
Thread: tanrim

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  1. melsaid said:

    Default tanrim

    tanrım bana kuvvet ver
    bu aşkta bu sevdiye gücüm kalmadı
    böyle bir vefasız yare düştüm
    merhamet bilmiyor sevmek bilmiyor
    haykırdım yıllarda aşkımı ona
    duymak istemiyor beni görmüyor

    aşkem beni sardı dört bir yanımı
    duymayan kalmadı bu feryadımı
    bu gidişle bu aşk beni öldürür
    kuluna bırakma sen al canımı

    tanrım sende nbaşka kimim var ebnim
    şikayet etmeye kime gideyim
    kuluna kul oldum
    severek taptım
    gel gör beni bak ne haldeyim
    On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.
  2. PlainChaos said:

    Default My God

    Lord give me strength
    I can't handle this love anymore
    What an unfaithful lover that I've come to know
    He/she doesn't know mercy, doesn't know how to love
    I've cried out my love for him/her for years
    He/she doesn't want to hear me, he/she doesn't see me

    My love has surrounded me
    There are no one left that haven't heard my cries
    If things keep on going, I'm afraid this love will kill me
    Don't let it be up to Your servant, You take my life

    My God, I've got no one else but You
    Who should I go complaint to?
    I've become a servant to Your servant
    I've worshiped with pleasure
    Come see me, see my condition now
  3. melsaid said:


    thank you so much
    On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.
  4. PlainChaos said:


  5. yigitgk's Avatar

    yigitgk said:


    Nice song ...
    ♥ Burn me, Burn yourself, Burn everything ♥
  6. amnah's Avatar

    amnah said:


    Thank you so much^^