Kabat - Cesta do Kadaně

Thread: Kabat - Cesta do Kadaně

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  1. Kinji said:

    Default Kabat - Cesta do Kadaně

    Czech to English again... anyone could help?

    My táhnem rovnou cestou do Kadaně
    a tam si užijem patrně do dlaně
    my všichni táhnem rovnou cestou do Pardubic
    a tam si užijem, doufám, že ještě víc

    Do Vídně už nikdy ne, na to velký ruský kolo
    na ruským kole zvracím a prachbídně mi bolo
    víckrát už ne do Bystrý, ona čeká tajně doufá
    a pro mě je to nejistý ať, si holka zoufá

    My táhnem rovnou cestou do Kadaně...

    Po hlavní né moc doprava stojí knajpa Rudá hvězda
    vrchní je trochu divnej a dvakrát se mi nezdá
    topinky a blbá kořalka, která nikdy neviděla švestky
    občas facka jak od Macka, ale jinak je tam hezky

    My táhnem rovnou cestou do Kadaně...

    Maj tam dobrý fazole a hrách
    a holky v rytmu tančí čardáš na stole a prach
    se víří pod lampou, kde sedí pavouk admirál
    a se svou vahou pavoučičí v pavučinách
    mouchy slinou rozkládaj si dál

    ve Slaným je to nemastný a v Aši opět na kaši
    v Rudný je to nudný stejně ve dne i jako v noci
    v Teplicích je veselo a v Dubí je tělo na tělo
    bydlí tam náš Hurvajs a ještě ňáký cvoci

    My táhnem rovnou cestou do Kadaně...
  2. Caym's Avatar

    Caym said:


    We're moving right to Kadaň (name of a city)
    and we'll enjoy our time there
    we all are moving on way to Pardubice (city)
    and we'll enjoy our time there hopefully much more

    I won't come to Vienna no more, never again I'll try the Russian wheel
    when I've tried it I was sick and I was vomiting
    never more I'll come to Bystrá (village), she is there and still she's hoping
    but for me it is uncertainly, so let the girl in despair

    On the major road not too much on the right side is a pub called Red star
    headquarters-waiter is a bit weird and he don't seem well
    toasts and bloody brandy, that has never seen any plums (means.was probably not made from them)
    sometimes a slap as if from Macek, but otherwise the time there is fine
    (that's a play upon words - facka=slap, jak od macka= as if from macek, macek is a surename of sb)

    They got good beans and peas there
    and girls are dancing czardas on the table and a dust
    swirl under the lamp where the spider "admiral" is sitting
    and with its weigh of spider it is decaying the flies
    with its spits in the cobwebs

    in Slaný it is limp and in Aš again on the mush
    (another play upon words, Slaný=salty so the connection means wishy-washy)
    in Rudná it is boring in the morning and also in the night
    in Teplice is hilarity and in Dubí is a body on a body
    there live our Hurvajs (name) and some other nuts

    (all the names in this last paragraph are names of the cities or villages)