Romanian To English

Thread: Romanian To English

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  1. LuisDLC said:

    Default Romanian To English

    Hello, I was wondering if someone could please translate this song and if it's not too much to ask, could you also correct the lyrics; when i searched for them I only found that the chorus had the "^" "," marks. Thank you so much in advance.

    Îţi mulţumesc că eşti lângă mine
    Când mi-e dor
    Că din toate m-ai ales pe mine
    Simt că zbor
    Că mă asculţi când vorbesc cu tine
    Am nevoie de tine

    Te-am ascuns in suflet sa nu te pierd
    Adorm langa tine, ma trezesc cu tine in gand
    Te gasesc cand te chem sa te iubesc
    Cred in tine...

    Ochii tai imi spun ca nu poti sa minti
    Te am langa mine, te ascult si stiu ce simti
    Ma alinti zi de zi cu vorbe dulci
    Somn (sunt) cu tine
    Somn cu tine...

    Cu tine, cu tine, cu tine
    Cu tine, ma trezesc cu tine in gand
    Cu tine, cu tďne...

    Thanks again.
  2. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Îţi mulţumesc că eşti lângă mine
    I thank you for being near me/by my side
    Când mi-e dor
    When I miss (you?)
    Că din toate m-ai ales pe mine
    That from/out of everything, you've chosen me
    Simt că zbor
    I feel that I fly
    Că mă asculţi când vorbesc cu tine
    That you listen to me when I talk to you
    Am nevoie de tine
    I need you

    Te-am ascuns în suflet să nu te pierd
    I hid you in my soul so as not to lose you
    Adorm lângă tine, mă trezesc cu tine în gând
    I fall asleep near you, I wake up with you in mind
    Te găsesc cănd te chem să te iubesc
    I find you when I call "I love you"*
    Cred în tine...
    I believe in you...

    Ochii tăi îmi spun că nu poţi sa minţi
    Your eyes tell me that you can't lie
    Te am lângă mine, te ascult şi ştiu ce simţi
    I have you close to me, I listen to you & I know what you feel
    Mă alinţi zi de zi cu vorbe dulci
    You caress me, day after day with sweet words
    Somn (sunt) cu tine
    Sleep (I am) with you
    Somn cu tine...
    Sleep with you...

    Cu tine, cu tine, cu tine
    With you, with you, with you
    Cu tine, mă trezesc cu tine în gand
    With you, I wake up with you in mind
    Cu tine, cu tine...
    With you, with you...

    *Not sure about this part
  3. swatch's Avatar

    swatch said:


    Îţi mulţumesc că eşti lângă mine
    Thank you for being near me
    Când mi-e dor
    When I miss you
    Că din toate m-ai ales pe mine
    From any, you've chosen me
    Simt că zbor
    I feel like flying
    Că mă asculţi când vorbesc cu tine
    You listen to me when I talk to you
    Am nevoie de tine
    I need you

    Te-am ascuns în suflet să nu te pierd
    I put you in my soul to not lose you
    Adorm lângă tine, mă trezesc cu tine în gând
    I fall asleep near you, I wake up with you in mind
    Te găsesc cănd te chem să te iubesc
    I find you when I call to love you
    Cred în tine...
    I believe in you...

    Ochii tăi îmi spun că nu poţi sa minţi
    Your eyes tell me that you can't lie
    Te am lângă mine, te ascult şi ştiu ce simţi
    I have you close to me, I listen to you and I know what you feel
    Mă alinţi zi de zi cu vorbe dulci
    You caress me, day after day with sweet words
    Somn (sunt) cu tine
    Sleep (I am) with you
    Somn cu tine...
    Sleep with you...

    Cu tine, cu tine, cu tine
    With you, with you, with you
    Cu tine, mă trezesc cu tine în gand
    With you, I wake up with you in mind
    Cu tine, cu tine...
    With you, with you...

    I modified it a little. Overall good job DeBaires.
  4. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Quote Originally Posted by swatch View Post
    I modified it a little. Overall good job DeBaires.
    Oh cool, thanks!
  5. LuisDLC said:


    Thanks guys! You know ever since I found some songs in Romanian, the language has interested me a bit and I want to learn those songs :P Take care guys.
  6. DeBaires's Avatar

    DeBaires said:


    Quote Originally Posted by LuisDLC View Post
    Thanks guys! You know ever since I found some songs in Romanian, the language has interested me a bit and I want to learn those songs :P Take care guys.
    Haha, that's how I started off!