Please, Ceza - Neyim Var Ki?

Thread: Please, Ceza - Neyim Var Ki?

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  1. LaaSemaa's Avatar

    LaaSemaa said:


    ogreneceksin, Beni sevmeyi/ you shall learn, to love me
    Unutmasamda geçmisi/ even though i dont forget the passed time
    Yasanmisim ve Bitmisim/ i've lived and i've come to an end
    Duyacaksin Sesimi senin için çarpan yüregimi/ you shall hear my voice, the heart of mine that beats for you

    Uzüleceksin iste o zaman/ you shall be sad, then only then
    Bosa oyaladigin zamana beni/ when you had amused me for nothing
    Gormeyeli yeni basladim/ since we havent seen each other, i've just begin
    Anlatinca ben kendimi/ when i told about myself, i

    Seni karsiliksiz sevdigimi/ that i loved you unrequited

    did my best
  2. LaaSemaa's Avatar

    LaaSemaa said:


    Gomus kemer derinde/ in the trouble of silver belt
    kinasi var elinde/ she have henna on her hands
    dalal dalal kinasi var elinde/ beloved, beloved she have henna on her hands
    dalal dalal boyu posu yerinde/ beloved, beloved, she look nice
    Mardin guzel iyidir/ Beauty from mardin is good (mardin is a city in turkey)
    dalal oy dalal / beloved oh beloved

    MINE HETEN MINE HETEN HELE HELE HEEEE (i think its kurdish)

    bir tel cektim mardinden/ i telephoned from mardin
    bin ah cektim derinden / i suffered tousand times because of her troubles
    bin ah cektim derinden le / i suffered tousand times because of her troubles ohh
    le le yar sabiha bab el savur suyu gibi yas gelir gozlerimden/ oh oh dear Sabiha (her name), like bab el savur water there comes tears from my eyes (i dont know what bab el savur is sorry :s )
    yas gelir gozlerimden le le le yar sabiha.. / there comes tears from my eyes oh oh dear Sabiha

    TILILILLILILILIIII...... / oh oh

    yolla ciktim Mardine dustum senin derdine ay le le le le/ i took out to mardin, again i felt in your pain oh oh
    le le le le le le halime / oh oh to my situation
    estel midyat arasi (i dont know what this is sorry :s )
    yandi yurek yarasi ay le le le le le le le le le le halime / the heart wound burnt oh oh to my situation

    i tried my best
  3. yigitgk's Avatar

    yigitgk said:


    This thread became up again
    ♥ Burn me, Burn yourself, Burn everything ♥
  4. LaaSemaa's Avatar

    LaaSemaa said:


    Quote Originally Posted by yigitgk View Post
    This thread became up again
    yes lol
  5. hisham1985x9's Avatar

    hisham1985x9 said:


    thanks laasemaa
  6. LaaSemaa's Avatar

    LaaSemaa said:


    youre welcome
  7. hisham1985x9's Avatar

    hisham1985x9 said:


    thank you laasemaa for all the trouble you went for me and ther is no need to be sorry you did me a huge favour and you are still doing and i thank you for it i know i burden you alot but what can i do i love turkish and i love the turkish music also cuz here our music sucks. have fun
  8. LaaSemaa's Avatar

    LaaSemaa said:


    Quote Originally Posted by hisham1985x9 View Post
    thank you laasemaa for all the trouble you went for me and ther is no need to be sorry you did me a huge favour and you are still doing and i thank you for it i know i burden you alot but what can i do i love turkish and i love the turkish music also cuz here our music sucks. have fun
    you dont need to thank me , im happy if i could help you .
    nice to hear that you like turkish songs, ask whenever you want with translation or lyrics inshallah i'll help
  9. hisham1985x9's Avatar

    hisham1985x9 said:


    hello guys iam sorry i havent logged on for a while, i was busy with my exams
    i need your help with these songs PLZ i only need the english translation cuz i already has the lyrics thanks.
    murat başaran:
    2-sana olurum
    3-yetti gari
    4-hadi sende kudur
    Mürat boz:
    1-otme bulbul
    serdar ortaç:
    1-Ismi Lazım Degil
    uğur deniz:
    1-Salına Salına
    2-sikir sikir

    and thank you so much i know iam asking for too much but i cant help it i love you guys and i love turkish songs
    thanks again
  10. hisham1985x9's Avatar

    hisham1985x9 said:


    hello guys iam sorry i havent logged on for a while, i was busy with my exams
    i need your help with these songs PLZ i only need the english translation cuz i already has the lyrics thanks.
    murat başaran:
    1-yetti gari
    2-hadi sende kudur
    Mürat boz:
    1-otme bulbul
    serdar ortaç:
    1-Ismi Lazım Degil
    uğur deniz:
    1-Salına Salına
    2-sikir sikir
    1-kandirman lazim
    2-nobetci ask
    3-aciyi ceken anlar

    and thank you so much i know iam asking for too much but i cant help it,i love you guys and i love turkish songs
    laasemaa plz i need your help
    thanks again
  11. LaaSemaa's Avatar

    LaaSemaa said:


    murat basaran- yetti gari

    Ne yani yetti gari Allah/ ohh what so, oh god enough is enough!
    Hadi sana yallah/ cmon goodbye to you (yallah as in arabic we for examlple use it when we want someone to go then we say hadi yallah)
    Yetti gari vallah/ i swear enough is enough!
    İlla ki görür Allah/ God will se it absolutely

    El alem girmiş kanına/ everybody have tempted you
    Aklını şaştın gittin sen/ you lost your mind, you went
    Belayı sardın başıma/ you gave me troubles
    Haddini aştın bittin sen/ you oversteped the mark, youre end

    Vallah sevgilim/ i swear my sweetheart
    Bu ne naz ne bu halin/ what is this affectation, what is this situation of you
    Bulamam mı zannettin/ did you think i couldnt find (any one)
    Çoktan doldu yerin/ youre already replaced
    Al yanaklar benim/ those red cheeks is mine
    Bal dudaklar benim/ those honey lips is mine
    Öperim öperim kendimden geçerim/ i kiss i kiss, i go out of my mind

    did my bestt
  12. LaaSemaa's Avatar

    LaaSemaa said:


    ugur - sikir sikir
    Gel aşkım kalbime adını yaz/ come my love write your name on my heart
    Nedir bu cilve nedir bu naz/ what is this coquettish, affectation
    Fazla naz candan bezdirir/ too much affectations pester the life out of me
    Gelde bitsin artık bu yaz/ come so that this summer can end

    Bundan sonra bir dediğin iki olursa/ from now on if what you say one becomes two
    canım çıksın/ then let me die
    Sana aşkların en güzeli/ the most beautiful on all loves
    boynumun borcu olsun / let it be my it is my duty

    Mademki diz çöküp yalvarmamı istiyorsun/ since you want me to kneel down and beg
    Fazlasıyla haykırarak/ by shouting exceedingly
    Sana yalvarıyorum/ im begging you

    Ellerim kaldı senin ellerinde/ my hands stayed at yours
    Yüreğim kaldı yüreğinde, elinde, teninde/ my heart stayed at your heart, hand, skin

    Haydi şıkır şıkır şıkır oyna/ cmon dance sikir sikir
    Patlat bir şişe sokul şöyle yanıma/ blast a bottle and come up to me like this
    İçelim o geçen günlerin yılların inadına/ lets drink for deliberately for the passed days and years

    did my best
  13. hisham1985x9's Avatar

    hisham1985x9 said:

    Default hi

    thanks laasemaa i cant thank you enough but my friend i hate to be rude there's still 8 songs to go and if you want i can give you lyrics directly

    thanks again
  14. kolbaskina's Avatar

    kolbaskina said:


    I'm sorry, but may be after 3 pages of text someone will be so kind and translate the fist post song "Neyim Var Ki"? It's rap and it's so hard for translation
    нам ніколи, мабуть, не дійти до межі,
    за якою немає ні смутку, ні страху...

    Bizim gibi delilere her gün bayram
  15. yigitgk's Avatar

    yigitgk said:


    Quote Originally Posted by kolbaskina View Post
    I'm sorry, but may be after 3 pages of text someone will be so kind and translate the fist post song "Neyim Var Ki"? It's rap and it's so hard for translation
    Bir bahçemiz var; / We have a garden with
    Bir taraf çiçekli, bir tarafsa çöl. / On one side flowers, on the other a desert
    Bir tarafta gökkuşağı, öbür tarafsa çöl. / On one side a rainbow, on the other a desert
    Sınırda kalmışlardanız biz. / We’re those who’re stuck on the border
    Hep sınıfta kalmışlardan çok uzaktayız; We’re far away from those who always failed
    Sıkıntı çekmişlere yakın bir yerde. Close to those who’ve suffered
    Çölde kazanılan zaferler; / Victories achieved on the desert
    Hepsi kanla yazılır. / All of them are written with blood
    Ahmak olmasaydın insan; / If u weren’t stupid ; ‘humanity’
    Tüm zaferler dostça kazanılırdı. / All victories would have been achieved amicable
    Her gün doğumundan her gün batımına, / From every sun raise to every sunset
    Her geceden gündüze işlenen bir suç var. / From every night to day there is a crime that’s being committed
    Her bir yerde bahçemiz var / We have our garden everywhere
    Cümle derde ol deva diye dua ederdi günde bin defa / God, there used to be prayed for you to solve sorrow
    Fayda yok! Bu çok fena... / There is no use! This is very bad…
    Çare yok! Bu bir bela... / there is no cure! This is a curse…
    Sanki yoktu basta... / Like it wasn’t there in the beginning
    Hepsi kalsın... / Let it be
    Alemimde Sagopa ve Ceza, / Sagopa and Ceza in my universe
    Rap için bir pranga... / bonds for rap

    İlham perilerim, / my muses
    Yorgun ellerim / my tired hands
    Ve miskin armağan düşüncemin / and your musk is a gift along my mind
    Yanında bir emanetim bu bedene. / Im entrusted to this body
    Yıllarım bir yetki verdi; / my years gave me an authority
    Etki tepki oldu. / Action became reaction
    Kendimin hudutlarında bir çiçektim, mordum. / I was a flower in my own boundaries, I was purple
    Onca tarla doldum. / I filled so many fields
    Bir şafaktim; / I was a daybreak
    Askerin duvarda yırttığı bir takvim yaprağında. / On a ripped sheet of a calendar hanging on a soldier’s wall
    Geri kalan umut rakamlar oldum. / I’ve became the left hope numbers
    İstediğim yerdeyim. / I’m right where I want to be
    1-2 dakika verin bu adama konuşamaz. / Give me a few minutes, this guy can’t talk
    Dilim tutuldu. / I’m speechless

    Fincan kahvem hatrına saydım / I considered a cup of coffee as your memory
    Bir yudumluk aşkım deli sarhoş / My one shot love is mad drunk
    Komplo orduların gardiyanları / Guarders of the plot legions
    Neyim var ki raptan gari? / What else do I have left than rap

    Akar sular bu bahçelerde. / Waters drain away in these gardens
    Kurtulur zebanilerden. / Breaking away from hellhounds
    Akmayan suyu bile çölde / Find the water that’s not running in the desert
    Çesmeler var her bir yerde; bul! / There are taps all over, Find it!
    Olmaya çalış bir kul! / Try to be a mortal
    İstediğimiz yekte sulh! / All we want is peace in the ace
    Olmasın altında çul! / Let there not be any kind of burlap
    Olmasın paran ve pul! / Let there not be a dime left for you
    Genede gül bir kez be! / Laugh once though
    Bir kere gül be! / Just laugh once
    Senede bir de olsa, / Even when it’s only once a year
    Gül bu çölde yeşerir elbet. / The rose will leaf out on this desert
    Sabah biter ve biz de / Morning will come to an end and so will we
    Sınırın ortasında kaybolup gider de / We will disappear in the middle of the border
    Sözlerimizi ve rapimizi / We will leave our words and rap
    Miras bırakırız yeter! / as our heritage!

    Ey rapin sebepsiz anlamı! / Ey! The sense of rap without any reason
    Damarlarımda gezine dur. / Keep on circulating in my vains
    Şakaklarimda kan birikmiş, / Blood has piled up on my temples
    Ben bir cümlelik bir nokta değilim! / I’m not a one-sentence point
    Şiirlerimle gömülecek adım / My name will be buried with my poems
    Satırlarim ve geçmişim, / My lines and my background
    Tokat izlerim... / my slapping marks

    Ellerimde karakalem, / Charcoal pencil in my hands
    Kara gözüm seyirde. / My black eyes steering
    Yollarımda yolunu gözlediğim bir yolcu / A passenger I’m waiting on on my roads
    Mağlubum... / I’m a loser
    Yaradan Allah'ım! Gençliğime mahcubum / My creator, Allah! Im troubled by guilt feeling for my youth
    Oyuncak bir tabanca elime hakim oldu, / A toy gun is dominating my hand
    Çok alıştım... / I’ve got used to it alot
    Ben bugünde yaşıyorum; / I’m living today
    Yarında meçhulüm. / tomorrow I’m faceless
    Bin yasak ve bin cezayla ilelebet mi yaşıyorum? / Am I living eternally with thousands of taboos and thousands of punishments
    Bir bal olsam, damlasam. / Only if I could be honey and poor down
    Bu yeryüzünde bir kalbim, nefretim / There is only my heart, my hate on this world
    Ve var olan bin cezam... / and thousands of my existing punishments.
    ♥ Burn me, Burn yourself, Burn everything ♥