short please (thank you)

Thread: short please (thank you)

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  1. aromafresco said:

    Default short please (thank you)

    Akın var
    güneşe akın
    Güneşi zaptedeceğiz
    Güneşin zaptı yakın!

    Bir ateş yakalım ki, tutuşsun gökler bile
    Ve Güneş içilsin o gün, kızıl çanaklardan
  2. kibele's Avatar

    kibele said:


    there's a raid
    a raid towards the sun
    we will capture the sun
    the capture of the sun is so close!

    let us burn a fire that even the sky shall blaze
    and the sun shall be drunk that day, from crimson bowls...
    Endless Climb
    I am blind
    Why can't I hear?
    Color blind
    Speaking a phrase
    Instantly grown
    I am blind
    Waiting in line
  3. aromafresco said:


    woow thank you so much :}