To my Muse

Thread: To my Muse

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    chiQ said:

    Smile To my Muse

    This is the first draft, so it's going to get a lot more attention:

    Muse 1.0

    Out there painting a new world
    Urging me to grow and unfurl
    Perfect forms I see clear as day
    Enabling me to have my say
    His sparkling words come out of the dark
    Driving me to perfect my art

    Beautiful images flame in me
    Vivid colours I really see
    I strive to ignite a similar fire
    To paint for you and the choir
    All that my muse has inspired

    Imagine a web shimmering with dew
    Warming air gently breathes right through
    The dark ember lying cracked under the pyre
    The brisk wind whipping it back to fire
    Look back into the dripping trees
    With curling ground mist wafting free
    Look up through your sharp mind's eye
    See the bright cerulean sky

    Beautiful images flame in me
    Vivid colours I really see
    I strive to ignite a similar fire
    To paint for you and the choir
    All my Muse shall inspire

    Good and evil in equal share
    Balance is needed to be fair
    Where there's joy there should be pain
    Whoever has lost should see a gain
    Without any darkness light is flat
    Without light the dark is just black
    Contrast and depth is required
    So I weave in a bit from each side

    Beautiful images flame in me
    Vivid colours I really see
    I strive to ignite a similar fire
    To paint for you and the choir
    All my Muse shall inspire

    Out there painting a new world
    Urging me to grow and unfurl
    Perfect forms I see clear as day
    Enabling me to have my say
    His sparkling words come out of the dark
    Driving me to perfect my art

    Edit: Self-critique - I think I need to make the line length more even when sung. Verse two is noticeably longer.
    Last edited by chiQ; 06-10-2009 at 05:45 PM.