Frenkie - Mr Policeman

Thread: Frenkie - Mr Policeman

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  1. PaulScirylehtlla's Avatar

    PaulScirylehtlla said:

    Default Frenkie - Mr Policeman

    Hey guys,

    Can someone translate this song for me please?
    Put the in bad words asterics, like s**t, a**, and so on...

    Ex Oriente Lux!
  2. Tinkerbell's Avatar

    Tinkerbell said:


    King Mire, Frenkie
    Revolucija kroz zvucnik /Revolution through the speaker
    Majkcek, majkcek / mike check, mike check

    Mr Policeman uvjek stavlja tacku / Mr. Policeman always puts the dot
    On je uvjek u pravu jer on ima znacku / He is always right because he has the badge
    Mr Policeman nije dovoljno pismen / Mr Policeman is not literate enough
    Zasto branis truli sistem /Why are u defending the rotten system
    Prazne su im glave kao velika burad/ Their heads are empty like big barrels
    Nerviraju i kvare sliku kad krenem u grad/ They unnerve and spoil the picture every time I go in town
    Evo vam jedan mali srednjak za uzvrat/ Here is one little "mid finger" for renvoi
    Pusite mi kurac poplacena dubrat/ Suck my d i c k, corrupted bastards
    Fala ti evropu za demokraciju/ Thank u Europe for democracy
    Sad mogu na kurac nabit i policiju i partiju/ Now I can stuck on my d i c k police and party
    i presednika, odnosno sva tri njih/ and the president, I mean all three of them
    Oni meni nece moci nista za taj stih/ They won't be able to do me anything for that verse
    Policija ce doci ako ce oni dobro proci/ Police will come if they'll pass good
    Inace buraz policiju onda nesto koci/ In other way, bro, police is being inhibit by something
    Policija smrdi kao veliki kontejner/ Police stink like a container
    Njihova je politika u dzep cener/ Their policy is - put 10 kunas (or marks) (currency in Croatia)( Bosnia) in the pocket
    Ako nemas cener onda nemoj biti levat/ If u don't have that money then don't be an a s s h o l e
    Daj nasoj dragoj policiji barem petak/ Give to our dear police at least 5 kunas (marks)(again currency said in slang)
    Bitce njima drago a i tebi je sevap/ They would be glad and for u it's a good deed
    Tad smo svi sretni i pusti ce te seljak /Then we are all happy and "villager" will let u go

    Digni samnom jedan srednjak uvis / Raise your middle finger with me in the air
    I ponavljaj glasno **** the police / And repeat loudly f u c k the police
    **** the police, reci **** the police / **** the police, say **** the police
    **** the police, reci **** the police / **** the police, say **** the police
    Stani samnom cvrsto i nemoj da te sramota / Stand with me firm and don't be ashamed
    digni srednjak uzrak, govori jebo drota / Raise your mid finger in the air, say – f u c k the cop
    jebo drota, jebo drota / **** the cop, **** the cop
    jebo brate korumpiranog drota / f u c k bro the corrupt cop

    Mr Policeman uvjek stavlja tacku / Mr Policeman always puts the dot
    On je uvjek u pravu jer on ima znacku / He is always right because he has the badge
    Mr Policeman nije dovoljno pismen / Mr Policeman is not literate enough
    Zato brani truli sistem / because of that he defends the rotten system
    Picke u parlamentu samo nam prave stetu / P u s s i es in parliament are just damaging us
    Gledaju svoj dzep a ove ko jebe u ghettu / They look their pocket and who f u c k s those in ghettos
    A ghetto je danas brate cijela BOSNA / And ghetto is today the whole Bosnia
    Mi pjeske a njima Audi 7 nije dosta / We are going by walk and they aren't satisfied with Audi 7 (type of a car)
    Policija molim vas dodite odma hitno / Police, please, come immediately emergently
    Politicari pokradose sve nama osta sitno / Politicians stole everything, to us only little bit is left
    Suti mali znas da to nije bitno / Shut up, kid, u know that is not important
    Gledaj svoja posla to porucujem ti hitno / Look your own business, I say that to u emergently
    Policija kad ti treba onda negdje ode / When u need the police they always go away
    Tad ih ima pravo puno kao u TUZLI vode / There is a lot of them there in Tuzla (city in Bosnia) when they lead
    A kad se pijan kulturno posred ulice vozim / And when I drive drunk, civilised, in center of the street
    Onda se jedan od njih negdje stvori / then one of them comes from nowhere
    Zasto ste tako glupi da vas pitam / Why are u so stupid, let me ask u
    Molim vas odgovorite Mr Policeman / please answer Mr Policeman
    Reci druze plavi zasto si se prodo / Tell me "blue friend" why did u sell yourself (cop's uniform is blue)
    I nemas absolutnu nista u glavi / And u have absolutely nothing in your head

    Digni samnom jedan srednjak uvis / Raise your middle finger with me in the air
    I ponavljaj glasno **** the police / And repeat loudly **** the police
    **** the police, reci **** the police / **** the police, say **** the police
    **** the police, reci **** the police / **** the police, say **** the police
    Stani samnom cvrsto i nemoj da te sramota / Stand with me firm and don't be ashamed
    digni srednjak uzrak, govori jebo drota / Raise your mid finger in the air, say - **** the cop
    jebo drota, jebo drota / **** the cop, **** the cop
    jebo brate korumpiranog drota / **** bro corrupt cop
    Last edited by Tinkerbell; 02-05-2009 at 05:07 AM.
    We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit. (Aristotle)
  3. PaulScirylehtlla's Avatar

    PaulScirylehtlla said:


    Wow, thanks for the quick reply, you did a great job...
    Ex Oriente Lux!
  4. ina said:


    For sucha pretty boy, no wonder...
  5. PaulScirylehtlla's Avatar

    PaulScirylehtlla said:


    Well, thanks again...
    Ex Oriente Lux!