(*) Reyli - que nos paso

Thread: (*) Reyli - que nos paso

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  1. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:

    Default (*) Reyli - que nos paso

    ***Reyli - que nos paso***
    what happened to us?

    La vida pasa
    el tiempo vuela
    la distancia no se acorta
    al contrario, me envenena
    y me parte el corazón
    (me parte el corazón)

    Life happens
    time flies
    the distance is not shortened
    On the contrary, it poisoned me
    and it breaks me the heart
    (it breaks me the heart)

    Las madrugadas son refugio
    de mi locura
    y los recuerdos me amenazan
    y me clavan por la espalda
    tantas dudas
    (tantas dudas)

    The dawns are refuge
    of my madness
    and the memories threaten me
    and nailed me in the back
    so many doubts
    (many doubts)

    Que nos paso
    porque nos perdimos
    donde quedo
    aquello que nos prometimos
    quien se metió entre nosotros
    quien te lleno de primaveras
    esos ojos
    que no me saben mentir
    que no me pueden mentir

    What happened to us?
    why we lost ourself
    where was that
    what we promised
    who got between us?
    who filled you of springs
    those eyes
    that do not know how to lie to me
    that do not can lie to me

    Dime quien
    después me quedare callado
    seré parte de tu pasado
    tan solo eso seré.

    Tell me who
    then I will stay silent
    I will be part of your past
    I will be just that

    Dime quien
    arranca esta maldita luna
    y sálvame de la locura
    después me alejare
    ooh me alejare.

    Tell me who
    tear away this damn moon
    and save me from madness
    then I move away
    ooh I move(go) away

    Que nos paso
    porque nos perdimos
    donde quedo
    aquello que nos prometimos
    quien se metió
    entre nosotros
    quien te lleno de primaveras
    esos ojos
    que no me saben mentir
    que no me pueden mentir

    What happened to us?
    why we lost ourself
    where was that
    what we promised
    who got between us?
    who filled you of springs
    those eyes
    that do not know how to lie to me
    that do not can lie to me

    Dime quien
    después me quedare callado
    seré parte de tu pasado
    tan solo eso seré

    Tell me who
    then I will stay silent
    I will be part of your past
    I will be just that

    dime quien
    arranca esta maldita luna
    y sálvame de la locura
    después me alejare

    Tell me who
    tear away this damn moon
    and save me from madness
    then I move away
    ooh I move(go) away
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!
  2. Zahra2008's Avatar

    Zahra2008 said:


    I did this translation for jfamilar ... hope it helps you..
    the first love is gone ... am waiting for the last one!!