please traduce

Thread: please traduce

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  1. al3x_no_1 said:

    Default please traduce

    Ultima petrecere la care am fost a fost in noaptea de Revelion.Am pus bani impreuna cu ceilalti copii,am cumparat de baut,de mancat,petarde si aartificii.Petrecerea am dat-o la un prieten acasa.Nu au fost mari decoratiuni dar a fost muzica,nimic nu a lipsit.Am fost 6 baieti si 6 fete,deci ne-am distrat pe cinste.Am dansat pe muzica mea preferata,am baut si bere dar cu masura.Petrecerea s-a terminat la ora 6 insa eu am plecat ultimul deoarece eram bun prieten cu gazda si am mai stat putin la el.
  2. Lady_A said:


    The last party I went to was on New Year's Eve. I gathered some money along with the others guys, we bought something to drink, to eat, crakers and fireworks. We threw the party at a friend's house. There were no great decorations, but we had music and we didn't lack of anything. We were 6 guys and 6 girls, so we had a great time. I danced on my favorite music, I also drank beer, but with limits.The party ended at 6 a.m., but I was the last one to leave because me and the host were good friends and I stuck around for a while.