Yara [Khalejeya Album 2009] - La2alee2 [*]

Thread: Yara [Khalejeya Album 2009] - La2alee2 [*]

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  1. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    يا حبيبي عــلامــك ما توصل سلامك ... اول تمــــــوت فيني فجـــــأة هون غرامك
    Ya 7abibi 3alamak ma tewasel salamak.. awel tmout feeni faj2a hawen gharamak

    ليه كذا بس قلي كــــل هذا يا خلي ... وانته قلبي وروحي وشمس عمري وظلي
    Leih ketha bas gelli kel hatha ya kheli.. w enta galbi w rou7i w shams 3omri w thelli

    الله يستر ما تنسى حبك خلك وتقسى ... بعد ما احنا حبـايب صرنا للشــوق مرسى
    Allah yester ma tensa 7obak khelak w tegsa.. ba3d ma e7na 7abayeb serna lelshoug marsa
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  2. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    I've gone back and translated all the ones I could I hope someone else can do the rest for you dear
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  3. dml117 said:


    shukran kteer daydream! wonderful job! I have a song no one has translated yet ;/ so if you can that would be fantastic!

  4. enta7ayate's Avatar

    enta7ayate said:


    thanks so much daydream, your awesome
    No one ever said it would be this hard, take me back to the start. <3
  5. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    aww thank you!
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  6. Enes's Avatar

    Enes said:


    cann someone translate thee rest of the songs...
    For the world , you are somebody, For me you are the World
  7. jnvlv247's Avatar

    jnvlv247 said:


    Still waiting for Adry, Raghab Menny and Tethker Youm
  8. Enes's Avatar

    Enes said:


    i alsoo
    For the world , you are somebody, For me you are the World
  9. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:

    Default raghba menny

    رغبة مني ولاهي غصب عني
    Raghbet mnee wala hey ghasba 3annee
    it's my wish (that I'm doing) not by force (or against my will)

    جيت ابحكيلك حبيبي اللي فيني
    Jeet ta e7kilak 7abibi eli feeni
    I came to tell you, my baby, what's happening (or what's bothering me)
    لاهي غلطه منك انت ولاهي مني
    La hey ghalta mnak enta wla hey mnee
    it's not your fault, neither is it mine
    قلبي اللي حبك انت ومارحمني
    Galbi eli 7abbak enta w ma ar7amni
    my heart loved you and it didn't have any mercy on me
    الهوى بلوه ومن ذاقه بيتعب
    Elhawa belwa w mn thaga byet3ab
    love is a problem (or curse) and who tasted it got consumed (or tired)
    بالوصل يهنى وبالفرقا يتعذب
    Belwasel yhna wbel farga yet3athab
    and with closeness it is pleased, and in separation it is tortured
    من لقيتك ماسكن غيرك في عيني
    Men lagaytak maseken ghayrak fe 3aini
    since I met no one has lived in my eyes but you
    حبك استوطن في قلبي واستحله
    7obbak estawtan fi galbi w este7ala
    your love has taken over my heart and ruled it
    ياهنا عمري وياشمسه وظله
    Ya hana 3omri wyashamsa wthella
    oh my life's joy, and its sun and its shadow
    لوتبي شوقي فداك الشوق والله
    Law tebi shougi fedak elshoug wallah
    if you want my longing it's all yours I swear
    مااردك لو تبيني العمر كله
    Ma aredak law tbeeni el3omr kela
    I wouldn't let you down if you wanted me this whole life
    ياحبيبي جيتك وكلي وفا
    Ya 7abibi 7baytak w kelee wafa
    oh my love I came to you full of loyalty
    وقلبي من قربك ياروحي مااكتفى
    W galbi mn gorbak ya rou7ii ma ektefa
    and my heart from being close to you, oh my soul, is not tired (or wants more)
    خذ حناني وعطني من حضنك دفا
    Kheth 7anani w 3etni 7odnak dafa
    take my compassion and give me from your lap warmness
    في عيوني شوق يفضح مااختفى
    Fi 3youni shoug yefda7 ma ma ekhtafa
    in your eyes there's a longing that is revealing what has been hidden
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  10. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:

    Default adree

    ادري تبي تدور سبب عشان تبعدنـــــي .. محتار بالحب الجديد اشلون تصفـــاله
    Adri tebi tdour sabab 3ashan teb3edni.. me7tara bel7ob eljdeed eishlon tesfala
    I know that you're looking for a reason to push me away.. you're confused with this new love, how will you surrender to it (or admit it)
    واكيد عشمتا مثل ما انت معشمني .. واحلفلك انك قلتليه انك له لحاله
    W akeed 3ashamta mtl ma enta me3ashemni.. we7leflak enak geltela enak lah el7ala
    and I'm sure that you're torturing it (this new love) like you are to me.. and I swear to you that you told me that you're (*don't really understand this live at all,, maybe someone understands it better*)

    بالله عليك اشلون جالك قلب تخــدعني .. ترمي بقلبي في طـريق الحب واهواله
    Bellah 3alaik eishlon jalak galbi tekhda3ni.. termi bgalbi fe tereeg el7ob w ehwala
    oh how could you trick me (or mislead me).. you threw my heart in love's road and its miseries
    واكيد عشمتا مثل ما انت معشمني .. واحلفلك انك قلتليه انك له لحاله
    W akeed 3ashamta mtl ma enta me3ashemni.. we7leflak enak geltela enak lah el7ala
    and I'm sure that you're torturing it (this new love) like you are to me.. and I swear to you that you told me that you're (*don't really understand this live at all,, maybe someone understands it better*)

    علمتك اشلون الوصل واليوم تهجرني .. وفيت وان كان الـــــــوفا وياك عزاله
    3alamtak eishlon elwasel welyom tahjorni.. w feek w en kan elwafa wayak 3ezala
    I taught you how to be kind and today you're leaving me.. I was loyal to you even if loyalty is a struggle (?)
    واكيد عشمتا مثل ما انت معشمني .. واحلفلك انك قلتليه انك له لحاله
    W akeed 3ashamta mtl ma enta me3ashemni.. we7leflak enak geltela enak lah el7ala
    and I'm sure that you're torturing it (this new love) like you are to me.. and I swear to you that you told me that you're (*don't really understand this live at all,, maybe someone understands it better*)
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  11. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:

    Default tethker youm

    تذكر يوم كنا حبايب تذكر يوم الحزن غــايــــــــب ... والدنيا حلوة في قربك وفـ بعدك نــــــــار اللهايب
    Tethker yom kena 7abayeb tethker yom el7ezn ghayeb.. weldenya 7elwa fi gorbek w fi b3dek nar el hayeb
    remember the day when we were lovers, remember the day that sorrow didn't exist.. and life's beautiful when you're close and when you're away it's fire

    ليتك تشوف حــــــــــــــــــــالي مثل ما انا اشوفك ... مالي(ن) كل عيني كحلتهـــــــــــــــــــا طيــوفــــك
    Laytak etshouf 7alek methl ma ana shoufek.. malen kel 3aini k7let-ha tyoufek
    I wish you'd see me (or how I'm doing) like I'm seeing you.. you're filling my eyes its kohl is you
    انا حنيت لضحكة عيونك انا حنيت وضايع بدونك ... والايام تشهد لــــــــــ حبي هذا قلبي يحبك يصونك
    Ana 7anait leda7ket 3younek ana 7anait w daye3 bdounek.. wel ayam teshhad le7obbi ana galbi ye7ebek yesounek
    I miss the laugh of your eyes, I miss and I'm lost without you.. and the days are my witness for my love, this heart loves you and cherishes you
    كنت هايم وســـــــــــــــــــــارح وانا اطالع بيديني ... كانت يديك فيها آآآآآآآآه وينـــــــــــــــــــــك وويني
    Kent hayem w sare7 wana tale3 bedeeni.. kanet eedaiki feha ahhh weinek w weini
    you were lost and I was looking at my hands.. your hands held a sigh.. or where are you and where am I
    يا ظالم شوقي ذبـحـنــــي يا ظالم همي قـتـلـنــــي ... يا قاسي حن لحروفي تعبت احكي وصوتي خذلني
    Ya thalem shougi theba7ni ya thalem hammi gatelni.. ya gassi 7en le7roufi te3bt e7ki w souti khathelni
    oh you're unfair to my longing you killed me oh unjust.. my burden has killed me.. oh cruel long for my letters (not written letters, but as in the alphabets) I'm tired of talking and my voice has let me down
    هذا كل الي عنــــــــــــــــــــدي لكن تــأكــد حبيبي ... طول ما قلبي ينبض ادعـــــــــــــــــــي انك نصيبي

    Hatha kel eli 3andi laken ta2aked 7abibi... toul ma galbi yenbedd ed3i enak naseebi
    this is all I have but be sure my love.. as long as my heart beats I'll pray that you'll be my destiny

    Not my best trans I know,, but did my best
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  12. jnvlv247's Avatar

    jnvlv247 said:


    YAY thanks soo much I love Yara and Khaleej
  13. jnvlv247's Avatar

    jnvlv247 said:


    Can you translate Ya Habibi Alamek and Maroom please
  14. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  15. jnvlv247's Avatar

    jnvlv247 said:


    Ummm did you just send me back to the first page of this post where the lyrics are but not translated?
  16. sohuda's Avatar

    sohuda said:


    ahh sorry I thought they were translated, I didn't notice that there's only the arabic fonts,., so hopefully someone can translate em for you
    The hours of pain have yielded good,
    Which prosperous days refused;
    As herbs, though scentless when entire,
    Spread fragrance when they’re bruised.
  17. meybuse said:


    would anybody plz translate Maroom in English?
  18. jnvlv247's Avatar

    jnvlv247 said:


    Yes Maroom and Ya Habibi Alamak
    Pretty Please
  19. ellyali said:


    Maroom no one?
  20. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    I think Gole Yas is your best bet for Khaliji She should be able to do Maroom
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥