Song at AE...happiness

Thread: Song at AE...happiness

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  1. styleman47 said:

    Default Song at AE...happiness

    I was at American Eagle just the other day, I saw a music video to a song I REALLY liked, it had guys standing with the words happiness and love that kept popping up in front of them. i cant really giave any better descirption, other than it was catchy and it repeated happiness and love 3 times.

    ??? any help???
  2. jnnfr said:


    goldfrapp - happiness
  3. SarahKate310 said:


    I don't think so..."happiness" just has a guy hopping around town...I don't know about the happiness part, but I know the video of "5 years time" by Noah and the Whale has the word love on the screen a few times. try that?