Song from Czech to English

Thread: Song from Czech to English

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  1. Ice Queen's Avatar

    Ice Queen said:

    Default Song from Czech to English

    Hello!Please,help me understand the sense of this song)

    Group XIII Stoleti "Legenda o krysari"

    Do města Hammel se vrací
    Mistr Krysař všech kacířů král
    Ve flétně své nese sílu
    Co mu ďábel za duši daroval
    Poslyšte Krysařův příběh
    Legendu starou jak prvotní hřích
    A nikdo z nás nezná cestu svou
    A tak půjdem zase smrti blíž

    A Krysař dál bloudí krajem
    A jeho píseň je temný requiem
    A ďábel dál mu cestu hlídá
    Když vyjde měsíc zahalen závojem
    A všechno kolem dávno tu spí
    A noc je černá jako tér
    A všechno kolem dávno tu spí
    V milosti boží zní temný requiem
    Ty to víš Krysař se vrací
    Ty to víš nebude sám
    Ty to víš Krysař se vrací
    Ve světle pochodní a temných katedrál
    Zpověď a hřích

    A Krysař dál bloudí krajem
    A jeho píseň je temný requiem
    A ďábel dál mu cestu hlídá
    Když vyjde měsíc zahalen závojem
    A všechno kolem dávno tu spí
    A noc je černá jako tér
    A všechno kolem dávno tu spí
    V milosti boží zní temný requiem
    Ty to víš Krysař se vrací
    Ty to víš nebude sám
    Ty to víš Krysař se vrací
    Ve světle pochodní a temných katedrál
    [:Zpověď a hřích:]3x
  2. Caym's Avatar

    Caym said:


    13.century: The Legend About The Rat-Catcher

    He’s coming back to the Hammel town
    Master Rat-catcher, the king of all heretics
    His power is hidden in his flute
    that was given him by the devil for his soul
    Listen the Rat-catcher’s story
    The Legend as old as the primary sin
    And none of us knows his own way
    And because of that we’ll go closer to death again

    And the Rat-catcher is still wandering through the land
    And his song is the darkest requiem
    And the devil still guards his way
    When the moon goes up, covered in the well
    And the night is as black as jet
    And everything around there have fallen asleep long ago
    In the blessing tingles the dark requiem
    You know it: the Rat-catcher is coming back
    You know it: he won’t be alone
    You know it: the Rat-catcher is coming back
    In the light of torches and dark cathedrals
    Confession and sin

    And the Rat-catcher is still wandering through the land
    And his song is the darkest requiem
    And the devil still guards his way
    When the moon goes up, covered in the well
    And the night is as black as jet
    And everything around there have fallen asleep long ago
    In the blessing tingles the dark requiem
    You know it: the Rat-catcher is coming back
    You know it: he won’t be alone
    You know it: the Rat-catcher is coming back
    In the light of torches and dark cathedrals
    Confession and sin
    In the light of torches and dark cathedrals
    [:Confession and sin:]
  3. Ice Queen's Avatar

    Ice Queen said:


    Oh,thank you so hard)))now I understand it))
  4. Caym's Avatar

    Caym said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Ice Queen View Post
    Oh,thank you so hard)))now I understand it))
    no problem