Retha el 3abdallah - Youm w Sana [album] 2009 [*]

Thread: Retha el 3abdallah - Youm w Sana [album] 2009 [*]

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  1. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:

    Cool Retha el 3abdallah - Youm w Sana [album] 2009 [*]

    Can somone plz translate the album ? I know it is a little bit much But pleaaaaase The song Yom wa sana was already translated here in ATL.(->Yom wa sana
  2. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    I just have the youtube links of the songs,I didn't find lyrics.Or you can listen it at Thanks in advance:

    Fadwa le Galbak


    Min yom el sabt


    Nawy Temshy

    Dar el Salam

    La tsafer

    Anajy el layl

    Enni Atazakar



    Ya Yaba

  3. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    Fadwa L galbak

    حبيبي اليوم شو مهموم
    O my lover ,How careworn you are ,today
    وعينك ما يجيها النوم ..
    And your eyes aren't able to sleep
    ويل قلبك ياعمري
    O my lifetime , your heart's woe
    منو لمزعلك لو ادري
    Who pissed you off?If I only knew
    ودي اضمك في صدري
    I want to hug you, in my chest
    نام وانسى اللي جرى
    Sleep and forget what happened

    تعال اشكي لي يالله تعال
    Come complain and tell me , come on!
    كفاية تظل على هالحال ..
    It's enough to stay like that
    ويل قلبك ياعمري
    O my lifetime , your heart's woe
    منو لمزعلك لو ادري
    Who pissed you off?If I only knew
    ودي اضمك في صدري
    I want to hug you, in my chest
    نام وانسى اللي جرى
    Sleep and forget what happened
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  4. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    sallemoli - Send my greetings

    سلمولي علي احبهم حاضرين وغايبين
    Send my greetings to my beloved ,either they were present or absent
    والله مااقدر املهم لو سنه تمر وسنين
    I would never be bored of them , If a year passes away or many years
    بكل مكان اسأل عليهم .. خبروهم
    I ask about them everywhere .. Tell them
    روحي ظلت بين ايديهم .. خبروهم
    My soul stayed between their hands .. tell them
    لو سنة تمر وسنين .. سلمولي
    If a year passes away or many years .. send my greetings

    صورهم ظلت ابالي .. ابد ماتفارق خيالي
    Their face's picture is still in my mind .. it never leaves my imagination
    هو مو كل غالي غالي
    You know , The precious ones are not all really precious
    انتوا اغلى الغالين .. سلمولي
    You're the most precious .. send my greetings

    اقبالي لو ذكروهم انا ..
    In front of me if they mention them (talk about them )
    يطير قلبي من مكانه
    My heart flies out of its place
    وصلوا بوساتي امانه
    Deliver my kisses ,it's tutorship
    للي تركوني حزين .. سلمولي
    To who let me sad .. Send my greetings

    __________________________________________________ ___________
    The singer is using the plural form , but he is generally talking about his beloved girl , and the plural form here is used to show mystery & ambiguity !
    __________________________________________________ ___________
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  5. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    min yom aL sabti - From saturday

    من يوم السبت الى السبت
    From saturday to saturday
    مشغولٌ فيكي ايا انتي
    I'm busy with you , O you
    في الدنيا لم ارى مخلوقاً
    In the world , I've never seen a creature
    يغتال الأكثر من وقتي
    That assassinate the most of my time
    كم طلبوا البوح بأسراري
    How many times they asked me to reveal my secrets
    فألوذ لأجلك بالصمتِ
    So I run for you silently

    ضميني في اصغر جزءٍ
    Hug me in the smallest part
    من جسدٍ ارقهُ كبتي
    Of a part ,which my inhibition made wakeful
    والتصقي بي مثل ردائي
    and stick in me like my clothes
    كوني وجعي كوني دائي
    Be my pain , be my illness
    وارميني في قبلةِ نارٍ
    And throw me in a fire's kiss
    حتى لو كان بها موتي
    Even if there was my death

    ضميني يااحلى شمسً
    Hug me , O sweetest sun
    اتمنى تشرق في بيتي
    Which I wish that it shines in my house
    ذوبي بحرارةِ انفاسي
    Melt in my breathes' heat
    وامتلكي قلبي وحواسي
    And take possession of my heart and my sences
    لا اندم ان مت صريعاً
    I wouldn't regret If I died epileptic
    مادام القاتل هو أنتي
    As long as You are the killer

    ( It's the first time I hear it , and I really like this song .. His voice seems like Kazem's voice too ! )
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  6. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    Daloo3a - Pampered

    دلوعة دلوعة .. هاي الحلوة دلوعة
    Pampered pampered .. This sweet is pampered
    الله يعين اللي يحبها .. تشعل نار بضلوعه
    May god help the one who loves her .. she will burn fire in his ribs

    شوفوها ياناس ابنيه لو بلوة
    Look at her people , a girl even if she's a misfortune
    مشيتها غوال وجانا يتلوى
    She walks like a gazelle coming to us loping
    قلبي من وراها بيه الف لوعة
    My heart has a thousand of heartbreak

    مدام الحلوة عدنه السهرة صباحي
    As long as the sweet is with us , the evening is in the morning
    لاتغفى ابد ياقلبي ظل صاحي
    Don't ever have a nap , O my heart , stay awake
    ميلادك الليلة نور شموعه
    Your birthday this night has illuminated its candles

    طفي النور هي منورة الحفلة
    Switch off the light , she is illuminating the party
    شقد حلوين هي الاجمل والاحلى
    Between the nice people , she's the most beautiful and the sweetest girl
    وهي للجمال اصبحت موسوعة
    And for the beauty she became an encyclopedia

    معذورة ياناس بهاي معذورة
    She's excused in this thing , O people , she is
    من حقها علينا تصير مغرورة
    She's right to be cocky
    بيها كل حلاة الدنيا مجموعة
    All the sweet things in the world are collected in her
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  7. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    Nawy Temshi - You intend to walk away

    ناوي تمشي وتنسى كل شي
    Do you intend to walk away and forget every thing?
    العشرة والحب القديم
    The companionship & the old love
    لكن اسمع راح ترجع ثاني
    But Listen , you'll come back again
    والله العظيم ..
    I swear the almighty god
    تروح عني وايش يعني
    You leave me ? so what ?
    عندي رب اسمه الكريم
    I have a god called the gracious

    لاتهددني بغيابك
    Don't threaten me by your absence
    تبتعد موشي غريب
    Going away far isn't something strange for me
    عمري ماحسيت اصلاً
    I've never ever felt
    انت حاسبني حبيب
    that you consider me as a lover
    وانا اعرف هذا بختي
    And I know ,that's my destiny
    مالي بالطيب نصيب ..
    I don't have a portion of good

    تروح عني وايش يعني
    You leave me ? so what ?
    عندي رب اسمه الكريم
    I have a god called the gracious

    ياخسارة وياك تعبي
    O what a pity ! you my tiredness
    وصبري كل هذي السنين
    And my patience all these years
    هذا قلبك اتبرى منك
    Your heart disowned you
    مره لو هزه الحنين
    Once when the yearning vibrated it
    افرح وارقص واغني
    I cheer up & I dance & I sing
    مااظل بعدك حزين ..
    I'm not still sad after you

    تروح عني وايش يعني
    You leave me ? so what ?
    عندي رب اسمه الكريم
    I have a god called the gracious
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  8. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    Dar as-salam - The house of peace

    يا ايها الناس الكرام
    O dear people
    ماذنبها دار السلام ..
    What is the house of peace's guilt?
    ثكلى على وجع تنام
    It is bereft sleeping on a pain
    وغدا السواد لها رداء ..
    And the next day , the blackness will be its dress

    ياايها الوطن الجريح
    O wounded country
    احص بيومك كم ذبيح
    Count how many slaughtered do you have per day?
    فمتى بربك تستريح
    Come on! when will you have some rest?
    من هول همك والعناء ..
    From your troubles and pain's woe
    ماذنبها دار السلام
    What is the house of peace's guilt?

    ابي وامي واخوتي
    My father and mother and my brothers
    وسنتي وشيعتي
    And my sunni islam & my shia islam
    يتساقطون ياويلتي
    O my woe!They are falling down (dieing)
    وكأن في بلدي وباء ..
    It's like there's an epidemic in my country
    ماذنبها دار السلام
    What is the house of peace's guilt?

    بلدي اعذريني اذا بكيت
    My country , excuse me If I cried
    صار العزاء في كل بيت
    Condolences are in every home
    ياموطني مذا جنيت
    O my country , what did you gain ?
    حتى تكون انت الفداء ..
    Of being the ransom
    ماذنبها دار السلام
    What is the house of peace's guilt?

    اكرادنا بر الامان
    Our kurds are the safety
    عراقنا بر الامان
    Our irak is the safety
    وصابئين وتركمان
    And the sabe2in ( Are people who believed in Abraham's religion before) and Turkmen
    ياقوم عيسى الوقت حان
    O Jesus's people , it's time now
    وطن ونحن له الفداء ..
    A country , and we're its ransom
    ماذنبها دار السلام
    What is the house of peace's guilt?
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  9. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    La tessafer -Don't travel

    لاتسافر لاتسافر
    Don't travel , don't travel
    للي يحبك خلي خاطر
    For the one who loves you , do a favour

    انا لي من غيرك انته
    Who else do I have except you!
    حتى تتركني وتروح
    So as to leave me and go away
    كم جرح منك حملته
    How much have I been hurted by you
    ومستعد احمل جروح
    And I'm ready to endure more hurts
    المن مخليني وحدي
    For who are you letting me lonely?
    لا فرح لا امل عندي
    Unhappy and hopeless
    لا تخلي القلب حاير .. لاتسافر
    Don't let the heart confused .. Don't travel

    لاتسافر لاتسافر
    Don't travel , don't travel
    للي يحبك خلي خاطر
    For the one who loves you , do a favour

    وين اروح انا بغيابك
    Where will I go in your absence?
    يمكن انجن واتوه
    I may go crazy and be lost
    الناس كلها غراب عني
    All people are strangers for me
    وتختلف كل الوجوه
    And faces differ
    عني لاتبتعد حرام
    That's unfair , don't go far away from me
    حبي إلك مو اي كلام
    My love to you isn't any speech
    يعني ماتهزك مشاعر .. لاتسافر
    Doesn't any emotion vibrate you ? Don't travel
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  10. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    Anaji A-layl-I whisper to the night

    اناجي الليل واساهر نجومه
    I whisper to the night , and I stay up with its stars
    واسرح بفكري واسعى لمطلوبه ..
    I wander with my thoughts , Ann I seek the required
    ياليل خانت بي .. ياليل خانت بي
    O night , deceived me ..O night , deceived me
    ياليل خانت بي .. ظروفي و ظروفها
    O night , deceived me , my conditions and her conditions

    مليت انا مليت وين ومتى اشوفه
    I got bored , bored .. Where and when will I see her?
    قلبي شقاني كثير والروح ملهوفه ..
    My heart is tiring me so much , and the soul is lovesick
    ياليل خانت بي .. ياليل خانت بي
    O night , deceived me ..O night , deceived me
    ياليل خانت بي .. ظروفي و ظروفها
    O night , deceived me , my conditions and her conditions

    قلبي انا من يوم خله نوى يعوفه
    Since my heart has given its intentions up
    صار الكدر والهم اصحابه وضيوفه ..
    The chagrin & the solicitude became its friends and its guests
    ياليل خانت بي .. ياليل خانت بي
    O night , deceived me ..O night , deceived me
    ياليل خانت بي .. ظروفي و ظروفها
    O night , deceived me , my conditions and her conditions
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  11. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    Enni atazakar-I'm remembering

    إني اتذكر لا اكثر
    I'm remembering , no more
    اياما كانت كـ السكر
    Days that were like sugar
    من عمري عليها اتحسر
    From my lifetime , I lament her

    اني اتذكر عيناها
    I'm remembering her eyes
    والوجه الساطع كـ الشمسي
    And the shining face like the sun
    انا منذ فارقتها مسكينا
    Since th day we are separated , I became a poor fellow
    لا اعرف يومي من امسي
    I don't recognize my day from my yesterday
    إني اتذكر
    I'm remembering

    آه ياوجعي ياألمي
    O my pain , O my ache
    تجرين في كل فروع دمي
    You're running in all branches of my blood
    سافرت بعيدا كي انسى
    I traveled far away to forget
    ورجعت إلى ذات المرسى
    And I came back to the same moorage
    إني اتذكر لا اكثر
    I'm remembering , no more
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  12. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    3azra2-A virgin girl

    عذراء ضاءت كالهلال بناظري
    A virging girl , Illuminated like a crescent in my sight
    حسناء والأهداب سحرها أسري
    A beautiful , and cilia are her charm which captivated me
    لاتسألي تاريخ ميلادي متى
    Don't ask when is my birthday
    عيناكي ميلادي وأمسي وحاضري
    Your eyes are my birth ,my yesterday and my present

    اهواك لازيف ولست بمدّع
    I love you , There's no fake , and I'm not pretending
    بل كان حبك من يجول بخاطري
    But your love was always in my mind
    ياغيمة حملت مياه عواطفي
    O cloud who carried my emotions' water
    زرعتِ قلبي بالورود لتمطري
    You seed roses in my heart so that you rain

    عيناك ياوحشية العينين
    Your eyes , O you the one with brutal eyes
    لوتدرين كم اهوى ولست بمفترِ
    If you only knew how much I love , and I'm not a liar
    لأنك اقرب من حواسي كلها
    Because you're close to all my sences
    زيدي مباهاة بذاك وفاخري
    Boast more of that and be proud
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  13. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    weenak-where are you?

    قلبي عليك حبيبي ذايب
    My heart is melting on you , O my beloved
    وينك بس بالاسم صرنا حبايب
    Where are you?Only with names we became lovers
    وينك ياعمري بس فهمني ذنبي
    Where are you, O my lifetime?Just tell me what is my guilt
    وينك الناس كلها الليلة جنبي
    Where are you?All people are here beside me
    وينك انت الوحيد اللي عني غايب
    Where are you?You're the only one absent

    والله محتاجك وماعندي غيرك
    I swear I need you , and I don't have anybody else but you
    والله يكثر حبيبي الغالي خيرك
    O my precious lover , may god give you more good things
    والله مااقول بس انت وضميرك
    I swear I won't say anything ,but I let you & your conscience
    وينك انت الوحيد اللي عني غايب
    Where are you?You're the only one absent

    والله قلبي وقع من جابوا اسمك
    I swear my heart fell down when they mentionned your name
    والله مشغول بيك وبالي يمك
    I swear ,My mind is busy thinking of you
    والله مشتاق حيل لصدر اضمك
    I swear I'm missing a chest that hugs you
    وينك انت الوحيد اللي عني غايب
    Where are you you're the only one absent
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  14. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    ya yaba- O my dad

    ييابا ييابا ييبا
    O my dad O my dad O my dad
    صحيح اللي لقى احبابه
    It's right that who finds his lovers
    قفل بابه ونسى اصحابه
    closes his door and forgets his friends
    اشوفك عني ماتسأل
    I see that you don't ask about me
    مو هذا العشم يابا
    This is not the hope O my dad

    كلمن خله بحضانه
    All who let in his laps
    ناسي همومه واحزانه
    Forgetting his worries & grief
    وانا لحالي وحداني
    And I am lonely
    وجنون العقل صابه
    & the mind craziness affects him

    المن وردتي الحمره
    For who is my red rose?
    وينك خلصت السهرة
    Where are you? the party is ending
    حسبت اهديها إلك انته
    I thought I'd offer it to you
    وجرى الما حاسب احسابه
    But happened what I wasn't thinking about
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  15. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    Ashkorak-I thank you

    اشكرك جدااغاتي
    I thank you very much ,my dear
    غيرت كولشي بحياتي
    You changed everything in my life
    الراح رايح من عمرنا
    What is gone is going away from our lifetime
    خلي نهتم بأمرنا
    Let's take care of ourselves
    حتى نستقبل الاتي
    So that we can receive the next

    نام واغفى على صدري
    Sleep and have a nap on my chest
    وداعتك بس الله يدري
    I gave you everything , but only god knows
    ماشفت مثلك بعمري
    I've never seen somebody like you in my life
    راجعت كل ذكرياتي
    I checked all my memories

    ضمني دفيني بضلوعك
    Hug me and warm me with your ribs
    واغسل دموعي بدمعك
    And wash my tears with your tear
    بيدي اضويلك شموعك
    With my hand I illuminate your candles
    واحتفل وابدأ حياتي
    And I celebrate and start my life

    لسعدك اخر سعادة
    I'll bring you the last happiness ever
    وامنحك قلبي وداده
    And I'll give you my heart and its love
    صدري لخدودك وسادة
    My chest is a pillow for your cheeks
    وبوسة شفافك فراتي
    And your lips' kiss is my project
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  16. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    OMG YOU TRANSLATED IT SO FAST THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH and btw,i also notices that his voice sometimes sounds like kathems voice i really love both singers
    Last edited by Zahra91h; 07-19-2009 at 02:14 PM.
  17. Zahra91h's Avatar

    Zahra91h said:


    Quote Originally Posted by ELEEF View Post
    Fadwa L galbak

    حبيبي اليوم شو مهموم
    O my lover ,How careworn you are ,today
    وعينك ما يجيها النوم ..
    And your eyes aren't able to sleep
    ويل قلبك ياعمري
    O my lifetime , your heart's woe
    منو لمزعلك لو ادري
    Who pissed you off?If I only knew
    ودي اضمك في صدري
    I want to hug you, in my chest
    نام وانسى اللي جرى
    Sleep and forget what happened

    تعال اشكي لي يالله تعال
    Come complain and tell me , come on!
    كفاية تظل على هالحال ..
    It's enough to stay like that
    ويل قلبك ياعمري
    O my lifetime , your heart's woe
    منو لمزعلك لو ادري
    Who pissed you off?If I only knew
    ودي اضمك في صدري
    I want to hug you, in my chest
    نام وانسى اللي جرى
    Sleep and forget what happened
    just one question is it here ويل قلبك ياعمري
    because i understood fedwa el galbak like the title says
  18. ELEEF's Avatar

    ELEEF said:


    Haha Zahra we're living in 2009 ,aren't we? I must be fast then You're welcome anyway dear

    Actually when I was translating it , I wondered too if It was Fedwa or weel ?! But what I found in the lyrics is Weel , and he seemed to say weel too in the song ! Unless he doesn't pronounce the "Fed" and says "we el" .. I don't really know :s
    .. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
    ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
    فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
  19. Yat said:


    what does ودي mean in the reda al abdallah song
  20. Fouad said:


    Please translate the following for me. I'll be thankful to you.
    Reda Al Abdallah - Youm W Sanah . Couldn;t find in the above list
