Salman Hameed - Helwa Mennak [album] 2008

Thread: Salman Hameed - Helwa Mennak [album] 2008

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  1. suleiman said:

    Default Salman Hameed - Helwa Mennak [album] 2008

    hellllllo...can some one tell me about this singer..yet can someone post the translations of his new album "Helwa Mennak".....
  2. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    this singer is from gulf (khalij) he is from bahrain .. i did some translation of his songs .. thats all what i could .. and sorry for the late respond ..but it was kahliji and hard for me to do it but finally i could to do some of the songs ....

    Salman Hameed - Ranna

    رنيتلك رنة وماسويتلي رنة
    I ringed for you but you didn’t

    وتكول انك تحبني لالاولله ماتحبني
    And you are saying that you love me ,but I swear you don’t love me

    جالس على ناري وانت ما انت بداري
    You are sitting on my fire while you are not in my home

    وماتعرف اخباري ياخي ليش متعبني
    And you don’t know about my news ,oh why you make me tired

    صوتك يكفيني وينك يابعد عيني
    Your voice is enough for me ,where are you my love

    تكفى لاتخليني افرح لو تكلمني
    Enough don’t leave me ,I will be happy if you called me

    تعال واحييني بعدك ظلمة سنيني
    Come here and make me alive ,without you my years are darkness

    قرب يا نظر عيني مرة بس طمني
    Come closer to me only assure me once ,oh you are my eyes

    تشتاقلك روحي وانت يا دوا جروحي
    My soul is missing you ,you are the drugs of my wounds

    بعدك جالس بروحي ودي بس تفهمني
    You are still sitting in my soul ,I just want you to understand me
    Last edited by ams298; 11-01-2008 at 06:12 PM.
  3. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    Salman Hameed - bela sabab

    بلا سبب يوم تبغي تترك احبابك
    Without reason ,a day you wanna leave your lover

    وبلا سبب يوم تبغي عادي تذكرني
    And without reason ,another day you remember me

    ماعدت انا المغرم العاشق على بابك
    Im not the amorous lover at your door any more

    هذاك لون طيبك يوم تملكني
    That was whom you wanted to own him

    روح زمان فؤادي كم غنى بيك
    Go away ,in past my heart sang for you so much

    متبادلين المحبة وانت عاجبني
    We were loving each other and you were attracting me

    واليوم مااسمع معابيرك ولاعتابك
    And today, I don’t hear your voice nor your complaints

    خلي المعابير لا اسمع وتسمعني
    Let it like that ,its better not to hear you nor you hear me

    دور على غير قلبي ماكثر اصحابك
    Look for other than my heart ,you have many friends

    ولا زمان تعذبني وتسهرني
    And I will not let you make me suffer and wakeful again

    ماعدت انا اشتاق لعيونك ولا اهدابك
    I don’t miss your eyes and eye lashes any more

    خليك مثل مانت ناسيني وهاجرني
    Let yourself like that ,forget me and leave me
  4. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    Salman Hameed - za3lan minni

    زعلان مني وشكلك حيل متضايق
    You are angry from me ,and it appears to me that you are very distresse

    يلة عسى ضيقتك ياسيدي مو مني
    Oh I hope your distress in not because of me

    اذا العتب زعلك اسمحلي انا عاشق
    If the admonition had make you angry

    ترة عتابي محبة لاتواخذني
    My admonition is from love ,don’t be angry

    الحزن في نظرتك والدمع مولايق
    The sadness in your eyes and the tears are not not befit

    اضحكلي يله بدت ضحكتك توحشني
    Smile for me now ,I miss your smiling

    زعلان اني كلتلك بس نتفارق
    Im regretful that I told you to get separate

    الموت بس الي ترة عنك يبعدني
    Only the death can separate us

    شفت الي يحبوني بيني وبينهم فارق
    Do you see,those who love me ,theres difference between us

    انا احبك كذا احبك غصب عني
    I love you out of my control

    اسمحلي ذاك اليوم ماكنت انا رايق
    Please forgive me ,that day I wasn’t calm

    كلت الي كلته واعرف انك تسامحني
    I said that ,and I know you will forgive me
    Last edited by ams298; 11-01-2008 at 05:55 PM.
  5. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    Salman Hameed – ajmal insana .....this song is very nice really

    صعب اجبر عيوني تنام في ليلة وانتي زعلانة
    Its hard for me to oblige my eyes to sleep while you are angry

    واذا مرت علية ايام اجيك بروحي ولهانة
    And if days passed I will come to you with my amorous soul

    معي حب وبقاية احلام وباقة ورد خجلانة
    With love and dreams ,and with shyful bouquet of flower

    خجول الورد ما ينلام لانك اجمل انسانة
    The flower is shyful ,it can’t be blamed ,because you are more beautiful than her

    عسى الله لايجيب خصام لاجل حبنا وعلشانه
    I hope the God will not allow any more conflicts for the sake of our love

    وكلما مر فينا عام هوانا تورق اغصانه
    Whenever a year passed ,the branches of our love will foliate

    انا شوقي يزيد هيام كثر ما روحي عشقانة
    My longing’s passion is increasing because of my great love

    وانا من راسي للاقدام مشاعر حب عطشانة
    Im from my head to my feet full of emotions and thirsty love
  6. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    Salman Hameed – mammon......this one is in iraqi dialect

    احجي بية وكول واتجنى علية
    Speak on me and fales charge me

    واني من دون البشر مانفع وياك
    And that’s im the only one who is useless with you

    وانت كلش زين واني العيب بية
    And that you are very good and the defect in me

    كلشي كوله حتى اسراري معاك
    Say everything even my secrets which is with you

    ممنون لك ممنون لك
    Im thankful to you

    افضح عيوبي وزودلي عيوب
    Debunk my defects and add to me other defects

    زيدني بحجيك وحملني ذنوب
    Add it by your speech ,and bear guilts on me

    انت مو الغلطان من تحجي علي
    You are not mistaken when you are speaking on me

    انا هالغلطان منك ما اتوب
    Im the mistaken because I don’t repent

    احجي بية وامدح انت محبتك
    Speak on me and praise your kindness

    وان احلى عشرة جانت عشرتك
    And that the sweetest companionship was yours

    وان ماكو انسان بهالدنيا بحنانك
    And that theres no person in this world having your kindness

    وان حبي جان هو غلطتك
    And that this love was your mistake
  7. suleiman said:


    ams298 you're soooooooooooooooo good....thanks ams298
  8. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    you are welcome