Ukrainian to english

Thread: Ukrainian to english

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  1. pohjolan perinto's Avatar

    pohjolan perinto said:

    Default Ukrainian to english

    I would like to know what they are singing about.

    Помни древнее сказанье:
    "Библия - жидовское, лживое писанье!"
    Славь Предков Наших Славных.
    Вспомни о боях, об атаках шквальных.
    Ведь они костьми легли за нашу землю,
    Сгинули навеки в той пучине пенной,
    Где Любовь к Отчизне, Сила и Отвага
    Поднимают древко Доблестного Флага!
    ...Требу Нашему Богу (Всем и Каждому),
    Плаху чуждому, жалкому, ненужному,
    Топает копытами Войско Святовитово,
    Палицей чугунною но "звезде" давидовой!
    Резко песню свою запоёт тетива.
    И калёная взвоет сквозь столетья стрела.
    Долетит, донесёт до сегодняшних дней
    Честь Великославянскую на стали своей .
    Подними свои глаза и взгляни на небеса!
    Неужели ты поверишь, что там царствие еврея?!
    Если так, то как же Солнце ходит в море лжн и грязи?
    Земле Солнце лгать не может не было бы этой связи!
    Посмотри, насладись чистой небесной.
    Это лик, это жизнь внеземного блеска!
    Сварги блеск чист как лёд, не запятнан ложью.
    Это - Честь, это - Свет, это - Гнев Всебожий!
    Кто тебе, свинья, позволил Идолов сжигать,
    Высмеять Родного Бога, Землю унижать?!
    Кем ты заменил Даждьбога. как ты мог Отца
    Так унизить, сделав "богом" чуждого лжеца?!
    Свист стрибожий, смерч скорей Явь очистит от свиней,
    Молнии - баталии, клич - призыв : " Иду на вы!"
    Иду на вы!
    Под вой волков, под шум листвы,
    Под гул волынок боевых,
    Под хохот ливней проливных,
    Под Гром Перунов в облаках,
    За кровь на вражеских клинках,
    За Правь. за Сваргу - Чистоту,
    За Землю Нашу, Красоту!
    Дед Даждьбог, лучами озари
    Славянам путь к Златым Лугам,
    Ты Свастикой пометь- скажи,
    Где бой тотальный дать скотам!
    В том бою за Честь Славянскую
    Вскипит Гнев в Наших Душах,
    За Землю Нашу Русскую Иду на вы!..
    Сва! Матерь Сва Родную
    Заменили на душевнобольную,
    Коловрат - на крест, алтарь, кадило,
    Велесову Книгу - библией постылой!
    Сколько ещё сотен Наших Поколений
    Будут слушать ложь ничтожного плебея,
    Сколько будут ждать милости от твари,
    Забывая Предков во хмельном угаре?!
    Настанет День Великий, Ясный,
    Даждьбожий Свет - Клинок Всевластный.
    Сбежит отсюда вон "христова кагала",
    И скажет Славянин: "Славь Славен Славнов!

    Google translate is some help but I would still like to have a better translation
  2. jandros's Avatar

    jandros said:


    These lyrics are in Russian, not Ukrainian. I can't translate it completely, and my understanding might be wrong, so I won't even try ... I suggest that you repost this as "Russian to English", and include the song title
    Having problems with vertigo for 2-3 days ... it's temporary, a mild case and it will pass, but for now I can't stay on the computer as much as normal :-/ ...
  3. Samaretz said:


    Yes, jandros is right: it's Russian. Well, to say the truth some words are from the ancient slavic language, but anyway it's still the Russian).

    I'll translate this, but I'm afraid you can face some difficulties with understanding, because this lyrics interfere with the Slavic culture. That's why translation word-by-word can be useless & strange here; that's why I'll try to describe the sense for you.

    Well, anyway I'll do my best & if necessary I'll post my comments in the sqare brackets, ok? If after reading my translation you'll still have some questions left please do not hesitate to ask: I'll try to answer them & to explain everything :-)

    Помни древнее сказанье:
    Remember the ancient legend:
    "Библия - жидовское, лживое писанье!"
    "The Bible is a sheeny [meaning not "shining", but "jewish"] lying Writ"
    Славь Предков Наших Славных.
    Praise our glorious ancestry.
    Вспомни о боях, об атаках шквальных.
    Remember of the fights, of mass attacks
    Ведь они костьми легли за нашу землю,
    Because they fell in battles for our land,
    Сгинули навеки в той пучине пенной,
    Disappeared forever in those fights
    Где Любовь к Отчизне, Сила и Отвага
    Where Love for motherland, Force & Courage
    Поднимают древко Доблестного Флага!
    Lift up the staff of the Brave Flag!
    ...Требу Нашему Богу (Всем и Каждому),
    Each of our gods requires for himself
    Плаху чуждому, жалкому, ненужному,
    An executioner's block for everything that is alien, poor & useless
    Топает копытами Войско Святовитово,
    The Svyatoslav's army hoofs [Svyatoslav is the famous Old Slavic king, lived in the 10th century]
    Палицей чугунною но "звезде" давидовой!
    It will kick all the enemies with the bludgeons
    Резко песню свою запоёт тетива.
    The bow-string will ring
    И калёная взвоет сквозь столетья стрела.
    And the hardened arrow will fly through the centures
    Долетит, донесёт до сегодняшних дней
    Will fly to nowadays
    Честь Великославянскую на стали своей.
    And will bring the Great Slavic honour in its steel.
    Подними свои глаза и взгляни на небеса!
    Lift thine eyes, look at the heaven!
    Неужели ты поверишь, что там царствие еврея?!
    Will you ba able to believe there's a kingdom of a Jew
    Если так, то как же Солнце ходит в море лжн и грязи?
    If so, then how does the sun travels through lot of lie & dirt?
    Земле Солнце лгать не может не было бы этой связи!
    The Sun can't lie to the Earth, otherwise there would never be such a link!
    Посмотри, насладись чистой небесной.
    Look, enjoy the cleanness of the skies
    Это лик, это жизнь внеземного блеска!
    It's an imgae, it's a life of unearthly shine
    Сварги блеск чист как лёд, не запятнан ложью.
    Svarog's shine is clean like ice, it isn't disgraced with the lie [Svarog is father of all the gods in the Slavic mythology; ancient Slavic believed it was Svarog who gave birth to the Sun]
    Это - Честь, это - Свет, это - Гнев Всебожий!
    This is honour, this is light, this is wrath of all gods
    Кто тебе, свинья, позволил Идолов сжигать,
    You're a swine, who allowed you to fire the idols?
    Высмеять Родного Бога, Землю унижать?!
    To scoff at your own god, to humble your country?
    Кем ты заменил Даждьбога. как ты мог Отца
    With whom you replaced Dazhdbog, how could you [Dazhdbog is the Sun's god in the ancient slavic mythology, son of Svarog]
    Так унизить, сделав "богом" чуждого лжеца?!
    To humble your father & to make the god from an alien lier ['Father' means not the male - husband to your mother, but the main god whom they sang about in the previous line]
    Свист стрибожий, смерч скорей Явь очистит от свиней,
    The Stribog's whistle, the whirlwind will free our life from the swines [Stribog is the god of the winds in the ancient slavic mythology; so this sentence can also have the following sense: the god of the winds will call for the tornado & it will remove all faithless people from the Earth]
    Молнии - баталии, клич - призыв: "Иду на вы!"
    Lightnings, battles, (I have) the war-cry: "I'm coming to fight with no fear!"
    Иду на вы!
    I'm coming to fight with no fear!* [Look at the footnote with the explanation at the end of this message]
    Под вой волков, под шум листвы,
    To the wolves' howling, to the rustle of leaves,
    Под гул волынок боевых,
    To the hum of the batle bagpipes
    Под хохот ливней проливных,
    To the roar of the downpours,
    Под Гром Перунов в облаках,
    To the Perun's thunder in the clouds [Perun is the god of the thunder & lightning in the ancient slavic mythology]
    За кровь на вражеских клинках,
    For the blood on the enemies' blades
    За Правь. за Сваргу - Чистоту,
    For the truth. for Svarog, for the cleanness,
    За Землю Нашу, Красоту!
    For our country, for its beauty!
    Дед Даждьбог, лучами озари;
    Славянам путь к Златым Лугам,

    Great Dazhdbog, show the slavic people
    The way to the bright grassland, illume it with the sun rays
    Ты Свастикой пометь - скажи,
    And mark the place with the gammadion
    Где бой тотальный дать скотам!
    Where we must make a fight with the cattles
    В том бою за Честь Славянскую
    Вскипит Гнев в Наших Душах,

    The wrath will appear in our souls
    During those fight for the slavic honour.
    За Землю Нашу Русскую Иду на вы!..
    I'm coming to fight for our Russian Land with no fear!
    Сва! Матерь Сва Родную
    Sva! Our godness Sva [Sva is the godness - mother of all the gods in the ancient slavic mythology]
    Заменили на душевнобольную,
    Was replaced with the insane
    Коловрат - на крест, алтарь, кадило,
    The gammadion was replaced with the cross, altar & censer
    Велесову Книгу - библией постылой!
    Book of Veles was replaced with the odious Bible!
    Сколько ещё сотен Наших Поколений
    How many hundreds of our generations
    Будут слушать ложь ничтожного плебея,
    Will listen to the lies of the paltry plebeian?
    Сколько будут ждать милости от твари,
    For how long will they wait for the favour from the wretch
    Забывая Предков во хмельном угаре?!
    Forgiving their ancestry with the drunken frenzy?
    Настанет День Великий, Ясный,
    The Great & bright day will come
    Даждьбожий Свет - Клинок Всевластный.
    It will be the Dazhdbog's light like an all-powerful sword,
    Сбежит отсюда вон "христова кагала",
    And the "Christ's kahal" will run away far away,
    И скажет Славянин: "Славь Славен Славнов!
    And the slavic man will say: "Bless the glorious slavic people" [This replica in Russian language contains of three words & all these three words form the word-play: its word-by-word translation means "Bless the glorious slavic people", bu it has also another sense meaning that all slavic people are glorious & all of them should be blessed]

    * Иду на вы! - I'm coming to fight!
    So, if you translate this sentence word by word (e.g. using the Google or the Babelfish Translation system) you'll have the translation something like this: "I go to you" that doesn't have any sense at all. So I'll try to explain this expression to you.

    As you know there's only one form of addressing in English - "you" & doesn't matter to whom you address to. But in Russian & e.g. in French (I'll give you the French as an example because I speak this langauage too, so it's more convenient for me, if you know any other languages similar to this you'll understand me quite fast) there are two forms of addressing to the people: "ty" (in French it's "tu") & "vy" (in French it's "vous"). Both of these words are translated into English as "you", but there is the difference between them.

    "Vy" (or "vous" in the French) is a polite & formal form of addressing; it's used when you're addressing to two or more people, or when you're addressing to the people who are older or to the respected people, or when you're addressing to the clients or to the people whom you don't know etc.

    Unlike "vy" the form "ty" (or "tu" in the French) is informal form of addressing: it's used amoung friends or by the people who know each other very well. So, "вы" is "vy". And the translation "I go to you" should be understood as "I'm going to 'vy' (but not 'ty')". Hope it's clear.

    So, this is the modern meaning of the word "vy". But there were some additional meanings in the old slavic language. This word also meant the darkness & the ancient slavic beleived there was the god of the darkness whom they called "Вый" ("vyi"). That's funny: in the ancient slavic language very big army was called the same word that means "darkness" (тьма; it's pronounced "t'ma"). And as you remember the name of the god of the darkness was "vyi". So, the real meaning of this expression is like "I'm ready to go & to fight even with the god of the darkness; I have no fear".
    Last edited by Samaretz; 11-25-2008 at 05:30 AM. Reason: I've simply corrected some misprints which I noticed after posting my message :-)
  4. pohjolan perinto's Avatar

    pohjolan perinto said:


    Samaretz, thx for the translation
    It makes a lot more sense now.
  5. jandros's Avatar

    jandros said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Samaretz View Post
    ....some words are from the ancient slavic language ... some difficulties with understanding...

    ...there's only one form of addressing in English - "you" ... But in Russian & e.g. in French ...
    Unlike "vy" the form "ty" (or "tu" in the French) is informal form of addressing...
    Samaretz, I also want to say thanks for so much information!

    About formal/informal "you", I can also add that Spanish is very similar:

    ... Formal "usted" is used with third-person verb (he/she/it).
    ... Informal "tu/te/tigo" (etc) is used with second-person verb (you).

    But English is rude, not very polite for people who don't know each other

    Again thanks, because for me your explanation was extremely interesting!!

    Pohjolan, I'm still just a beginner in both the Russian and Ukrainian languages, but if I may suggest: The quickest way to distinguish written Ukrainian from Russian is the Ukrainian cyrillic "і". The Russian word "and" is "И/и", but Ukrainian is "І/і". Hope that helps a bit
    Having problems with vertigo for 2-3 days ... it's temporary, a mild case and it will pass, but for now I can't stay on the computer as much as normal :-/ ...