Hany Shaker – Nesianik sa3b Akid [*]

Thread: Hany Shaker – Nesianik sa3b Akid [*]

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  1. El raisa's Avatar

    El raisa said:

    Red face Hany Shaker – Nesianik sa3b Akid [*]

    The song

    The Lyrics
    نسيانك صعب اكيد
    certainly..it is very hard to forget you

    نسيانك صعب اكيد
    certainly. it is very hard to forget you
    مالوش غير حل وحيد
    It has only one solution
    ابدأ من تاني حياتي
    Start my life all over again
    واصادف حب جديد
    And meet a new love
    ولون الحب التاني
    Although that the new love
    مش هيرجعلي زماني
    Will not give me back my time
    ولا هيعوض حرماني
    Or recuperate my privation
    اللى فى حبك بيزيد
    That is increasing by your love
    لكن طول ما انت فى بالي
    But as long as you are in my mind
    صورتك دايماً فى خيالي
    Your image will always be in my imagination
    نسيانك صعب اكيد
    certainly. it is very hard to forget you

    ياللى معاك ابتديت
    You are the one that I began with
    اعرف كلمة هويت
    To know the word: I love you
    واعرف كلمة يا ريت
    And the word: what if
    وفى حبك قولتها
    And I said it in your love
    لعينيك خلتني جيت
    You made me come to your eyes
    وبعمري معاك بديت
    Be with you with my life
    وبقلبي عليك ناديت
    And call you with my heart
    اوهام صدقتها
    These were illusions I believed.
    ياللى عشقتك واتاري
    I adored you & I did not know
    حبك غدر والم
    That your love is disloyalty & pain
    قد ما كان قلبي شاري
    As much as my heart was a buyer (wanter)
    قد ما قلبك ظلم
    Your heart was wrongful
    اول قلب ما خان
    The first time your heart betrayed
    خنت اللى ادك امان
    You did it to who gave you the safety
    هاعشقك غيرك عشان
    I will love someone else
    يمكن انسى الندم
    May be …I will forget the regretness
    ولون الحب التاني
    Although that the new love
    مش هيرجعلي زماني
    Will not give me back my time
    ولا هيعوض حرماني
    Or recuperate my privation
    اللى فى حبك بيزيد
    That is increasing by your love
    لكن طول ما انت فى بالي
    But as long as you are in my mind
    صورتك دايماً فى خيالي
    Your image will always be in my imagination
    نسيانك صعب اكيد
    certainly. it is very hard to forget you


    نسيانك قد ايه
    I know that forgetting you
    صعب اني اقدر عليه
    Is a hard thing to handle (affored)
    ريحتك وانت ليه
    I relieved you, so why did you ?
    تجرحني بالهوى
    Why did you hurt me with love ?
    ازاى قادر تكون
    How can you be
    عاشق وازاى تخون
    a lover while you are cheating ?
    واما الاحساس يهون
    When the feelings are cheap
    صدقنى مالوش دوا
    Trust me…there is no treatment
    اديتك حب غالي
    I gave a precious love
    بعته من غير تمن
    You sold it without a price
    والقسوة جاتني منك
    I got Cruelty from you
    وماجتش من الزمن
    Not from the time!
    اول قلب ما خان
    The first time your heart betrayed
    خنت اللى ادك امان
    You did it to who gave you the safety
    هاعشقك غيرك عشان
    I will love someone else
    يمكن انسى الندم
    May be …I will forget the regretness
    ولون الحب التاني
    Although that the new love
    مش هيرجعلي زماني
    Will not give me back my time
    ولا هيعوض حرماني
    Or recuperate my privation
    اللى فى حبك بيزيد
    That is increasing by your love
    لكن طول ما انت فى بالي
    But as long as you are in my mind
    صورتك دايماً فى خيالي
    Your image will always be in my imagination
    نسيانك صعب اكيد
    certainly. it is very hard to forget you

    hope you like it
    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
    — Albert Einstein
  2. rasha's Avatar

    rasha said:


    wonderfull song great job
    صحيح دروبي عنك بعيده واتصالاتي مو عديده بس وحياه لي خلقك محبتك بقلبي اكيده
  3. El raisa's Avatar

    El raisa said:


    thank you
    "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
    — Albert Einstein