"Ensciende Una Luz"

Thread: "Ensciende Una Luz"

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  1. mwolbert said:

    Smile "Ensciende Una Luz"

    Can anyone gove the english translation to the popular worship song Ensciende Una Luz? Please.
    I'd be ever grateful. I know a very little bit of Spanish and I really like this song, But I miss the larger meaning of the whole song. I'd be grateful is someone took the time to translate it for me.

    Thank You
    M Wolbert
  2. MaresLejanos said:


    Is this song what are you looking for?

    Enciende Una Luz
    Marcos Witt

    Enciende una luz
    y dejala brillar
    la luz de Jesus
    que brilla en todo lugar
    no la puedes esconder
    no te puedes callar
    ante tal necesidad
    enciende una luz
    en la oscuridad

    Como pues invocaran
    a aquel en el cual no han creido
    y como creeran
    en aquel de quien no han oido
    y como oiran
    si nadie les predica
    hermosos son los pies
    de los que anuncian la paz
    las buenas nuevas de Jesus

    (let to somebody else make the translation, if it's really the song)
  3. Lady_A said:


    I don't really know how to say in English without repeating the word light (instead of "light up a light" I said "light up a flame"); if anyone has another idea, please be free to tell it.

    Enciende una luz
    Light up a flame
    y dejala brillar
    and let it shine
    la luz de Jesus
    the light of Jesus
    que brilla en todo lugar
    that shines everywhere
    no la puedes esconder
    you can't hide it
    no te puedes callar
    you can't keep quiet
    ante tal necesidad
    in front of such need
    enciende una luz
    light up a flame
    en la oscuridad
    in the darkness

    Como pues invocaran
    Then how will they call on
    a aquel en el cual no han creido
    the one they didn't believe in
    y como creeran
    and how will they believe
    en aquel de quien no han oido
    in the one they didn't hear about
    y como oiran
    and how will they hear
    si nadie les predica
    if nobody preaches to them
    hermosos son los pies
    beautiful the feet
    de los que anuncian la paz
    of those who announce peace
    las buenas nuevas de Jesus
    the glad tidings of Jesus.
  4. Tucumana88's Avatar

    Tucumana88 said:


    Enciende una luz
  5. Lady_A said:


    Yeah, good idea, but...

    If you use a switch yes, it's right.
    But when you light it with fire....you can't switch it on

    But anyway...I hope people got the point
  6. MaresLejanos said:


    And what's about: "light a candle" ? This seems a church song, right ? And in church the people light candles... Could be ? (just asking... i really don't know how to say it in english )
  7. Lady_A said:


    Yeah, thanks MaresLejanos, that's the way I've thought of it, too!

    Church = Candles
    Candles = Light

    Great syllogism