Na Zadnjem Sjedistu Moga Auta - Bijelo Dugme

Thread: Na Zadnjem Sjedistu Moga Auta - Bijelo Dugme

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  1. cestmich's Avatar

    cestmich said:

    Default Na Zadnjem Sjedistu Moga Auta - Bijelo Dugme

    Merhaba, nadam se da je ne dodijavim. Ako neko mogu perevodit ovu pijesmu, ja bicu radi and i wonder if the adding "tu" at end of "sjedistu" is a suffix?

    gnjave kina i kafane
    male droce satro dame
    i gnjave
    svega preko glave
    a ona isla bi negdje
    da obuce finu novu haljinu
    kako stvarno
    izguzvana stalno
    a ja joj kazem
    ne budi luda
    bit ce nam bolje sto puta
    na Zadnjem Sjedistu Moga Auta
    dosta cvrkuta i pejzaza
    vec je postalo sve gnjavaza
    a i mravi
    gnjave me u travi
    a ona isla bi negdje
    da je ptice bude
    gdje su livade
    i mirisu trave
    i neba se plave
    ma srce moje
    ne budi luda
    bit ce nam bolje sto puta
    na zadnjem sjedistu moga auta
    pa da
    zivoti gnjave
    smrti gnjave
    mrzim price i suplje glave
    i mudrace
    uvijek iste face
    a ona isla bi negdje
    gdje se igra
    da se izigra
    i da me ljubi
    kad ne vide drugi
    a duso moja
    ne budi luda
    bit ce nam bolje sto puta
    na zadnjem sjedistu moga auta
    pa da
    gnjave me kina i kafane
    gnjave droce gnjave dame
    svi gnjave
    i to preko glave
    il n'y a pas de futur, quoi qu'on en dise "ça vaut mieux que tous les jours passés"
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    On The Backseat Of My Car

    harassed by cinemas and pubs
    little sluts so called ladies
    and they are boring
    everything is so annoying
    And she wants to go somewhere
    to wear her nice new dress
    so really
    always wrinkled
    But I tell her
    don't be crazy
    it will be one hundred times better
    on the backseat of my car
    Enough of chirping and landscapes
    Everything has become such a hassle now
    and even ants
    are hassling me in the grass
    And she wants to go somewhere
    to be waken up by birds
    where there are meadows
    and the grass smells
    and the skies are blue
    Well my sweetheart
    don't be crazy
    it will be one hundred times better
    on the backseat of my car

    Well yes
    lives are boring
    deaths are boring
    I hate stories and empty heads
    and wise men
    always the same faces
    and she wants to go somewhere
    where they dance
    so that she can dance
    and kiss me
    when the others don't see
    But my sweetheart
    don't be crazy
    it will be one hundred times better
    on the backseat of my car

    Well yes
    cinemas and pubs harass me
    sluts harass me ladies harass me
    everybody is bothering me
    I've had enough
  3. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Merhaba to you too I just noticed your question... (on which I'm sure someone else would give a better answer because grammatical explanations and me have long ago found our separate ways lol

    the word sedistu is actually the word sediste (seat) but the e is replaced with u to indicate the place where something is supposed to happen

    Click here

    From what I gather, it exists in Turkish as well
    For instance, in Turkish, elim means my hand, and elimde means in my hand, so using -de and -da suffixes, the locative case is marked. '-te, -ta and -da are the variations, depending on the sound of the root they suffix. Ex: kentte (in the city).
  4. cestmich's Avatar

    cestmich said:


    zaista, ovo je super da se priuchio sam ova detalja. i vidio sam da mozesh razumiti turska. Mozesh li razumiti ako da upitam "Nasıl Öğrendin?" josh i zelim da ja umiraju za uchiti bosanska(i kako ti vidish neznam padezi )
    (konachno, zelim da trazim koji mogu pomogati mene kad uchim bosanski za sve bosanaci, ko jedan bosanac bez bosna )
    il n'y a pas de futur, quoi qu'on en dise "ça vaut mieux que tous les jours passés"
  5. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    bosanac bez bosne, ögrenmedim
    I understand many Turkish words because a great deal of them is used in Serbian and even more in Bosnian I suppose.. However, I had a chance to discover that there are words that the Turks seem to have literally left here cause they are of Turkish origin but not used in Turkish anymore
    Now that was a messy sentence..

    Regarding learning, this thread should be the right place - click