Tina Vukov - Ana

Thread: Tina Vukov - Ana

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  1. dejan839 said:

    Default Tina Vukov - Ana

    Hey there. I tried translating Ana with Tina Vukov, seen here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0lD6A2jU4Q

    But I have some problems, they're in bold. I'm sure there's some words I've heard incorrectly, and I can't find a transcribed version of the lyrics anywhere.

    Ljeto je tu
    Summer's here
    I mi na cesti prema jugu
    And we on the road heading south
    Ana i ja, Ana je posebna
    Ana and I, Ana is special
    Pjeva uz radio
    She sings to the radio
    Smije se preglasno
    She laughs too loud
    Zašto ja ne mogu to
    Why can't I do that

    Ljeto je tu
    Summer's here
    A mi najsporije na cesti
    And we, the slowest on the road
    Ana to zna, pa kaže tako možeš nekog sresti
    Ana knows that but says that we you might meet someone
    Još kaže "Zamisli onaj se pravi pojavi"
    And she continues "Imagine that right one show up"
    Zašto ja nisam kao ti
    Why am I not like you

    Pred nama tjedan cijeli
    Before us the whole week
    Ana zna što želi, ona želi sve
    Ana knows what she wants, she wants everything
    Ali uglavnom hoće zabranjeno voće
    But in general she wants forbidden fruit
    Jer ljeto je
    Because it's summer

    Ljeto je tu
    Summer's here
    Svoje u moru čelo je na svijetu
    Its forehead in the sea is in the world (??)
    I Ana nosi najmanj kosti na svijetu
    And ana has the smallest bones in the world (??)
    A ja sam ponjela dobru knjigu prije spavanja
    And I brought a good book before sleeping

    Zašto Ana smije što ne smijem ja
    Why is Ana allowed to what I'm not

    Ljeto je
    It's summer
    Zamisli sve se uvijek kani dogodi
    Imagine everything kani?? happens

    Zašto pa malo nisam kao ti
    Why am I not a little bit like you
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:



    Pjeva uz radio
    She sings along with the radio

    Još kaže "Zamisli onaj pravi se pojavi"


    Ljeto je tu
    Summer is here
    So je u moru pčela je na cvijetu
    Salt is in the sea, bee is on the flower
    I Ana nosi najmanji kostim na svijetu
    and Ana is wearing the tiniest (swim) suit in the world

    Zamisli sve se uvijek Ani dogodi
    Imagine everything always happens to Ana
    Zašto bar malo nisam kao ti
    Why am I not at least a bit like you
  3. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    Jer ljeto je
    Because summer is...

    (like: jer ljeto je... ljeto je tu!)
  4. dejan839 said:


    Ahhhh! Thanks!

    YEAH! I first thought I heard pčela because that would have made sense, then I just couldn't here the text all that correct and everything messed up.

    Thanks again!
  5. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Any time Dejan!

    Maja... hm... you confused me... you are right but "Because it's summer" is also correct in this context
  6. MayGoLoco's Avatar

    MayGoLoco said:


    I agree that it's correct, but if you listen especially to the end of the song she sings:

    Jer ljeto je, ljeto je... ljeto je tu!
    Because summer is, summer is... summer is here!

    It´s asif it is one sentence (Jer ljeto je tu).
    It kinda also "connects" the chrous to the verse that follows, if you understand what I mean...?