ lystilig!