Chinese to English- Yum Dom Cha by Jin

Thread: Chinese to English- Yum Dom Cha by Jin

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  1. shakinancy's Avatar

    shakinancy said:

    Default Chinese to English- Yum Dom Cha by Jin

    here's the lyrics:

    yum dom cha sik goh pao...

    yok zoh 10.30 , 10.30 yat ding yiu dou
    gem zhou mm mai hui yum cha zung yao mat ye ho yi hui zhou
    mm ga yi dap toi geh ye sik ho yi chik kak tou hou
    mm shiong tap toi geh zau tai yok 15 fen zhong zo yau
    mou ban fat le lin yung deng yat deng tou mm shiong tung yan pik

    ngo tung lei wa sai tai ka gen bung tou mm mai shiong sik
    ngo yau ngo lei yau lei...????
    ngo dei gen bung zao mm gap soh yi yao tak bei zhao yiu bei

    yum cha gen bun zheng hai tak goh chou
    ziu gen yiu hai di ye sik chuen bou yit lat lat am am sen sin chut lou

    yum cha zheng hai tak goh chou
    ziu gen yiu hai di ye sik chuen bou yit lat lat am am sen sin chut lou

    yum dom cha sik goh pao...

    ngo dei zhou goh bei lai
    yu goh dim sum hai yat tou hei
    ha gau yat ding wui zhou ju gok
    yan wai kui set zoi tai hou mei
    mm mai dim gai ci ci chut chiong sin tou hai kui lok toi

    ngo wa ha chiong mm hai ngau chiong
    mm koi pong ngo goi yat goi
    di lo mai kai tai yit so yi ngoh ci ci man man au
    mm koi yiu yat dip pai kuat tungmai lei doh liong lung fung zao
    di dan tat mm kao yit mm koi lei pong ngo ting yat ting

    cheng man di cha siu pao gao ging hai kuk geh ding hai ching

    di lop pak kou cui gen yiu cin tak hou
    zui hai shiong min + yat dit hoi sin chiong zau ho yi chik kak bai lok tou

    lei mm bao yam cha yao li yat ha fong bin
    ho yi kiu dip kon chao ngao ho wak ze hoi sin chao min
    sik mm sai geh ho yi da pao zou yen han tak zao yiu han
    deng ngo yum mai yi dam cha zao giu fo gei mai tan

    la, ngo yi ka zao hui yat hui sai sau kan
    shiong ci lei cheng kem chi ngo bei ching kei mai lei tung ngo chang
  2. shakinancy's Avatar

    shakinancy said:


    any 1?
    AMR DIAB IS THE KING!!!!!!!!!
  3. hfm4 said:


    rap in cantonese

    it is a very happy song. and describe the scene of morning tea.

    enjoy the happy life, enjoy chinese food, peaceful

    yum dom cha sik goh pao/ 飲啖茶 食個包/ have a cup of tea, have a cha siu baau(Cantonese barbecue pork buns)

    i don't know cantonese very well. here is the lyrics in chinese. if u need more translations, let me know.

    飲啖茶 食個包 飲啖茶 食個包 
    飲啖茶 食個包 飲啖茶 食個包

    約咗十點半 十點半一定要到
    冇辦法啦 寧願等一等都唔想同人逼
    我有你 你有你  你飲香片我飲普洱
    我地根本就唔夾 所以有得避就要避
    飲茶根本淨係得個嘈 最緊要係啲嘢食全部熱辣辣岩岩新鮮出爐
    飲茶淨係得個嘈 最緊要係啲嘢食全部熱辣辣岩岩新鮮出爐

    飲啖茶 食個包 飲啖茶 食個包 
    飲啖茶 食個包 飲啖茶 食個包

    我地做個比例 如果點心係一套戲
    蝦餃一定會做主角 因為佢實在太好味
    都係去內場 我話蝦腸唔係牛腸 唔該幫我改一改 
    啲糯米鷄太熱 所以我次次慢慢咬
    唔該要一碟排骨 同埋嚟多兩圾P爪
    啲蘿蔔糕最緊要煎得好 最係上便加一啲海鮮醬就可以即刻擺落肚
    啲蘿蔔糕最緊要煎得好 最係上便加一啲海鮮醬就可以即刻擺落肚

    飲啖茶 食個包 飲啖茶 食個包 
    飲啖茶 食個包 飲啖茶 食個包

    你唔飽 飲茶有哩一下方便
    食唔晒嘅可以打包 做人慳得就要慳
    等我飲埋哩啖茶 就叫個伙計買單
    嗱 我而家就去一去洗手間 
    嗱 嗱 上次你請 今次等我俾錢 千其咪嚟同我爭
    上次你請啊 今次噉係到我嘅啦 
    嗱係咪朋友先 係朋友嘅就唔好同我爭啊
    喂 大家自己人爭咩嘢啫 緊係等我俾 
    你唔係呀 你唔係搵交嗌呀嘛 
    飲茶你都要搵交嗌 喂 等我俾啦

    飲啖茶 食個包 飲啖茶 食個包 
    飲啖茶 食個包 飲啖茶 食個包