Ramy Sabri - Ghamdt 3einy [album] 2008 [*]

Thread: Ramy Sabri - Ghamdt 3einy [album] 2008 [*]

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  1. beckham2 said:

    Post Ramy Sabri - Ghamdt 3einy [album] 2008 [*]

    The First Hiii
    i want translation song Ramy Sabry


    i need Translation the SonGs Plz
  2. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    this album is awsome

    7- غمضت عيني
    غمضت عيني وقولت نفسي اشوفها تاني
    i closed my eyes and said "i wish i can see her again"
    والمس ايديها واضمها حتي ولو ثواني
    and touch her hands and hug her even for seconds
    من بعدها مش لاقي حاجة مطمناني
    after that i can't find anything to confort me
    شي مستحيل ينساها قلبي ولو لليلة
    it's an impossible thing that my heart forgets her even for a night
    في بينا عشرة وذكريات وحاجات جميلة
    there are a relatoinship and memories and beautiful things between us
    ضاعت خلاص مني وياريت بايدية حيلة
    it got lost it's over,and i wish i can help it
    كل ما انساها افتكرها مهما شوف مابشوفش غيرها
    every time i try to forget her i remeber her ,no matter what i see i can't see anybody but her
    الوحيدة اللي معاها وفي هواها ارتحت انا
    the only whith whom one i was at ease in her love
    عمرها ماهتبقي ماضي اللي بينا مكنش عادي
    she'll never be the past,what's between us is not normal
    حب عاش من يوم لقاءنا ولسة هيعيش مليون سنة
    a love that lived since the day we've met and still we will live for a million years
    بانيت قيمتها لما ضاعت من ايداية
    she turned out to be valuable when i lost it
    طيبة وحنان مش موجودين غير فيها هي
    a tenderness and affection that never exist in anybody but her
    كان قلبها من غير ما اقول يحس بية
    her heart used to feel me without me speaking
    لو عشت فوق العمر عمر هعيشة ليها
    if i live a life beyond the life,i'll live it for her
    هفضل فاكر وعمري يوم ماهكون ناسيها
    i'll still remember and i'll never be forgetting her at all
    وهعيش علي امل ان يوم اشوف عينيها
    i'll live hopefully to see her eyes one day
    Last edited by larosa; 08-21-2008 at 08:26 AM.
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  3. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    2-bahes bih

    بحس بية
    i feel it
    دة اية اللي بحس بية وانا بين ايدايك عملت اية
    what's the thing i'm feeling while i'm with you?what did you do?
    احساس جميل واخدني ليك
    a beautiful feeling taking me to you
    اغمض عيني اشوف صورتك تجيني في المنام
    i close my eyes and i see your picture coming to me in my dream
    واقول خايف اصحي الاقيك
    and i say i'm afraid to wake to find you
    حياتي كلها مين الليلادي هتبتدي
    all my life will start from this night on
    و اهو هو دة اللي حلمت بية من قد اية
    that's what i've been dreaming of since forever
    عيونك شوفتها نستني انا ياحبيبي مين
    seeing your eyes made me forget who i am dear
    وياك لقيت حلم السنين اخبي لية
    with you i found a dream of a life time,so why shall i hide?
    بعيد او بين ايديك انا ببقي حاسس باللي فيك
    far or near you i'll still be feeling you ,thinking about you
    واسرح اوام في اللي احنا فية
    and i gaze right away in what we're through
    يا أية من الجمال جنبك لقيت القلب قال
    oh beautiful girl beside you i found the heart saying
    كل الكلام اللي مدارية
    all the words i've been hiding
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  4. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    3-el kalam kollo 3adi
    3- الكلام كلة عادي
    all the talking is normal

    عايزاني اقول بحبك طب بحبك
    you want me to say i love you?ok i love you
    وقلبي ارتاح من يوم ماحبك
    and my heart has been at ease since the day it loved you
    عرفت الحب انا لما شوفتك دة كلة كلام
    i knew the love since the day i met you,this is all talking
    واعيدة وازيدة تاني و اولاني
    and i say it and reapeat it again and again
    واقول وحشاني مجنناني
    and i say i miss you ,you're driving me crazy
    واعيشلك انتي ومش عشاني دة بردو كلام
    and i'm living for you and not for me ,this is also talking
    الكلام كلة عادي بس نعمل بية
    all the talk is normal but what is its use?
    ياريت تخلي بالك تملي من اللي اتفقنا علية
    i wish you be careful about the thing we agreed about
    ياريتك بس تبقي خلاص فهمتي اللي قصدي علية
    i wish that you just stay ,that's it i guess you got what i meant
    وانك حبيبتي اكمل ولا خلاص تعبتي في لسة كلام
    and that you're my beloved,do i go on or you just got fed up,cause there are still words to say
    مش انتي تحبي اقولك اني ملكك ومش برتاح غير جوة حضنك
    don't you want me to tell you that i'm yours and i don't get confortable unless i'm in your arams
    وعمري في يوم ما استغني عنك انا الكسبان
    and i'll never give you up ,i'm the winner
    واعيدة وازيدة تاني و اولاني
    and i'll say and repeat it again and again
    واقول وحشاني مجنناني
    and i'll say i miss you, you're driving me crazy
    واعيشلك انتي ومش عشاني دة بردو كلام
    and i'll live for you and not for me ,this is also ust talking
    الكلام كلة عادي بس نعمل بية
    all the talking is normal but what do we do with it?
    ياريت تخلي بالك تملي من اللي اتفقنا علية
    i hope you watch out always from the thing we agreed about
    ياريتك بس تبقي خلاص فهمتي اللي قصدي علية
    i wish that you just stay,that's it you understood what i meant
    وانك حبيبتي اكمل ولا خلاص تعبتي في لسة كلام
    and that you're my beloved ,do i continue or did you get fed up,there are still words to say
    مش انتي تحبي اقولك اني ملكك ومش برتاح غير جوة حضنك
    don't you want me to tell you that i'm yours and that i'm not confortable unless i'm in your arms
    وعمري في يوم ما استغني عنك انا الكسبان
    and i'll never give you up,i'm the winner
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  5. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    a word

    كلمه توديك او كلمه تجيبك
    a word takes you or another brings you back
    مين اللى قالك انى حسيبك
    says who that i'll leave you?
    اوعى تصدق انى حبيبك
    don't you believe that
    هتهون عليك
    it will be easy for you beloved to give you up
    come back
    ارجع واعقل ياللى بتسمع
    come back and be reasonable oh the one that's believing
    اي كلام يتقالك عنى
    everything that's been said about me
    عمرى ماضيع قلبك منى
    i'll never let go your heart
    واعمل كده ليه
    and why would i do that?
    tell me
    قولى الاقى انا زيك فين
    tell me what i can find someone like you
    ياللى مافيش فى جمالك اتنين
    there is no one as beautiful as you are
    هو احنا عشرة بس يومين
    have we been together only for two days
    دة انا عايش ليك
    i'm living for you
    and you
    انت حبيبى عارف من امتى
    and you know baby from when?
    قبل عينية ماتيجى فى عينيك
    before my eyes see yours
    عشت سنين وانا بحلم بيك
    i've lived for years dreaming about you
    i ask
    بسال نفسى انا كل ما اقبلك
    i ask my self every time i meet you
    كنت ازاى عايش من قبلك
    how was i livivg before you
    من قلبة علية غير قلبك
    who feels my heart but yours
    غيرك ماليش
    i don't have anybody else but you
    i swear
    يحرم والله النوم عن عينى
    shall i be depived of sleep
    وانت حبيبى غايب عن عينى
    if you're out of my sight dear
    دى ضحكتك دى بتخلينى قادر اعيش
    this smile of yours make me able to live
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  6. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    1- عجبتني
    i liked her
    انا مش عايز واحدة اضيع وقتي معاها
    i don't want someone to waste my time with
    اللي عايزها حبيبة لاسيبها ولا تسيبني
    who i want is a lover , i don't leave her neither she leaves me
    عجبتني وشوفت ان عجبها
    i liked her and saw that she liked me
    عيني في عينها وماتكلمناش
    looking at each other but we haven't spoken
    فكرت اروح واكلمها ولا اسيبها
    i thaught about going and talking to her or leaving her
    انا قولت بلاش
    i said no
    انا قولت اسيبها بظروفها لو لينا نصيب
    i said i'll leave it to the destiny, if there is fate between us
    هقابلها تاني ويا اعرفها ويا معرفهاش
    then i'll meet her again ,and either i get to know her or i don't
    ماهي مش اول واحدة اقابلها
    becuase she's not the first one i meet
    واشوفها بتعجبني
    and see that i like her
    المشكلة مش فية في قلبي
    the problem is not in me,it's in my heart
    ياريتة بيجبني
    i wish it can bring me
    بعد يومين شوفتها حسيت احساس ماهوش عادي
    after seeing her for two days i felt abnormally
    حاجة بتقولي بلاش الفرصة تضيع المرة دي
    something telling me "don't you let go this chance this time"
    وتكلمنا بس ياريت ماتكلمنا
    and we talked and i wish we haven't
    طلعت مش زي مابتمني جواها فاضي
    she turned out to be not what i wished for,she's empty in the inside
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  7. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    6- فاكر زمان
    faker zaman
    i remember the past
    فاكر عينيها وضحكتها لمسة ايديها وبرائتها
    i remember her eyes,the touch of her hands ,her innocence
    زي الملايكة في رقتها فاكر زمان
    as tender as an angel ,i remember the past
    لو حتي كانت نسيتي انا لسة فاكر ويارتني
    even if she forgot i still remember and i wish
    اشوفها تاني ولو صدفة في اي مكان
    to see her again even by coincidence anywhere
    هتمني اشوفها واقولها ان حقيقي بحبها
    i wish to dee her and tell her that i truely love her
    وقفت حياتي وبعدها عايش وحيد
    my life hes stopped and i've been living all alone
    اجمل سنين انا عشتها كانت معاها وجنبها
    the most beautiful years i lived were with her ,near her
    بتمني تاني ارجعلها انا من جديد
    i wish i can come back to her again
    عمر الليالي ماخلتني انساها يوم ولا نستني
    the nights have never made me forget her one day,nor they made me forget
    وبجد فعلا وحشتني طب اعمل اية
    and i really miss her,what shall i do?
    هي اللي قلبها ريحني ولا باعني مرة ولا جرحني
    her heart eased me and never sold me out and never hurted me
    معرفش اية كان خلانا بعدنا لية
    i don't know what made us go separate ways
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  8. beckham2 said:


    really i cant say anything because u the best and really Thnxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <>
  9. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    no i'm not the best dear
    you're welcome anytime
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  10. beckham2 said:


    noo u the best and best and best and best .. really i hope me know u more and we friends
  11. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    thanks dear,i'm feeling shy now :O
    inshallah dear,if u need anything ,just let me know
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  12. LaaSemaa's Avatar

    LaaSemaa said:


    ceviriler icin cok tessekkurler larosa, canim you're the best
  13. larosa's Avatar

    larosa said:


    bir sey degil kalbim,thanks for yur nice words i really love you ,all of you
    life is Super good
    (this is bull ****)
    if you seek arabic translation,PM me
  14. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    Larosa or anyone else, would you mind add the arabic phonic of the 4th song.. Kelama
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  15. pinar85's Avatar

    pinar85 said:


    I love Ramy! perfect album! Here it is Zahra

    كلمة كلمة توديك او كلمة تجيبك//kelma kelma twaddik we kelma tgibk

    مين اللى قالك انى حسيبك //min elli allak enni hasibak

    اوعى تصدق ان حبيبك هتهون عليه//ew3a tsadda2 enou habibak hathoon 3alih

    ارجع ارجع واعقل ياللى بتسمع //erga3 erga3 we32al yalli btesma3

    اى كلام يتقالك عنى//ayi kalam yet2allak 3anni

    عمرى وااضيع قلبك منى واعمل كده ليه//3omri wadayya3 albak menni wa3mil keda leih

    قولى قولى الاقى زيك فين//olli olli ala2i zayak fin

    ياللى مفيش فى جمالك اتنين//yalli mafish fi gamalak etnein

    هو احنا عشرة بس يومين ده انا عايش ليك//howa e7na 3eshret bas yomin dah ana 3ayish lik

    وانت انت حبيبى عارف من امتى//wenta enta habibi 3aref men emta

    قبل عنيا ماتيجى فى عنيك //abl 3inayya matigi fi 3inik

    عشت سنين وانا بحلم بيك//3esht snin wana ba7lam bik

    بسال بسال نفسى انا كل مااقابلك //bes'al bes'al nafsi ana kol ma2ablak

    كنت ازاى عايش من قبلك//kont ezzay 3ayish men ablek

    من قلبو عليا غير قلبك//min albu 3alayya ghir albak

    غيرك مليش //ghirak malish

    والله يحرم والله النوم على عينى //wallahi7aram wallah ennom 3ala 3ini

    وانت حبيبى غايب عن عينى//wenta habibi ghayib 3an 3ini

    دى ضحكتك دى بتخلينى قادر اعيش//di de7kitak di betkhallini 2ader a3ish

    قولى قولى الاقى زيك فين//olli olli ala2i zayak fin

    ياللى مفيش فى جمالك اتنين//yalli mafish fi gamalak etnein

    هو احنا عشرة بس يومين ده انا عايش ليك//howa e7na 3eshret bas yomin dah ana 3ayish lik

    وانت انت حبيبى عارف من امتى//wenta enta habibi 3aref men emta
    In generosity and helping others be like a river...
    In anger and fury be like dead...
    In tolerance be like sea...
    Either appear as you are, or be as you look...
  16. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    Shoukran kteer ya habibti...
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  17. pinar85's Avatar

    pinar85 said:


    3afwan ya 3asal
    In generosity and helping others be like a river...
    In anger and fury be like dead...
    In tolerance be like sea...
    Either appear as you are, or be as you look...
  18. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    hey, does anyone knows where I can find/download the whole album?
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  19. amira7 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Zahra2008 View Post
    hey, does anyone knows where I can find/download the whole album?
    from www.dewaniya.com or www.nogomi.com

    a lot arabic music there...
  20. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by amira7 View Post
    from www.dewaniya.com or www.nogomi.com

    a lot arabic music there...
    i cant find them on nogomi, maybe the other site....... shoukran
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!