Learning Italian Language

Thread: Learning Italian Language

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  1. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    hey, thanxs for add this thread, my future brother in law is from Italy, he was here for 4 weeks, he can speak english and just a little bit of spanish, and he will come back in December, and we made a promise, he will study spanish (not for me, of course) and i will try to learn some italian

    So this is very helpful to me, but also, i would like to have like in others languages
    Miscellaneous (not lyrics) Italian <-> English Translations

    Maybe, off of topic but ... è ciò che volevo dire
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  2. Koukla's Avatar

    Koukla said:


    I guess for you learning Italian will be a piece of cake. I saw a Spanish and an Italian communicate using only their mother tongues. These 2 languages are so close.
  3. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Koukla View Post
    I guess for you learning Italian will be a piece of cake. I saw a Spanish and an Italian communicate using only their mother tongues. These 2 languages are so close.
    yeah i know... we were talking a loot, he in italian, me in spanish, and when we cant figure it out, we use the english... hhehe... so really will be a piece of cake.... i hope so
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  4. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    now, i think we will need to create a new thread here

    General chit chat off-topic discussion
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  5. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Lyssa View Post
    Hi I've got a question!
    I just started to learn some italian with a book and a friend, now there's a point where my book and my friend disagree XD

    The book says => you use "tuo figlio" when it's singular but " I tuoi figli" on plural, is this right?? Or is it "IL tuo figlio" on singular too?
    Yep, Koukla's right:

    When referring to relatives in singular and without any change in the noun, you don't use the article.

    However, if you alter the noun to say for example "My little sister" or "my mom" then you need the article: "La mia sorellina", "la mia mamma" (in contrast to "mia madre"="my mother").

    And in plural you always use the article ... yessss... your book is right
    “If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett.
  6. Lyssa's Avatar

    Lyssa said:


    it's a bit confusing to say mia madre but la mia mamma but well!
    Thanks for your help to you 2! =)
  7. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    Yeah I know, it's sort of silly, but it's the way it is. You'll get used to it; it's a matter of practice only
    “If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett.
  8. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    Please, Lady_A could you right down the rules for making the PLURAL? I have already searched for them on the net, but they seem more sinuous than i thought! I found so many examples and exceptions...

    In the meantime, yesterday, i found an Italian-Romanian dictionary in my bookcase and i copied 125 nouns. I added the article and also tried and formed the plural, but i will wait until you write those rules, then check what i did and after that i will post them so that you can correct my mistakes!
  9. Lady_A said:


    First of all, it is important to have understood and learned the rules of nouns' gender. Then, the plural will seem easier:



    e ----> i
    il fiore - i fiori (flowers)
    il paese - i paesi (countries)

    o -----> i
    il lupo - i lupi (wolves)
    il ladro - i ladri (theifs)

    -ma ----> -mi (they follow the same rule a ---->i)
    il tema - i temi (themes)
    il problema - i problemi (problems)

    - nouns coming from a foreign language (ending in consonant) keep the same form
    lo sport - gli sport
    il bar - i bar
    il film - i film

    - co ----> ci (if the word has the accent on the third-to-last syllable)
    il medico - i medici (doctors)
    l'amico - gli amici (friends)

    - co----> chi (if the word has the accent on the next-to-last syllable)
    il tedesco - i tedeschi (Germans)
    l'arco - gli archi (bows)

    -go ----> ghi (if the word has the accent on the next-to-last syllable)
    il lago - i laghi (lakes)

    - go ----> gi (if the word has the accent on the third-to-last syllable)
    il psicologo - i psicologi (psychologists)
    l'archeologo - gli archeologi (archeologists)

    Exception: il dialogo - i dialoghi (dialogues)

    - io ----> i
    l'orario - gli orari (timetables)
    il formaggio - i formaggi (cheese)
    lo zio - gli zii (uncles)


    a ----> e
    la casa - le case (houses)
    la terra - le terre (lands)

    e ----> i
    la torre - le torri (towers)
    la vocale - le vocali (vowels)
    la motivazione - le motivazioni (motivations)
    la ragione - le ragioni (motives)
    la notte - le notti (nights)

    Remember! All nouns finished in ione are feminine, except for: il rione - i rioni (districts) and il bastione - i bastioni (bastions).

    - ca ----> che (the accent on the next-to-last syllable)
    l'amica - le amiche (firends)
    la banca - le banche (banks)
    l'albicocca - le albicocche (apricots)

    - cia----> ce (if i doesn't have the accent)
    l'arancia - le arance (oranges)

    - cia -----> cie (if the accent is on the i)
    la framacia - le farmacie (pharmacies)

    - ga ----> ghe
    la riga - le righe (lines)

    -gia -----> ge (if i doesn't have the accent)
    la spiaggia - le spiagge (beaches)

    - gia ----> gie (if the accent is on the i)
    la valigia - le valigie (suitcases)
    l'allergia - le allergie (allergies)

    - nouns finished in marked vowels keep the same form:
    la citta' - le citta' (cities)
    la tribu' - le tribu' (tibes)
    la virtu' - le virtu' (virtues)

    Note: il caffe' - i caffe' (masculine)

    *when unavailable on the keyboard, the accent can be replaced by the sign '

    -nouns finished in si stay the same:
    la crisi - le crisi (crises)
    l'ipotesi - le ipotesi (hypothesis)
    l'analisi - le analisi (analysis)
    Last edited by Lady_A; 09-02-2008 at 11:10 AM.
  10. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    So, i took nouns from the dictionary and added the article and formed the plural!

    1. mistake: l’abbaglio – gli abbagli

    2. abandon: l’abbandono – gli abbandoni

    3. primer: l’abbecedario – gli abbecedari

    4. accident: l’accidente – gli accidenti

    5. bisinessman: l’affarista – le affariste

    6. archipelago: l’arcipelago – gli arcipelagi

    7. balance sheet: il bilancio – i bilanci

    8. lier: il bugiardo – i bugiardi

    9. register: il bullettone – i bullettoni

    10. beating: la bussa – le busse

    11. plot: la cabala – le cabale

    12. cause: la cagione – le cagioni

    13. exchange: il cambio – i cambi

    14. basket: il canestro – i canestri

    15. celebrity: la celebrita’ – le celebrita’

    16. circle: il cerchio – i cerchi

    17. colleague: la collega – le colleghe

    18. collector: la collezionista – le collezioniste

    19. conductor: il conduttore – i conduttori

    20. contact: il contatto – i contatti

    21. digression: la digressione – le digressioni

    22. resignation: la dimissione – le dimissioni

    23. dwelling (place): la dimora – le dimore

    24. learner: il discente – i discenti

    25. defeat: la disfatta – le disfatte

    26. separation: la disgiunzione – le disgiunzioni

    27. disturbance: il disturbo – i disturbi

    28. editor: l’editore – gli editori

    29. list, catalogue: l’elenco – gli elenchi

    30. praise: l’encomio – gli encomi

    31. indecision: l’esitazione – le esitazioni

    32. experiment: l’esperimento – gli esperimenti

    33. waiting, expectation: l’espettativa – le espettative

    34. appearance: l’esteriorita’ – le esteriorita’

    35. evolution: l’evoluzione – le evoluzioni

    36. porter: il facchino – i facchini

    37. fraud: la fallacia – le fallacie

    38. lie: la fandonia – le fandonie

    39. farm: la fattoria – le fattorie

    40. rober: il figuro – i figuri

    41. row: la fila – le file

    42. invention: la finzione – le finzioni

    43. leaf, page: la foglia – le foglie

    44. hollow, pit: il fosso – i fossi

    45. joke: il gabbo – i gabbi

    46. ornament: la gala – le gale

    47. confusion, trouble: il garbuglio – i garbugli

    48. cat: la gatta – le gatte

    49. gesture: il gesto – i gesti

    50. confusion, trouble: l’imbroglio – gli imbrogli

    51. job: l’impiego – gli impieghi

    52. tax: l’imposizione – le imposizioni

    53. insult: l’improperio – gli improperi

    54. charm: l’incanto – gli incanti

    55. stimulus, impulse: l’incentivo – gli incentivi

    56. interdiction: : l’interdizione – le interdizioni

    57. laboratory: il laboratorio – i laboratori

    58. theft: la ladreria – le ladrerie

    59. praise: il laude – i laudi

    60. vegetable: il legume – i legumi
  11. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    61. law: la legge – le leggi

    62. reading: la lettura – le letture

    63. light: il luce – i luci

    64. calendar: il lunario – i lunari

    65. teacher: la maestra – le maestre

    66. house: la magione – le magioni

    67. danger: la malaparata – le malaparate

    68. hand: il mano – i mani

    69. mantle: la mantiglia – le mantiglie

    70. folder, paper case: la mappa – le mappe

    71. pencil: la matita – le matite

    72. beggar: il mendicatore – i mendicatori

    73. miracle: il miracolo – i miracoli

    74. mosque: la moschea – le moschee

    75. ship: il nave – i navi

    76. knot: il nocchio – i nocchi

    77. sleep walker: il nottambulo – i nottambuli

    78. notion: la nozione – le nozioni

    79. hour: l’ora – le ore

    80. sign: l’orma – le orme

    81. guest: l’ospite – gli ospiti

    82. payment: il pago – i paghi

    83. little palace: la palazzina – le palazzine

    84. balloon: il pallone – i palloni

    85. umbrella: la parapioggia – le parapioggie

    86. leopard: il pardo – i pardi

    87. pause, break: la pausa – le pause

    88. plate: il platto – i platti

    89. stone: la pietra – le pietre

    90. pretext: il pretesto – i pretesti

    91. pretendant: il pretendente – i pretendenti

    92. proverb: il proverbio – i proverbi

    93. qualification: la qualifica – le qualifiche

    94. question: la questione – le questioni

    95. stick: il randello – i randelli

    96. rector: il rettore – i rettori

    97. rhym: il rima – i rimi

    98. refusal: la ripulsa – le ripulse

    99. ruin: la rovina – le rovine

    100. priest: il sacerdote – i sacerdoti

    101. arrow: la saetta – la saette

    102. dressmaker: la sarta – le sarte

    103. expense; lo sborso – gli sborsi

    104. ladder: la scala – le scale

    105. bench: lo scanno – gli scanni

    106. scene: la scena – le scene

    107. sculptor: lo scultore – gli scultori

    108. servant: il servo – i servi

    109. obstacle: lo sgambetto – gli sgambetti

    110. symbol: il simbolo – i simboli

    111. anecdote: la storiella – le storielle

    112. burrow: la tana – le tane

    113. temple: il templo – i templi

    114. invention: il trovato – i trovati

    115. killer: l’uccisore – gli uccisori

    116. urn: l’urna – le urne

    117. word: il verbo – i verbi

    118. victory: la vittoria – le vittorie

    119. mosquito: la zanzara – le zanzare

    120. wild cat: lo zibetto – gli zibetti

    121. gipsy: lo zingaro – gli zingari

    122. zone: la zona – le zone

    123. cake: lo zuccherino – gli zuccherini

    124. noise: lo zurro – gli zurrri

    125. pumpkin: la zucca – le zucche
  12. Lady_A said:


    The first part:

    Quote Originally Posted by Layla View Post
    So, i took nouns from the dictionary and added the article and formed the plural!

    1. mistake: l’abbaglio – gli abbagli

    2. abandon: l’abbandono – gli abbandoni

    3. primer: l’abbecedario – gli abbecedari

    4. accident: l’incidente – gli incidenti

    5. bisinessman: l’affarista – gli affaristi

    6. archipelago: l’arcipelago – gli arcipelagi

    7. balance sheet: il bilancio – i bilanci

    8. lier: il bugiardo – i bugiardi

    9. register: il bullettone – i bullettoni

    10. beating: la bussa – le busse

    11. plot: la trama - le trame (di un film, di un libro)

    12. cause: la cagione – le cagioni (also la causa - le cause)

    13. exchange: il cambio – i cambi

    14. basket: il canestro – i canestri (the sport)
    il paniere - i panieri (the picnic-basket)

    15. celebrity: la celebrita’ – le celebrita’

    16. circle: il cerchio – i cerchi

    17. colleague: la collega – le colleghe (if women)
    il collega - i colleghi (if men)

    18. collector: la collezionista – le collezioniste

    19. conductor: il conduttore – i conduttori

    20. contact: il contatto – i contatti

    21. digression: la digressione – le digressioni

    22. resignation: la dimissione – le dimissioni

    23. dwelling (place): la dimora – le dimore

    24. learner: il discente – i discenti

    25. defeat: la disfatta – le disfatte

    26. separation: la disgiunzione – le disgiunzioni

    27. disturbance: il disturbo – i disturbi

    28. editor: l’editore – gli editori

    29. list, catalogue: l’elenco – gli elenchi

    30. praise: l’encomio – gli encomi

    31. indecision: l’esitazione – le esitazioni

    32. experiment: l’esperimento – gli esperimenti

    33. waiting, expectation: l’aspettativa – le aspettative

    34. appearance: l’esteriorita’ – le esteriorita’ (good plural, but the word for appearance is l'apparizione o l'aspetto)

    35. evolution: l’evoluzione – le evoluzioni

    36. porter: il facchino – i facchini

    37. fraud: la frode – le frodi

    38. lie: la fandonia – le fandonie
    la bugia - le bugie (more common)

    39. farm: la fattoria – le fattorie

    40. rober: il figuro – i figuri

    41. row: la fila – le file

    42. invention: la finzione – le finzioni (this means fiction)

    43. leaf: la foglia – le foglie
    paper sheet: il foglio (di carta) - i folgi -

    44. hollow, pit: il fosso – i fossi

    45. joke: il gabbo – i gabbi

    46. ornament: la gala – le gale (good plural but the word is l'addobbo- gli addobbi - like those to put in the tree at Xmas)
    47. confusion, trouble: il garbuglio – i garbugli

    48. cat: il gatto – i gatti

    49. gesture: il gesto – i gesti (gestures)
    has also the plural le gesta (the actions)

    50. confusion, trouble: l’imbroglio – gli imbrogli

    51. job: l’impiego – gli impieghi

    52. tax: l’imposta – le imposte (also la tassa - le tasse)

    53. insult: l’improperio – gli improperi

    54. charm: l’incanto – gli incanti

    55. stimulus, impulse: l’incentivo – gli incentivi

    56. interdiction: : l’interdizione – le interdizioni

    57. laboratory: il laboratorio – i laboratori

    58. theft: la ladreria – le ladrerie (also il furto - i furti)

    59. praise: la lode - le lodi

    60. vegetable: la verdura - le verdure
    Last edited by Lady_A; 09-02-2008 at 01:17 PM.
  13. Lady_A said:


    And second:

    Quote Originally Posted by Layla View Post
    61. law: la legge – le leggi

    62. reading: la lettura – le letture

    63. light: la luce – le luci

    64. calendar: il lunario – i lunari

    65. teacher: la maestra – le maestre (also l'insegnante - le insegnanti)

    66. house: la magione – le magioni (good plural, never heard of the word

    67. danger: la malaparata – le malaparate

    68. hand: la mano - le mani

    69. mantle: la mantiglia – le mantiglie

    70. folder, paper case: la mappa – le mappe

    71. pencil: la matita – le matite

    72. beggar: il mendicante – i mendicanti

    73. miracle: il miracolo – i miracoli

    74. mosque: la moschea – le moschee

    75. ship: la nave – le navi

    76. knot: il nocchio – i nocchi

    77. sleep walker: il nottambulo – i nottambuli

    78. notion: la nozione – le nozioni

    79. hour: l’ora – le ore

    80. sign: l’orma – le orme

    81. guest: l’ospite – gli ospiti

    82. payment: il pagamento – i pagamenti

    83. little palace: la palazzina – le palazzine

    84. balloon: il pallone – i palloni

    85. umbrella: la parapioggia – le parapioggie (more common: l'ombrello - gli ombrelli)

    86. leopard: il pardo – i pardi

    87. pause, break: la pausa – le pause

    88. plate: il piatto – i piatti

    89. stone: la pietra – le pietre

    90. pretext: il pretesto – i pretesti

    91. pretendant: il pretendente – i pretendenti

    92. proverb: il proverbio – i proverbi

    93. qualification: la qualifica – le qualifiche

    94. question: la questione – le questioni

    95. stick: il randello – i randelli

    96. rector: il rettore – i rettori

    97. rhym: la rima – le rime

    98. refusal: la ripulsa – le ripulse

    99. ruin: la rovina – le rovine

    100. priest: il sacerdote – i sacerdoti

    101. arrow: la saetta – la saette (la freccia is the word, don't know yours but good plural anyway)

    102. dressmaker: la sarta – le sarte

    103. expense; lo sborso – gli sborsi

    104. ladder: la scala – le scale

    105. bench: lo scanno – gli scanni (la panchina - le panchine is the word)

    106. scene: la scena – le scene

    107. sculptor: lo scultore – gli scultori

    108. servant: il servo – i servi

    109. obstacle: lo sgambetto – gli sgambetti

    110. symbol: il simbolo – i simboli

    111. anecdote: la storiella – le storielle

    112. burrow: la tana – le tane

    113. temple: il tempio – i templi (irregular noun)

    114. invention: il trovato – i trovati - (this is the past participle of the verb "trovare", if it stands as a noun, it's ok)

    115. killer: l’uccisore – gli uccisori

    116. urn: l’urna – le urne

    117. word: il verbo – i verbi (first sense is "verb"; more common: la parola - le parole)

    118. victory: la vittoria – le vittorie

    119. mosquito: la zanzara – le zanzare

    120. wild cat: lo zibetto – gli zibetti

    121. gipsy: lo zingaro – gli zingari

    122. zone: la zona – le zone

    123. cake: lo zuccherino – gli zuccherini

    124. noise: lo zurro – gli zurri

    125. pumpkin: la zucca – le zucche
  14. Lady_A said:


    Note: nouns describing an occupation and finishing in -ista are usually masculine:

    l'autista - gli autisti (drivers)
    Il dentista - i dentisti (dentists)
    il farmacista - i farmacisti (pharmacists)
    il giornalista - i giornalisti (journalists)
  15. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    rhym: la rima – le rime - so, this is an exception, i suppose. Right? because you said that all nouns that finish in -ma are masculine!

    Second, how do we know when to put il or la to a noun that ends in -e? I think it goes by the ear, or not? I put the article which suited the best to my ear!

    Third, i took all those nouns from a dictionary that i found - it's really old, so i am sorry for the mistakes at some words.

    And last, but not least, thank you very much for correcting my mistakes!
  16. Lady_A said:


    The masculine words that finish in -ma are usually coming from Greek; don't know if rima has Greek roots, but it sure is feminine (so take it as an exception).
    About the il-la thing...when you learn new words, learn them with the article in front; if you do that, it's just a matter of time till you'll be able to tell which is which (so yes, it goes by the ear).
    And last, but not least, you are very welcome. I hope I've helped.
  17. Layla's Avatar

    Layla said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Lady_A View Post
    And last, but not least, you are very welcome. I hope I've helped.
    Yes, you've helped!

    collector: la collezionista – le collezioniste

    This is an exception, to what you said, that, usually nouns describing an occupation and finishing in -ista are masculine? Because i put the feminine articol and you left it so!
  18. Lady_A said:


    No, sorry, I didn't see it...it's masculine too.
  19. Atars's Avatar

    Atars said:


    Ciao a tutti, se (voi) avete bisogno di aiuto non esitate a chiedere. Purtroppo (o Sfortunatamente = Unfortunately), non sono molto bravo con l'inglese quindi cercherò di rispondere ad eventuali domande come meglio posso.

    Per adesso, (io) vorrei solo precisare (o 'chiarire'= clarify):

    Si dice 'Buongiorno' dalle 6.00 del mattino (a.m.) sino alle 13.00 (1.00 p.m.)
    Si dice 'Buon pomeriggio' dalle 13.00 sino alle 18.00 (6.00 p.m.) ma questa espressione è in disuso nel linguaggio corrente (per questo motivo al suo posto si usa 'buonasera')
    Si dice 'Buonasera' dalle 18.00 (oggi dalle 13.00) alle 22.30
    Si dice 'Buonanotte' dalle 22.30 (10.30 p.m.) alle 6.00

    Hello (to) everybody, if you need help do not hesitate to ask. Unfortunately, I am not very good with English and then I'll try to answer any questions as best I can.

    For now, I just want to clarify

    We say 'Buongiorno' from 6.00 a.m. until 1.00 p.m.
    We say 'Buon pomeriggio' from 1.00 p.m. until 6.00 p.m. but this expression is in disuse in the current language (for this reason in its place we use 'buonasera')
    We say 'Buonasera' from 6.00 p.m. (now from 1.00 p.m.) until 10.30 p.m.
    We say 'Buonanotte' from 10.30 p.m. until 6.00 a.m.

    Buon-?????? -> Good-?????
    Buon giorno -> GoodDAY -> but in Italy it means ALSO Good-morning (litteraly translate is 'Buona mattina')
    Buon pomeriggio -> Good afternoon
    Buona sera -> Good evening
    Buona notte -> Good night
    "Non parlerò mai più, perché un artista deve comunicare solo per mezzo del suo lavoro. L'artista non esiste. Esiste la sua arte"
    The last interview to the Swiss Radio by Lucio Battisti (1978)
  20. Atars's Avatar

    Atars said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Layla View Post
    Yes, you've helped!

    collector: la collezionista – le collezioniste

    This is an exception, to what you said, that, usually nouns describing an occupation and finishing in -ista are masculine? Because i put the feminine articol and you left it so!
    If the collector is female you can say 'La collezionista - Le collezioniste'
    If the collector is male you have to say 'Il collezionista - I collezionisti'


    If the pharmacist is F you can say 'La farmacista - Le farmaciste'
    If he/they is/are M -> 'Il farmacista - I farmacisti'

    In all these cases, the plural M/F prevailing masculine:

    La farmacista ed il farmacista sono i farmacisti
    La collezionista ed il collezionista sono i collezionisti

    P.s. cake is not 'zuccherino' but means 'torta'
    Can i have a piece of cake?
    Posso avere un pezzo di torta?
    In italy we don't use 'zuccherino' because it means 'little sugar' such as little cube of sugar that it gives to horses
    Last edited by Atars; 09-04-2008 at 06:30 AM.
    "Non parlerò mai più, perché un artista deve comunicare solo per mezzo del suo lavoro. L'artista non esiste. Esiste la sua arte"
    The last interview to the Swiss Radio by Lucio Battisti (1978)