Hakim - Kalam Be kalam [*]

Thread: Hakim - Kalam Be kalam [*]

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  1. Crisa said:

    Default Hakim - Kalam Be kalam [*]

    Hello guys!! Me again asking for your help...
    Please can someone help me with the English translation for this song?

    Here's the song:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPAKzy82YHo

    Thank you!
  2. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    مبلاش كتر كلام
    Mabalash kotr el kalam
    No need for too much talking

    مين اللى يقول للتانى حرام
    Meen ele be2oul lel tani 7aram
    Who’s telling whom that its unfair !!

    كل ما عليك بتنزلنى
    Kol ma 3alek bitnazilni
    All that you are doing ,is reducing me

    وبعيشلك وانت بتقتلنى
    W ba3eshlak wnta bt2tilni
    And I’m living for you and you are killing me

    يبقى حرام على مين
    Yib2a 7aram 3ala min
    So ,who’s the unfair ?

    وبقويك وانت بتكسرنى
    W ba2aweek winta bitsakarni
    And I’m strengthening you and you are closing me

    وكأنك حالف تخسرنى
    W ka2annak 7alif tkhassarni
    As if you sweared to make me lose

    متخلينا ساكتيييين
    Mtkhalena sakteen
    let me silent

    كلام بكلام هنتكلم
    Kalam bi kalam hanitkalim
    Word to word we will talk

    خلاص تلميذك اتعلم
    Khalas tilmethak it3alim
    It’s over ,your student has been learned

    برافو عليك اوى يا استاذ
    Bravo awi ya ostaz
    Bravo its great too much my teacher

    عرفت تربى وتعلم
    3rift trabbi wit3alim
    You knew how to breed and how to teach

    كرهتك ايوه ونسيتك
    Krihtak aiwa winseetak
    Yes I hated you and forgot you

    ونفعت فيا تربيتك
    W nif3t fiya tarbiytak
    And your breeding was useful for me

    اديتنى درس كبير فى الذل
    Idetni dars kibeer fi el-zil
    You had been gave me a big lesson on insult

    زاكرته صح وذليتك
    Zakirto sa7 w zaletak
    And I studied it well and I insulted you
    مبلاش كتر كلام
    Mabalash kotr el kalam
    No need for long talking

    مين اللى يقول للتانى حرام
    Meen ele be2oul lel tani 7aram
    Who’s telling whom that its unfair !!

    وحياة دموعى وجرح قلبى لعرفك
    Wa7eat dmo3i w gar7 albi la3arrafak
    For the sake of my tears and my heart’s wound ,I should show you

    تلميذك اتعلم وناوى يشرفك
    Tilmizak it3alim w nawy ysharrafak
    That your student has been learned and intend to ennoble you

    هذل فيك
    Hazol fik
    I will humiliate you

    وهدوس عليك
    W hados 3alek
    And I will step on you

    وابيع العشره
    Wabe3 el 3ishra
    And I will sell the companionship

    وهجيب كمان
    W hageb Kaman
    And I will gain again

    فى الامتحان
    Fil imte7an
    In the exam

    عشره على عشره
    3ashra 3ala 3ashra
    Ten on ten ( 10/10)

    دانا كل دمعه بالف دمعه هردها
    Dana kol dam3a b alf dam3a harodaha
    I should retake each tear of me by 1000 tears of you

    وكل حاجه بنيتها حالف اهدها
    W kol 7aga bnetha 7alif ahidaha
    And everything I had been built it ,I swear to destroy it

    بتقول لمين
    Bitoul li meen
    You are telling whom

    Thank you

    ده اقل واجب
    Da a2al wagib
    This is the least task

    دلعت فيك
    Dala3t feek
    I made you spoil

    وانا بين ايديك
    Wana ben edek
    And I was between your hands

    ولا كنش عاجب
    Walakansh 3agib
    And you weren’t satisfied

    انا زى مانت كسرت قلبى انا هكسرك
    Ana zaiy manta kasart albi hakassarak
    I will break you like how you broken up my heart

    لو حتى هخسر فيك هبيعك واخسرك
    Law 7atta hakhsar fik habe3ak wakhassarak
    Even if I’m gonna lose you ,I will sell out you and make you lose

    علشان تفوق
    3alashan tfou2
    To wakening up you

    لازم تدوق
    Lazim tdo2
    We must taste

    جرحى وعذابى
    Gar7i w 3azabi
    My pain and my suffering

    هلعب معاك
    Hal3ab ma3ak
    I will play with you

    وهبيع هواك
    W habee3 hawak
    And I will sell out your love

    واخد حسابى
    Wakhod 7isabi
    And I will take off my revenge

    enjoy .....
  3. Crisa said:


    Thank u for the translation and for the transliteration in Arabic & Latin alphabet. I thought it is a sad song but know reading the lyrics I realize that is a revange on too ....interesting lyrics though...
  4. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    you are welcome Crisa ... yes its sad lyrics ... but funny in the same time ... this singer is comedian singer ..so even when he sings sad songs it should be in funny way .... looool
  5. itb402 said:


    thank you
  6. sako092's Avatar

    sako092 said:


    thank you very much !
  7. ams298's Avatar

    ams298 said:


    u welcome